You Aren't the Man I Love Anymore

Chapter 2

**V's POV**
(two weeks later)

I was waken to a bunch of screams and a door slamming. The girls must be here. I wonder which one is Delilah, she will be bunking with me. I still have no idea how she got stuck with me. Just plain me. She was the one who actually won the contest shouldn't she bunk with the "most attractive" member, Travis. Kevin said that they got to pick so she probably chose me but it has been a long time since a girl actually wanted me over Travis or JJ or Kevin. Apparently, I'm a huge turn-off. If she did chose me, which I seriously doubt she did, she obviously did not get the "hate V with all your heart but love everyone else" memo.

"V, get the hell out here and meat Delilah and her friends!" JJ said laughing.

I walked out and there stood the most beautiful girl ever. She was talking to Kevin but about candy and in a non-flirty way. SOmething abbout her captured my eye. She had mint green eyes, pail skin, purple and black hair, and nicely fiting clothes. She laughed at something Kevin said and it was like hearing a baby say "Mama" for the first time. She obviously had a great taste in music seeing how she had a tight black and purple MCR tee-shirt. Her jean skirt was really short and she wasn't wearing leggings. Something glittery on her hand caught my eye. It was a ring. NO! She can't be married!

"She's engaged so it would be better if you just stopped staring now!" Travis said. "I asked already if she wanted to go out to coffee and I got laughed at!" he added.

I was slightly upset that Travis asked out my , i mean her fiance's, lady. He must have seen me looking pissed because he gave me an appologetic smile. I'm her roommate so if I wanna ask her out I should get priority.

"Oh you must be V! My name is Delilah! I guess we are roomies!" she said as if I didn't know who she was.

"Yeah! I guess we are! That meens we will be spending a lot of time together! I hope you don't mind but when I have certain dreams I will moan in my sleep and possibly call out names!" I say truthfully.

"I can vouch for that!" JJ said because he had once had the misfortune of staying with me during one of those nights.

"It's okay! I can videotape you and put it on you tube if it does happen!" she said brightly but laughing.

I tried to laugh along with the rest of the group but if all of her outfits looked like that then I would be calling ou her name half the time. I think she wwas the only one who noticed my face because she gave me a confused look. This is going to be a long tour.