Shadow from the Grave

Shadow from the Grave

Have you ever felt as if you were being watched or as if someone was peircing through your very being with there eyes,but when you look for the source of that feeling you never find it. Have you also felt as if your life is in danger and you have no clue
why.If you answered no to all these questions I hope all your answers shall never be yes like there were for Scarlett Jane Zeigler.This is the tale of how her life was changed and ended because of her not being more aware of her
surroundings and possibly her past or is it her past at all

Scarlett is a exotic care-free girl who pretty much kept to herself until one incounter with a stranger which changed her life forever.
It all started on a friday night on the March 21. She went to the towns cementary as she usually does to visit her mom who
had died of cancer. " Cemetaries are so beautiful and serene at night yet dark and menacing such a dark beauty it's such a shame how people conceive it as just pure evil" ,said Scarlet.Scarlet thought the cemetary was empty as usual and nothing lurked in the dark but she was more wrong than she will ever know .She finally made it to her mom's grave."Mom I miss you so much why did you have to go I know your in a better place but I wish you could of stayed with me a little long," said Scarlet. Suddenly Scarlet felt a hand on here shoulder and she gave an blood curling scream. "Calm down I didn't mean to alarm you ,"said the stranger. Scarlet started to calm down and catch her breathe while doing so she caught a glimpse of the stranger who she must say was nice looking and around her age." Not to be rude or a anything but who in the world are you and are you trying to give me a heart attack", said a flustered Scarlet. My name is Sean and no I am not trying to give you a heart attack" ,said Sean. Sorry for that little outburst you just really scared me that is ,' said Scarlet. It's ok I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that my aplogizies" ,said Sean with a smile which didn't reach his eyes . Well I am about to head home it is getting pretty late and need to go home it was pleasure meeting you besides you almost scaring me to death said ",Scarlet . "Contrary my dear it was all my please meeting you Scarlet said Sean with a smirk. "WAIT! How do you know my name I never told you my name ," Scarlet said with alarm. Sean didn't say anything but gave her a menacing smile and walked away. A frantic and disturbed Scarlet ran all the way home stopping and looking behind her thinking Sean wasn't following her,but little did she know was that Sean had been watching her for a while at her mother's grave and was actually followering her home in the shadows of the night.

Scarlet finally arrives to her house and she is out of breathe and shaken up and most of all frustrated with herself. "UGH WHY DID I EVEN TALK TO HIM!! ,"shreiked Scarlet while throwing herself on her bed. What is wrong with me." she mumbles with her face in the pillow. Soon Scarlet falls asleep with the feeling of eyes on her but she didn't care at the moment she was exausted mentally and physcially.Several hours later into the night Scarlet woke up abruptly from the pain of a blade slicing through the tender flesh of her left arm,still in a daze from the pain she didn't realize she was in her basement tied to a chair. "How was your rest Love",said Sean in a senister manner mocking Scarlet with every word flowing from his lips. Scarlet stricken with fear and shock just stairs at him with a far away look until he brings her back to reality by putting scolding hot water into her newly fresh wound. Scarlet gave a blood chilling scream that only brought a smile to Seans face which caused him to chuckle mercileslly as he continued to enduce this un heard of torture upon rose. "PLEASE STOP I'M SORRY FOR WHATEVER I DID PLEASE STOP,"screamed Scarlet with tears flowing endlessly from her eyes. "Fine it will stop for now since you said please ".said Sean.
"Thank you," said Scarlet quietly her vocals being worn from screaming." Do you know why you are here Love why I have you tied to this chair huh do you ,"asked Sean." No I don't ",answered Scarlet. Sean smirked vicioulsy and slowly walked to Scarlet . "You don't know why YOU DON'T KNOW WHY isn't this priceless ," said/yelled Sean. Scarlet just looked at him with a lost comfused face and said Sean I don't know what you are talking about I haven't met you before until at the graveyard." SHUT UP YOU LIAR YOU DON'T REMEBER WHEN YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME AND SAID WE WOULD BE TOGETHER HOW COULD NOT REMEMBER AT OUR SENIOR PROM THEN YOUR BROKE UP WITH ME A WEEK LATER HOW COULD YOU NOT REMEBER yelled Sean furiously." Sean I haven't even been to my junior prom I am a sophmore I think you are talking about my cousin Sarah Zeigler she told me about you ,"said Scarlet. Sean wordlessly walked up to Scarlet and slapped her with all his might then he took his blade and cut another deep gash into her right arm blood oozes from her cut like water from a fountain. Scarlet screamed and cryed out in agony for a whole,but soon passes out from the pain and exahustion. Love I hate liars whispered Sean to the now unconcious Scarlet as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

Several days later Scarlet wakes up to find the basement empty and light pouring through the crackz in the wall. Scarlet sat and she sat and sat and sat it seemed like an eternity until he would return.Several hours went by the sun
that was once shining brightly through the cracks in the walls started to dim and as time progressed on the light died out all together.One day passed by and there was no sign of Sean. Two days passed by no sign of Sean. Three Days pass by no sign of Sean.Soon a week passed by without any sign of Sean and a whole week without Scarlet receiving food nor water.Soon that one week turned into another week and no sign of Sean. Scarlet's family had been looking for her since the night of her disapearance and one of her cousins said ,"Has anyone checked the basement to see if someone tied her up and put her down there ." NO, said everyone. Slowly they creaked open the basement door and preceded down the stairs .Scarlet shot up from the new light which burned her eyes and looked looked upon her family with releif and happinness. If her family came any later she would of died of starvation and dehiydrahtion. Sean was never found but he did actually beleive scarlett and found her actual cousin who had broken his heart and viciously murdered her but that is another story.Soon afterwards Scarlet regained health and was very paranoid and had to get phsycological help to get her life back in order.

Scarlett the exotic care-free girl over one of the unimaginable things to happen to a person being held hostage in your own basement and torched by an random stranger who accused her of being someone
else and doing something she didn't do. Head this warning if you feel like you are being watched there is an possibliity that you are.
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I had to write this for school in pre-ap english so I thought I would post it on here :D