You'll be the Prince

You'll be the prince

I don't know why he's friends with me. Kris Letang, Pittsburgh Penguin, is friends with me, Laniey LeBlanc, an nobody.

I met Kris in the first grade when I moved with my family to Montreal. He was my next door neighbor and we clicked instantly. I figured he was using me to get to my older sister, Charlotte, seeing as they were both three years older than me. But he didn't. He stuck with me because he truly wanted to be my best friend.

When he left to play in Val d'Or, I pretty much went with him. Sure I was still here alone in Montreal, the chubby dull-haired loner, but Kris would call me every night and he was home more times than he was away.

Then he left me for good. He got drafted to Pittsburgh. It killed me to see him go, but it was his dream - and I wasn't going to be the one to stand in his way.

"You love him, don't you?" Charlotte asked, sitting next to me on the porch.

"Love who?" I asked.



"Admit it. I see the way you look at him. You don't want to tell him because you're afraid he doesn't love you back."

"And we're never going to have to find that out, now, are we? Kris Letang will never know my true feelings for him." I said, standing up and walking back into the house.

"Oh, build a bridge and get over yourself. Come on, Laniey. You can't keep this bottled up. How do you expect to get on with your life if you don't either tell him or let it go? She asked following me into the house.

"It's quite simple actually. It's obvious that Kris and I will never speak again. So, I'm putting this little crush on him out of my mind, and in the trash. He didn't even say goodbye when he went to the draft - or even call me when he got drafted. He's obviously over me."

"You're his best friend."

"But I'm not good enough to be called and let in on the news? Get out of my room, Charlotte."

That was the last conversation I ever had with my sister. I left that night and only said goodbye to my mother. She thought I was being irrational and stupid - but understood where I was coming from. As long as I promised to call her and let her know that I was ok, she would not tell anyone where I went.

Which brings us to where we are now. Three years later. I had intently followed Kris's career since I left - I knew it would be impossible to get him out of my life. I had even gone to a few games when Pittsburgh played Toronto. I had changed my look so he wouldn't recognize me. My hair was no longer the dull brown it used to be - it was a shiny milk chocolate color. I had lost weight and wore more make up than I ever did when I was around Kris.

I also have a boyfriend. His name is Alex. I'm in love with him - I really am. When we first started dating, he was nothing but good to me. Always bringing me flowers and complimenting me. And the sex was great. Seriously, I had only slept with a few guys before Alex, but he totally blew them all out of the water.

But that all changed and our relationship went downhill. He would have these outbursts - and they really scared me. He would freak out if I wore something different, if I talked on the phone with my Mom. He didn't start hitting me until about eight months into the relationship. And he would always apologize after he did.

I had decided that I would go out with my friends for coffee after class. I had texted and sent a voicemail to Alex telling him where I was and how long I'd be. I didn't even realize I had gone over my time until I checked my watch. We were having an excellent time and I didn't want it to end.

I excused myself and headed home to my apartment. I would call Alex when I got home. He shouldn't mind. It wasn't like we had anything planned.

I went to put the key in my apartment door when I noticed it was unlocked. I found it kind of weird but brushed it off because Alex had a key.

"You're late." An angry voice said from the living room.

"Alex? What are you doing here?" I asked, turning the lights on.

"As I said, you're late. You're supposed to be home when you say you're going to be home." He said, stepping up to me and forcefully grabbing my arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he threw me onto the couch.

"Teaching you a lesson." Alex yelled, hauling me off the couch and slamming me into the wall.

"Alex, please. You're hurting me."

"That's the point. I want you to feel the pain you've caused me, you whore." He said, slamming his knee into my stomach.

I tried to get away, but his hold was too strong. He kept kneeing me and punching me in the stomach and chest.

"You're getting everything you deserve tonight, you fucking bitch." He yelled.

He slammed my head into the wall behind me and I fell to the floor.

"Alex?" I whispered, spitting up blood onto the floor."

"What, Bitch?" He asked, kicking me in the ribs for good measure.

"Why haven't you hit my face? You never hit my face?"

"That's because it would be obvious that you're my punching bag now, wouldn't it?"

Those were the last words I heard before I fell into complete darkness.


"Why didn't she tell anyone?"

"I don't know. I just want her to be ok."

I heard voices whisper as I felt myself beginning to regain consciousness. Everything hurt. Everything from my head to my toes. Who were the owners these voices? Where was Alex?'

"I think she's waking up. Laniey? Sweetie, can you hear me?"

I recognized that voice. It was my mom.

I opened my eyes. "Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Sweetie, you're in the hospital. You've been unconscious for days. How do you feel?"

That's when it hit me. Alex had beaten me up. I was in a hospital fighting for my life and he was probably out preying on another girl.

"Alex? Where's Alex?"

"He's in jail. Your neighbors heard yelling and called the police. As soon as you passed out, they came into your apartment and arrested him. He's going away for a long time." My mom said, gently playing with my hair.

I sat and enjoyed my mom's company as the doctors and nurses hovered around me. Then the police came in and asked me a few questions about my relationship with Alex. That really bugged me - but it was all over.

"Mom?" I asked after everyone had cleared out of my room.


"Who was the other person in the room with you when I woke up?'

"It was me." A voice said from the door.

I turned my head and saw that it was Kris. Kris Letang was standing in my hospital room with roses in his hand.

"Kris? What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to give you guys some time alone." My mom said, getting up and leaving the room.

Kris sat down in the chair my mom had just vacated.

"Your mom called me. She said you were in the hospital and I jumped on the first plane here."

"But why? I haven't seen or heard from you in three years?" I asked, sitting up a little.

"Why? Because Laniey, I love you."

"You what?"

"I love you. I've tried calling you for the past three years - and every time I get voicemail. You never returned my calls and your mom wouldn't tell me where you were. She said you didn't want to be found."

"No, I didn't. Kris, I wanted to get as far away from Montreal as I could."


"Because it made me think of you. Kris, I've loved you since I met you. I was just to afraid to tell you. I was afraid that you didn't feel the same."

"So, you figured that if you cut off all contact and moved away from Montreal that this problem would go away." Kris said.

I nodded.

"Well. That's a lot to take in - seeing as I feel the exact same way."

I was shocked. He meant everything that he had said.

"So, Laniey. What do you say?"

"The only thing that I can say. I love you too."

Kris smiled and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I wanted to deepen the kiss, but it hurt to move.

"I want you to move to Pittsburgh with me. Get away from this city and the people in it. Let me take care of you. Please?"

"I don't know how long it will take me to get back to my old self. Are you sure you want to deal with me?"

"Is that a trick question? I've missed out on three years of you - I'd eat elephant dung to be with you." Kris smiled.

I laughed, grabbing my ribs as I did. "Ok, you don't have to go that far. Yes, I'll move to Pittsburgh with you."

"I love you, Lanelle LeBlanc."

"And I love you, Kristopher Letang."

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story....and I said yes.