Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


My eyes were glued to the crumpled picture of Oliver, and Camilla. Their lips were locked in a make out fashion and their hands in various places. My heart, god I couldn't even begin how to explain what was happening.

My throat closed up, cutting off any air that I tried to breath in. My only option right now was to run. No one was in the house as far as I knew, Oliver's car definitely wasn't in the driveway and the car that my sisters came in wasn't here.

I carried my heavy body as fast as I could go to our bedroom. I found my duffel bags and began stuffing everything that I owned into them. Tears flowed down my cheeks, but I didn't whimper pathetically. That son of a bitch never changed, and Camilla is obviously the whore that everyone said she was back in high school.

I dragged the heavy bags out to my car, slamming the door shut and running back into the house where I grabbed the rest of my bags. I made sure I had my wallet, and my keys before walking out the door; locking it behind me.

There was also something else that I was locking behind me. Oliver, and my life with him was definitely never going to be what I want it to be so this is goodbye.

The scenery passed by, and I kept my eyes on the road. I couldn't feel anything, it was as if all feeling of life had been ripped from me. I could only hope that what Oliver had did with Camilla was worth losing me, and our baby on the way.

He'd never know though, I'd never go back again. Of course having said that I probably will one day. It's funny because how am I supposed to go about my life if I'm still legally connected to him. I growled to myself, if he finds me so help me god.

My phone began to go off, and I sighed as I reached for it. 'Mom' flashed on the screen and I pressed the green 'talk' button.

"Hello?" I said.

"Honey where are you?" She said sounding worried.

"That doesn't really matter right now, uh, look mom I'm leaving for awhile. I'm not sure where I'm headed but, when I find where I'm going to I'll let you know okay?" I asked.

I heard her inhale a shaky breath before saying, "Sweetie, what happened?"

"I, I found this picture on the kitchen floor. I-uh Oliver was kissing another girl, and I know it's definitely recent or something," I said

"Oh honey I'm so sorry," she said.

"I have to go though, I love you mom," I said.

"Be careful, and stay safe; I love you too," she said.

After hanging up I let out the built up sigh of sadness. Leaving behind my parents would be the hardest part, and forgetting about Oliver would be right after that. I began to start feeling the full onslaught of fatigue and I looked at the time.

It had been at least two hours since I fled what I used to call home, and I began looking for a place to stay the night. A hotel loomed ahead and I pulled into it's parking lot. I lazily got out after parking it right up front and I entered the large building.

"Good evening," the front desk guy said.

"I just need a room for the night," I said.

"Is that all?" He asked as he handed me a little bit of paperwork to fill out, and a room key.

"Yeah, it should be," I said, giving him a slanted smile.

I took the key and got into the elevator, going up to the third floor to room E-24. The room wasn't very big, but it didn't matter because the only thing I planned on doing was crashing onto it for a good nights sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried is coming to an end, I imagine I'll have it done in a couple more parts. However, for those of you who are all 'wtf' about this I do have plans for a sequel,
and I will have a story page for that in a couple days hopefully.

Anyways thanks for reading of course, and commenting =]