Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


"Oliver can I talk to you for a minute?" Leah asked.

Oliver looked over at her from his spot behind the island in the kitchen. The woman stood at the archway awaiting his answer. He put down the pen in his hand and nodded.

"Yeah what's up?" He asked walking over near her.

She took a picture out of her back pocket, and seemed to fidget before talking.

"How long have you and Amelia been together? Like actually together, cause my mom and dad talked about how you guys had a rough start and stuff," she said.

"It's coming up to be a year and a bit now," was his answer.

Leah bit her lip, and fidgeted some more. With a deep breath she sort of paced by him. It was only seconds before she'd turned to him and handed him the photograph. A picture of him, and a long brunette haired woman. His heart stopped and his eyes shot up to meet Leah's.

"I was given this by some boy when I had to meet up with my parents are your parents home, they told me that I'd have to decide whether or not to act having this as some kind of proof," she explained looking down.

Oliver walked over to one of the stools and sat down, staring down at the picture that brought back that nights events. He'd run into Camilla after dealing with the band, and oddly enough they'd gone out for drinks. The two had talked for hours it had seemed, and it was a bad judgment call on his part considering she'd locked lips with him.

At the time he'd forgotten about Amelia awaiting his return to home, and only when their house came up on his call display did he snap out of it and realize what was happening.

He'd managed to get under the radar that one time, but it seemed that things just carried out more. Camilla and him had met quite a few times over the passed while. Spending loads of time working on their sexual needs.

It was a month and a half ago that he'd decided that she wasn't worth losing Amelia over, and he swept the issue under the rug. Things never work out the way you want them to.

"She can't know," he said.

Leah's facial expression turned to one of confusion.

"But you-" She began.

"That, was a mistake and I won't lose her over this," he said shaking his head.

"You can't just fucking lie to her!" Leah exclaimed.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her, and I won't let it she doesn't need to deal with my mistakes right now," he replied, looking Leah straight in the eye.

Leah looked down at her bare feet, "You better not hurt her, cause I swear to you it'll be the biggest mistake of your life. I may not have been there for her ever, but I've realized now what family means to me."

Oliver nodded, and crumpled the picture up. He walked around the island and threw the piece of paper aimlessly in the direction of the garbage can.

"I'm gonna go check on Amelia," he said.

Leah nodded, and followed him out of the room. Only instead of going up the stairs, she went into the living room. After throwing herself haphazardly onto the couch she closed her eyes, trying to rid herself of the aching headache that had formed over the passed few minutes.

Oliver sat on the edge of the bed beside Amelia, staring at the small stud on the left side of her lip. He reached out and ran a hand over her stomach, it had definitely gotten bigger and it made reality come and slap him in the face it seemed.

He leaned over and kissed her forehead before getting off of the bed. Again he stopped at the doorway before walking out and shutting the door. He allowed a sigh to leave his chest as he grabbed a jacket and shoved his feet into his shoes. His keys jingled as he walked out to the car.

He was in need of a car ride, and that is what he would do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not gonna lie I like this cover - [url=]Just Dance - Disco Curtis[/ur]

Curb ball.

I am absolutely freezing, and incredibly bored.
Thanks for reading and commenting!