You Aren't the Man I Love Anymore

Delilah Is Here

**V's POV**

I woke up when water was splashed onmy face.

"What?" I asked.

"Dude! You almost missed meting Delilah!" Travis siad.

"What? Where is she?" I asked.

My Delilah wasn't here! Where is my Delilah? Second thought, why am I in a smoothie shoppe with out her?

"Probably still on her bus! Celebrities these days!" Kevin said.

"We are horrible aren't we?" I asked.

"What?" they asked.

"NLT!" I said.

"He had the dream again!" Kevin said.

"What dream?" I asked.

"Are we in a boy band?"

"Is Delilah a fan of our boyband?"

"Did she win a contest?"

"Does hs ehave a fiance?"

"Did I hit on her?"

"Does she have 3 friends?"

"Did she get into a fight with one of them?"

"Did you guys have sex?"

"Was there a big fight afterwards?"

"Did we force you to ask her out?"

"Did she kiss you?"

"Yes! Yes to all of those questions!" I said.

"Delilah's here!" Delilah announced from behind us.

She had this phony Paris Hilton accent and was waging her hips way too much.

"Tell them I'm not crazy!" I said.

"How can Delilah tell them you aren't crazy when Delilah doesn't know you?" Deli;lah said.

"What?" I asked.

"Delilah got stuck with the crazy kid again!" Delilah said.

"No he just had an influential dream!" Travis said.

"Don't leave!" Kevin said.

"Delilah won't leave if she gets a kiss!" Delilah said.

"Okay!" I said.

"No, Delilah wants him!" Delilah said pointing at Kevin.

"Me?" Kevin asked.

"No!" I said.

"Delilah wants to kiss him and Delilah always gets what she wants!" Delilah said.

"Okay!" Kevin said.

"Damn!" Travis said.

"You are dating me!" I said.

"Dude, let the dream go!" TRavis said.

They inched closer until they almost touched. It was like seeing my heart be ripped in two and stomped on. THey started laughing. Why do I not get why this is so funny?