Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


"Oli?" I called out as I stepped down from the bottom stair.

The silence kind of startled me, and I glanced around the rooms as I went through them. It kind of scared me that he was just, not here when I woke up. Though he could be out dealing with band issues and things like that.

I sighed as I entered the kitchen in search of something to snack on. Instead of a flat stomach, a small bump had taken over. I didn't feel any differently but I knew I definitely looked a lot different. Lee's girlfriend had been coming over a lot lately, showing a lot of interest in my pregnancy.

As of late though I hadn't heard much from Camilla, and that is what I found odd about all of this. The kitchen stool was cool as I sat down with my bowl of yogurt. Of course my luck would come into play as the doorbell rang just moments after me taking a seat.

With an annoyed grunt, I walked off into the front room to open the door. My two older sisters peered down at me and I narrowed my eyes at them. It's at least been five years since I've seen them last, and they never even showed up at my wedding. No phone calls, letters, e-mails, nothing.

"So mom and dad weren't lying then," Leah spoke up first.

"Lying about what?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You being out of the house, married apparently, and knocked up," Blair cast a glance at me as she said this.

"Well, if you don't fucking mind I'd like to go back and relax like I was before you decided to come to my house," I said, glaring at the two of them.

Leah shook her head before saying, "Nonsense, we came to visit."

"Yeah I bet you did, I haven't seen you in five years, what do you want now?" I asked.

"We told you, we're visiting," Blair said.

I glared and stood aside, allowing them both inside. After shutting the door I walked into the kitchen back to my yogurt, and plopped down on the stool. Footsteps came in my direction, and I watched my sisters walk through the archway.

"Nice place," Leah commented.

I nodded as I took another bite of yogurt. Blair took a seat on the stool to the left of me, and Leah continued to stand.

"So how's it going?" Blair asked.

"Fine I guess," was my answer.

"Just fine?" Leah asked.

"What's with the twenty-one questions?" I said, putting down my bowl.

"We haven't seen you in ages, give us some slack," Leah said.

"So? You've had five years to come back and see me, why haven't you until now?" I asked.

"Why not?" Leah asked.

"God fucking damn it, seriously you both obviously want something. So what the fuck is it?" I said, jumping up.

The bowl fell to the floor, smashing into various pieces. Blair and Leah stared at me with bewildered looks. As if they'd never seen me get pissed off. They always seem to find a way to make me want to kill someone, especially them.

They'd always been the two older sisters who were nothing but raging cunts to everyone and anyone, especially family.

I heard the door open, and then close. Footsteps followed the noise and then so did a voice.

"Amelia?" Oliver called out.

I looked to the doorway just as he came through. He gave me a questioning look after seeing my sisters and walked over to me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Leah and Blair staring at Oliver. I leaned into him some more, feeling safer with him here.

"Oliver these are my sisters, Blair, Leah this is uh..." I began.

"Oliver Sykes, yeah we know," Blair said, smiling at him.

My stomach churned uneasily, and I felt Oliver pull me closer to him.
♠ ♠ ♠

Well that took some time to get up.
ANYWAYS, Wednesday was a pretty fun day, chilled with Faber Drive for like six hours
and was at the video shoot for about twelve hours.

Anyways comment etc, thanks for reading guys!