Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


I felt kind of lost wandering around looking for the food court. Leave it up to me to get myself lost in a goddamn mall. They really could use a downsize, this is just ridiculous. A disgruntled sigh left my lips, and I accidentally bumped into someone.

I grimaced, and looked up at the face smiling down at me.

"Uhhhh, sorry" I said, offering a small smile.

"No problem. You kind of look lost?" He said.

I chuckled shyly, and nodded in response.

"What are you trying to find?" He asked.

"Well, the food court actually," was my reply.

He smiled, and turned my shoulders in the other direction.

"I'm going there too, I'll show you the way. I'm Conner," he said introducing himself.

"Thanks a bunch, I'm Amelia," I said.

We made small talk as we walked along. Smiling and laughing here and there. When the food court was in front of us we stuck by each other, ordering from the same place and choosing a spot to sit together.

It was nice, for once just sitting and hanging out with a boy who wasn't all over some other girl when, well you were supposed to be their fiance. Though, I guess if this is how he acts now and what not my parents won't be too happy and will more than likely get me out of the horrible situation that they volunteered me for.

"So you obviously aren't from around this area, what made you come down here?" Conner asked.

I bit my lip, and kind of grumbled.

"My parents decided that 'Oh lets volunteer our daughter to our friends son, cause he's trouble and we're doing our friends a favor with trying to keep him out of trouble', so I'm stuck in some stupid arranged marriage. Not for long I don't think, not after I tell them how much of a huge douche he really is," I explained.

Conner raised an eyebrow, and a weird look splashed onto his face.

"You don't look very old," he said shaking his head.

"Just turned eighteen five days ago actually," I said sighing.

"Oh, I'm only a year older, neat. So who is this 'douche' that you are engaged to?" He asked, taking a sip out of the smoothie he'd bought.

"I don't think that you'd believe me," I said, taking a bite out of one of the tacos I got.

"Try me," he said with a smile.

"Ehhh, Oliver Sykes?" I offered.

He snorted smoothie out of his nose, and he coughed out a laugh.

"You are the girl that's been 'put in charge' of that goon? Good, god!" He laughed.

I looked at him questioningly.

"I'm friends with his brother Tom, he mentioned that Oliver was being forced into some settlement cause he's such a bastard," he said.

"I haven't even met Tom yet, I'm pretty sure he's been home but I never came across him once when I was uh, home?" I said.

"He does that, physically you gotta hunt him down cause he spends all his time in his room pissing around on his computer and tinkering with his camera," he said winking.

I smiled at this.

"Hmmm, did you want to catch a movie or something?" He asked, looking me right in the eyes.

I thought for only a second, and nodded. We both stood up and threw our garbage out. As we walked away he threw his arm over my shoulders.

"Don't want you getting lost again eh?" He said smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
And it begins!
Please leave comments, and I hope you enjoyed this one.