Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried



Tom followed me when we got off of the plane. We passed through the doors and continued on to one of the many taxi's sitting around waiting for someone to get in and go somewhere. After all what would they do without the hundreds of people at the airport?

I climbed into the front seat and told him the address to mine and Tom's home. I stared out the window as we passed by things quickly.

"So what do you think of mom and her antics this time?" Tom asked from the back seat.

I hadn't actually thought about it really. Mom decided that she was sick of my troublesome ways and that if I were to get settled down it would counter the trouble making.

"All I can say is, that this girl better be some kind of stunner. Cause if she isn't I'm going to freak out. Mom thinks she can do this but I do NOT think so," was my reply.

I heard him chuckle.

"I've seen a picture of her once, but that was awhile ago," he said.

I turned in my seat to look at him in the face.

"And?" I asked.

"She was a cute ten year old," he said, eyes glinting.

I glared at him and turned around just as we pulled into the driveway of the house. Relief hit me as I stared at the only place I'd ever be able to consider home. I chucked enough money at the guy before grabbing my bags and yanking them up to the door.

I nearly broke my key when I jammed it into the lock. Once swinging the door open I banged my way through. I kicked off my shoes before beginning up the stairs. I got to my door, and pushed it open before walking in.

I dropped my bags, and started taking off my jacket when I noticed the body in my bed. A thin body, and long legged girl was sprawled on top of the covers. Her straight black hair met in a triangle in the middle of her back.

The second thing I noticed was the large 'Bring Me The Horizon' shirt that she was wearing, and then how her shorts came up a bit against her backside. A slight groan grumbled up my throat.

"Hey, there," was the only thing I could really think of saying.

I watched as her body moved, and she let out a protesting moan as she yawned.
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