Status: Completed

I'm Holding Onto the Smiles You Throw My Way

Thunder kills moods

I tucked my head under his chin after crawling on top of him. “You’re comfy,” I told him wrapping my arms around him. “I’m glad you think so. Do you ever think this is wrong?” He replied placing his hands on my back and kissing my forehead. I made a weird noise in response and pushed myself up to face him.

“Sometimes I do, most of the time I ignore it. We like each other, why should we care what others think?” I said to him, looking down into his brown eyes. He nodded his head in agreement. I leaned down and kissed his lips softly.

“Mmmm, I love you,” I told him softly, before returning my head to his chest. “I love you too,” He replied tightening his grip on me. I sat up and looked into his eyes, before leaning down and kissing him.

I ran my tongue across his lips, wanting in. Moses parted his lips and let me into his mouth. I ran my hands down the Beatles shirt I had given him to wear and pulled it off of him. I started to blush at seeing him shirtless.

I don’t know why I was blushing or why I felt sick. I had seen him shirtless tons of times at Busch, why was this any different?

“You ok, chicka?” Moses whispered to me. I swaolled and looked down at him, nodding rapidly. “I’m fine.” I said leaning back to kiss him. I felt his hands move up my hips and then push down my shorts, sticking his tongue into my mouth. I shivered at the feel of my sheets on my bare skin.

“Moses?” I whispered, pulling away from his lips. “What’s wrong babe?” He asked me as I heard thunder outside the window. I froze; I’ve been afraid of storms since I was really little and still am.

“Hey, it’s ok. Come here.” Moses told me sitting up and pulling me closer to him.

I rested my head on his chest and shut my eyes, not wanting to see the lightening.

“The storm will go away at some point,” Moses whispered to me, wrapping his arms around me more. I nodded and tried to go to sleep.

I woke the next morning to my mom tapping her foot. “Why is Moses in your bed with you? And why is he shirtless?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Umm, funny story bout that. You see, when we got back here, I didn’t wanna make him drive home last night,” I explained biting my lip.

“And the reason why he’s shirtless?” She added looking from Moses to me.

“None of the shirts Amanda had were comfy enough and fit me properly,” Moses said. I sighed as mom left the room.

“Moses, we about got in big trouble,” I told him freaking out. “Calm down, munchkin,” He told me climbing onto me. I wrapped my arms around him thinking about the past few months.

We haven’t really been dating, more just getting closer and cuddling and kissing. I felt him rest his chin on my head and sat there. I lightly pushed him to get up, and I headed over to get some clothes to wear to head to the park. I grabbed a pair of jeans and then my black and white top. I walked back over to him and kissed him.

“I love you,” I whispered to him before leaving the room. I came back a few minutes later to find Moses dressed in the clothes he was wearing yesterday and sitting on my bed. I smiled at him as he got up and walked over to me.

“We better get to work, Munchkin,” He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and grabbed my bag before following him out of the house and to his car.
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comments are awesome to get. Hope you all like it. Sorry it took so long to get it up.