Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


My green eyes stared back at me as if they were taunting me with every memory that they've seen. The bathroom door was locked, and for now I was free from the two woman who'd made my life hell up until they both left.

My sisters seemed as if they'd grown up a little, only just. Leah had probably changed the most, her once light blond hair was now a dark brown and it was wavy in some parts. Even her tan had left her behind in the dust.

My thoughts though, were concentrated around Blair. I couldn't find anything about her that had changed, and I never really expected her to. Being the oldest of the three of us she'd somehow acclaimed that 'bitch of a figure' in the triangle. That is how it would stay, her scrutinizing glances were enough to make me run away however Oliver had kept me in place.

A knock at the door shook me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, you okay?" I head Oliver's voice.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to take a shower," I said.

"Alright, be careful, don't slip er' anythin," was his reply.

"I won't. Love you," I said.

"I love you too," he said.

As the water fell onto my skin, my thoughts fell through every inch of my conscious. Taking over like a plague. A large huff came from my chest, and I stared at the drain. I couldn't help but remember the look on Leah's face when Oliver had walked in, it was if she knew him from somewhere else, not just from Bring Me The Horizon.

They obviously both knew who he was, probably because of our mom and dad or the media. I kind of wanted to figure this out, but if weird shit came out of it I hardly think I could deal with it at this current moment.

I finished my shower and got changed, heading down the stairs after. I followed the three voices into the living room. Oliver sat on the love seat and my sisters took up the couch. They'd all seem to be having a good laugh at something that was said on Family Guy.

I silently made my way over to Oliver's side on the love seat. He looked over at me and put an arm around my shoulders pulling me into his lap as he leaned against the back and side of the love seat.

Leah looked in our direction and smiled before turning back to the television. Without noticing one of my eyebrows lifted and I looked over to Oliver, stifling a yawn. He looked over and chuckled when he saw me actually yawn. In a swift moment he pulled me down, and I cuddled into him.

I rested my head on his arm, and felt his lips on my forehead.

"Take a nap babe," he said.

That was all I needed before shuffling once more and falling asleep.
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HiMicheleHere <----you made me piss myself w/laughter when I read your comment

Leah Jenkins, Blair Jenkins