You Aren't the Man I Love Anymore



We were in a dark place. Well it may not be dark but seeing how my eyes are blinded by some type of fabric I can't tell. It seems dark and dark fits the mood. Some one grabbed me and Juliet. I'm not sure who though. Before we exited the concert hall I could hear V screaming my name. Boy did that bring up memories. None appropriate for the time bnut still.

"Delilah, sweetie?" asked the one voice I hated more than Veronica's.

"Yes!" Juliet and I answered.

"I know one of you isn't my Juliet!" he said.

"Just kill them both!" Veronica said.

"Shut up!" Sebastian commanded.

I heard a snap of skin against skin, a bump, and a moan from Veronica. Sebastian was not a person to mess with.

"Unblindfold us and maybe you'lkl see the difference in our eyes!" Juliet snapped.

He undid the blindfolds and my eyes instantly went to Veronica. She was on the ground clutching her cheek. She cried so silently and hoped Sebastian wouldn't catch her sorrow and make it worse.

"You are fucking twins!" Sebastian said.

"You are a fucking retard!" I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"You cheat on one of us, constantly hurt one of us, and kidnapped both of us but yopu still ask whyyou are a fucking retard!" Juliet said.

It's really a good thing that he couldn''t tell us apart. HE would kill Juliet but at the given moment he wasn't sure who she was.


We were on the bus. Kevin was still trying to console me but I didn't want it. I wanted my friends back. V was at some police place trying to get some one looking for them. Travis was plain out looking for them. Cindy asnd Jj had been gone for a while. I got an idea. I looked up MCR's concert dates and realized they were in Seattle too. I called Ray because he should know.

"Hello!" he said.

"Hi, it's Stacey!" I said.

"What's wrong babes?" he asked.

Kevin looked up startlled. We haven't actually said anything about it but there is something between us.

"Delilah and our friend Juliet have been umm... kidnapped!" I said.

"What the fuck!" shouted five men otherwise known as the band.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Does Sebastian know about this?" Ray asked.

"Sebastian..." three voices, probably Gerard, Mikey, and Frank, scoffed.

"We actially think he kidnapped them!" I said.

"Why would he kidnap his own fiance!" Frank asked.

"Just get your skinny asses down here, now! We are a at hollow and goldine!" I said.

"Okay!" was the general reply.