You Aren't the Man I Love Anymore

Chapter 1

**Delila's POV**

We were all at my house for some time watching TV and eating snacks, like we do every other day, when we heard a radio voice announce that they would be having an NLT contest. Nlt isn't my favorite band, MCR is, but it sure beats others. We turned the radio up really loud and I dialed.

"You are caller 6! You must answer to win! The question is: What is JJ's real first name?" the voice asked.

"Justin!" I said ignoring my friends screams of random J names. I knew I was right.

"I'm sorry but that is CORRECT!!!" the radio voice said.

He asked me to tell him all my details and so I did. Right after I hang up the phone, my fiance Sebastion came in. I ran to hug and kiss him but he didn't hug or kiass back. I backed away in shock. Veronica, Stacey, and Cindy ran out the door. They diid not want to witness one of our fights. This is one of those fights that he just picks for no reason just to show he is still in charge.

"You whore!" Sebastion shouted. He took a swing at me but missed.

"What the fuck Sebastion?" I asked.

"You are going to cheat on me!" He screamed.

"Why would you say that?" I asked

"I got my fortune told today! It said hold on to your love tight or it will excape and leave forever! Then I hear you on the radio winning some contest where you will be on a bus with a bunch of younger guys for a month and a half!" Sebastion screamed. He hit me this time.

"They are not younger! I am 18 and they are all 19! How could you forget my age?" I screamed from where I landed which was the floor.

"Well I am 26 so they are younger than me! You would gladly trade me for some young guy!" he accused.

"I wish I had never said yes when you asked me to marry you! I should have known we weren't ready! Hell, I had just turned 18 the week before!" I scream.

"You always say that!" He screamed.

"Well you always pick fights for no reason!" I say and rub my cheak.

"Do you really meen it? Do you not want to marry me?" He asked.

He looked hurt and as horrible as he is I run to hug him. He hugs back this time.

"Of course, I want to marry you! I love you!" I say.

"SO when do you leave?" he asked.

"Next week!" I say.

We go to bed and actuallydon't do anything tonight. He is probably still thinking about that fortune. I really wish he would just forget about it! i would never cheat on the man I love.