Status: trying to make weekly uploads

It's Not the End of the World

Day Six

Carrie’s and my attempt at a greenhouse yesterday kind of failed. Well it didn’t fail per say, it more or less collapsed. I personally think it was due to faulty lumber. Anyhow Carrie and I have decided that if the world ever does go back to normal we will not pursue a career as a contractor, carpenter, or architect. We just feel the world is not ready for our radical style quite yet. We have made up our minds that we are not giving up on our greenhouse though. It is now our baby and you just can’t give up on your baby. I printed out an article on how to build a greenhouse last night so hopefully later today we’ll have more success in just getting the greenhouse to stay upright.
Lucy and I had a bit of scuffle yesterday. She has come to the conclusion that I am draining all of the remaining electricity with this internet blog. I told that there was no way that I was using that much power, but she wasn’t convinced. I don’t think anybody else agrees with her, but it got me thinking. What are we going to do when the electricity and/or the internet goes out? It can’t last forever without maintenance of some sort, I just hope it lasts long enough for us to learn how to live without it.
Jeremy, Michael and Shawn chose yesterday to be manly men and went outside. Turns out they’re more chicken than man because before the door even had a chance to swing shut they were high tailing it back inside. So Carrie, Anna, Lucy, and I are going to give it a shot today. I think I’m going to take one of the photography class’s cameras to document what’s going on. Well wish us luck, we’re probably going to need it.