A Psychotic Halloween Special


Rex left his job at the hospital. He was a young doctor and a very good one. Popping his trunk he threw something inside, thinking no one would see; he was the only one in the parking lot across the street after all.

"Boo!" One of the young nurses jumped out, flashing her eye lashes at him, hiding to the side of his car, trying to scare him on the night before Halloween.

Rex quickly closed the trunk shut before she saw what he put in.

"I have to go home. See you tomorrow Polly," He adjusted the coller of his shirt and jumped in his car driving away as fast as he could without bringing suspicion upon himself. Polly just stood there looking sad. She was going to make a move on him, finally get the courage to kiss him. But he must not like her.

When Rex got home he opened the trunk and lifted the heavy bad out of it, wobbling his way inside to the kitchen. He pulled Mr. McGallous' body out of the big garbage bag and onto his counter that already had covering over it so he wouldn't get it dirty. Next, Rex opened the draw under the sink and took out a big 15 inch Shun Kitchen Knife. Rex walked over to the kitchen table, pulled out two gloves and put them on. He started with Mr. McGallous' eyes. He cut them out, but paused to scream profanities as a vein popped and squirted blood into his eye, then he set the bright green eyes gently to the left of the dead patients head. He worked his way down to his heart and cut that out; the heart was the best part to Rex. Then he cut off a few fingers, then the liver. Hopefully Mr. McGallous wasn't a big drinker or it would ruin his whole meal. Lastly, he put it in a pot and cooked it for an hour and fifteen minutes. When it was done he took it out and ate it, the liver tasted delicious. Better than any he ever had actually.

When Rex finished he wiped his face with a napkin then went to bed. He had to get up early for work tomorrow after all.


Grumbling, Rex tried to ignore Polly. She was following him around all day at work, even though she had the day off and his shift was almost over; he hadn't gotten a body yet.

"Doctor, I'm leaving. Everyone else is on the east corridor, see you tomorrow," One of the older nurses informed him and then looked surprised that Polly was still there. An idea went into Rex's head.

"Polly," He started, "Do you want to test out the new bed?" She smiled and laid down on it.

"Let's practice procedures," He then strapped her down, making sure she was secured tightly to the bed. He opened the drawer that was in the cupboard next to the need and took out razors and pretended to cut Polly, then he really did. She looked at him in awe then screamed. Rex got so involved with his "work" he didn't notice the door burst open to the room and police pointing guns at him.

"We finally got you! Put the weapons down and let her go," One of the cops shouted at him, not looking away for a second. Rex threw one of the small razors and hit the officer directly in the eye ball, then hit the other one without hesitation. Both of them were down and he quickly untied Polly and ran out with her. However, Rex didn't see what Polly saw. Another cop came up from behind Rex and shot him in the back. Polly cried out in despair, then kissed Rex's forehead, setting him down softly on his stomach.

"What was that for," The cop stared at her, shocked she would do such a thing. He was a killer and tried taking her life!

"Even killers need affection," She stated, then pulled a knife out from behind her and stabbed the cop in the torso then twisted it to the right to make sure the job was done. She applied pressure to his would and treated it, making sure he would be fine. She then took him home and lied him down in her bed. A few hours later he woke up.

"What happened," Rex asked clearly confused.

"The cop shot you. I stabbed him and treated your wounds."

"You saved my life. Thank you," Rex slowly stood up and walked over to Polly, taking her hands in his. He fixed a stray hair that was in her face, then he hit her hard in the head. While she was passed out he cut up open and took what he wanted. He was hungry after all.

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