You Aren't the Man I Love Anymore

Fight Fight


I want to kill him! I do! I do! I do! But then of course I have to talk to Delilah now too. She likes him back. more like LOVES him back. How is he so damn special? I'm just as pretty, just as good a singer, and just as famous! Grr... No one is alowed in my room right now. Especially not me or Gerard. We were sitting in the "lounge" of our bus now. After me and Gerard's little mini-fight we stayed away from each other. I wasn't dumn so I stayed away from Mikey too. I was sitting on the couch next to kevin who was next to Travis who was next to Ray. JJ and Cindy were sitting in between my legs. Gerard was in the chair and Mikey was in betweeen his legs. Bob was sitting on the other chair with Stacey on his lap. Frank was lying on the ground. We were watching some movie but I doubt anyone but Frank was really paying attention. Ray suddenly sstood p.

"I'm going to go check on Delilah..." he said.

Even the meer mention of her cause me and Gerard to stare at each other. He was engaged to some emo rocker chick so why did he even care?

"Delilah? Can I come in?" Ray asked at our door.

The door opened and six pairs of my shoes came flying out. Half of them hit Ray and the other half hit the wall. One managed to hit Frank.

"What the hell?" he asked.

The door slammed. ray came back but he didn't look surprised. He sat down and sighed.

"Why did she throw your shoes?" JJ asked.

"How many pairs of shoes do you own?" Mmikey asked.

"I'm a shoe whore!" I said.

Every one managed to laugh at that except Gerard.

"Not the only type of..." Gerard started mumbling.

"Gee!" Frank said hitting him with my shoe.

"This is just like her Sweet Sixteen, once again Gerard manages to create some shit with her boyfriend and she pelts Ray with shoes after being locked in her room with her best friend!" Bob said.

"I remember that! It was when Gee first started liking her so when he saw her boyfriend with a condom..." Mikey started.

"A what?" we, meaning NLT, shouted.

"Condom! It's that thing you probably have used a thousand times with Delilah, V! Or are you trying to make a baby?" Gerard said.

"At least I'm not trying to knock up a girl whilest I have a fiance who I'm sure is only with me for my money!" I said.

"At least I'm not some pretty boy wanna bee Back Street Boy who can't hold onto his girlfriend!" he said.

"You can say whatever you want but it won't change the fact that Delilah is dating me!" I spat at him.

"I bet she's doing it out of pity!" he spat.

I leapt up out of my seat and he did the same. Mikey tried to refain him and JJ tried to refrain me.

"That was why she kissed you! Kind of like a sneak peak at what I'm getting and you'll never get!" I said.

"I've gotten it before I'll get it again!" he said.

"What makes you think that she'll ever like you?" I asked.

"The fact that she was the one to run her tongue across my lips when we kissed and that she enjoyed every second of that kiss!" he said.

"I can assure you that she is probably puking her guts out right now just thinking of your lips on her delicate ones!" I said.

"Just give up the compotition because I've already won!" he siad.

"The only thing you've won is last place!" I said.

"Enough!" Travis yelled.

"Shut it!" Bob said.

We saw that we couldn't keep fighting and sat down. I decided that it was ime to see if Delilah was okay so I gathered up all but one of my shoes and went to the door. I didn't knock and I probably should have. Delilah was sitting on her bed holding up a picture of me and a picture of Gerard.

"How can two totally different people both capture my heart?" she asked.

Juliet wasn't in the room but that sentance broke my heart. I had captured her heart but only half of it.

"Both?" I asked.

She looked up and I could see her mascera tear filled cheeks. Her eyes glimmered at me and I got caught in them. She patted the empty space next to her.

"Come here!" she said.

I reluctantly sat down but I refused to face her. She got my hands and took them in her's She's going to break up with me now. I can feel it.

"I like you a lot, really! I might even the L-word you! But Gerard is Gerard! I've been with him forever and I know how much he really cares. He really wants to be with me! I love him..." she said.

"Then be with him!" I snapped.

"Like a brother and maybe a little more! He has a fiance and is obviously not the best choice! I am with you and I want it to stay that way! Do you want it to stay that way?" she asked.

All I could do was nod. She kissed me and I swear I almost ran in there to tell Gerard all about it. She broke away then saw how badly I needed more. She kissed me again with her smooth angel lips.

"I'm your's!" she whispered in my ear.

I pulled her into a kis and before we knew it we were on her bed with me on top of her.

"Eww!" Juliet shreiked.

We really could have cared less but then we felt something else in the room. More people? I looked up and saw two people I really did not want to see while on top of Delilah. Ray and Gerard. THey had their arms crossed over their chests and looked ready for a fight.

"You touch him, I'll hate you forever!" Delilah said coldly.

"He touches you, we'll kill him!" Ray said.

Bad time to be on top of her.

"He doesn't, I'll kill myself!" she spat.

"No!" Gerard and I both said unwillingly.

We glanced at each other and grimaced. Ray lifted me off her and onto the ground. He pulled me out of the room and out of the bus. Okay, where was this going? He pinned me up against the wall.

"My daughter is not some whore, you know!" Ray said while punching me.

"She's a young lady!" he said kneeing me in the groin.

I wanted to fight back. I could have but I am not going to hurt Delilah's dad.

"Fight back!" he demanded.

"I'm not going to hurt my girlfriend's dad!" I stated earning a punch in the jaw.

"I'm going to make you want to!" he said punching me in the eye.

"I already want to but in the interest of Delilah I am not going to touch her dad!" I said whilest getting slapped.

"Why?" he asked.

"She's been through enough!" I said.

"Do you love her?" he asked.

How do I answer that?