Status: Good (seth is laughing)

Howling With Seth

Part 1: Twilight Characters Only


Seth: Hello! I`m Seth Clearwater. And this is Howling with Seth. You ask fo it we do it. Lets start the show.
Alice walks on Stage
Alice: Hi Seth! I had a vision telling me to come here so here I am and I`ll do a Dare.
Seth: Ok Alice well the you dare sent in by mintpaw897 is.....
Eat fried worms!
A crew memeber brings out fried worms. Alice groans.
Alice: Gee thanks I ONLY DRINK ANIMAL BLOOD! oh well here goes nothing.
Alice pick up a worm and sollows it hole .
Seth: Ewww! Cool
Alice: A boy`s mind i`ll never under stand
Alice skipps of stage sending in Rosalie and Emmett.
Rosealie: Why are we here?
Emmett: Because we are, duh.
Seth: Ahhh a touture sent in by mintpaw897 which one wants to endure pain?
Roseaile: It would mess up my hair!
Emmett jumps up and down like a two year old
Emmett: Me! Me! Me!
Seth: ok the Emmett you must.... kill Aro!
Emmett whines
Emmett: That`s not toture thats fun!
Seth: have fun with the Gaurd then
Aro surrounded by the Gaurd walk in
Aro: I want his eyeballs men!
Demitri steps out. Rosealie and Emmett run out -as about 20 more men, along with Jane and Alec step up- screaming likes babies. Seth laughs.
Seth: That never gets old. Anyway we have one more toture for today please welcome BEEEAALLLLLLA, JAAAACCCOOB ANND EEEEDDDDWWWAAARRDD.
Bella, Edward and Jacob walk in.
Bella: I`ll take the toture!
Seth: Ok Bella the toture is.....Edward and Jacob watch you get lit aflames!
Bella: Wait I`m supossed to be tot-
Bella is cut of as a piano on fire falls on her. Edward yells and run into the fire and is devoured by Flames.

Seth: o.o Well thats all folks next show is Reviewers choice from the Warriors Books! See ya next time on Howling with Seth!

And CUT!
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The more people who R & R the faster the faster the next chap will be out. Reviewers choice! any character ftom Warrior cats by Erin Hunter an any , Truth, Dare or Toture! Co writing spots left 3.

I don`t own any of the charcters used