Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


"What do you mean she's gone," was the first thing I heard when I walked in the door.

I followed the voice into the living room where Leah and Blair stood. Blair had a look of confusion as she looked over to me, and Leah looked scared and pissed off.

"Mom, seriously where is she going?" Leah asked.

"Ugh! Well, did she at least say why?" She said with an annoyed huff.

Her face suddenly dropped, her eyes wide, "What picture?"

"Oh my god, oh god, I have to go," she said before hanging up.

She seemed to burst into tears as she threw herself onto the couch. Blair looked at her with an odd expression on her face.

"She, mom said she found the picture," she told us, her arm over her eyes.

"What?" My heart dropped.

She sat up and looked me in the eye, "Amelia, she, she fucking saw the picture!"

I backed into a wall and closed my eyes. This couldn't be happening. My eyes shot open again as I ran down the hallway and threw myself up the stairs. I rushed to our bedroom door and shoved it open, going over to her dresser.

Empty, it was all empty. I punched a wall and leaned over the computer desk in the room, putting my face in my hands. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I walked dejectedly out of the room, and back down the stairs. My legs took me into the kitchen where I saw the picture that had been crumpled up, flattened out on the kitchen counter.

She'd seen it, that's all there was to know. I don't know what the hell to do. What can anyone do when they are left behind without any trace of where someone is going. She had to of found it not too long ago. The darkness beginning to take over the daylight was like a symbol for how I felt right now.

The happiness is being stolen by the sadness. I can't even imagine how heartbroken she is. One of her sisters came in and put a hand on my shoulder, and the other sat on one of those stools.

"It's all my fault, if I hadn't confronted you.." Leah began.

Blair interjected before I could say anything, "You knew about this?"

She pointed angrily at the photograph of the counter. Leah nodded meekly, looking away from her angered older sister. Blair pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

"Didn't you learn anything from mom?" She snapped before storming out of the kitchen.

Leah looked down into her lap, looking like someone had just slapped her in the face. I let a sigh leave my body, and I sat up on the kitchen counter. If only I could rewind time, if only.

"I don't blame you Leah, it's my own fault," I said leaving the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
And there you have it, couple more parts I think.

I'm still getting together the characters I'm going to have in the sequel, and then I have to make a layout for it.