You Aren't the Man I Love Anymore



"They are going to wonder where the hell we are!" I siad.

We were currently in a mall. Which store? A jewelry store! And why am I in a jewelry store? When Ray asked me if I loved Delilah I answered the honest truth. I told him I wanted to marry her someday. So, now, I'm looking for a ring for my girlfriend who I haven't even even been on one date with. To say the least, I'm not exactly thrilled to have my heart crushed when she says no.

"What does that matter?" Ray asked.

"Delilah is probably going to think that you are off somewhere burrying my body so no one finds it! If I could just call some one..." I said.

"DO you not want to marry my daughter?" Ray asked flexing my muscles.

"I do, just not right now!" I said.

"Now's a good time!" he stated.

As far as he is concerned, I have no real choice in this matter.

"Just let me call Delilah!" I said.

"What ever!" Ray sighed handing me his phone.

I dialed Delilah's number and waited a couple rings before she picked up.

"Daddy! Where are you! What the fuck have you done with my boyfriend! I swear if you put another one of my boyfriends in another country I will kill you and shave off your fro while you are asleep! Bring V back now! I want my boyfriend! he's still alive right? OMG! You killed him! You killed my V! You know he has a show today! If you cut off his arms, he can't dance as well! Hell, if you cut off his arms, I'll cut off your head! Where is my boyfriend?" Delilah screamed into the phone so loudly I had to hold it away from my ear.

"Delilah..." I started.

She screamed.

"V! I am so glad you are okay! What happeneed with you and daddy? Why are you calling from Daddy's phone? Did you kill my daddy?" she asked getting more frantic with every question.

Ray grabbed the phone from me and held it up to his face.

"La-la, we are both fine! We'll be back soon!" Ray said.

"Don't you call me La-la! Soon could mean weeks! I want my V now!" She whined.

I think I am starting to see a side of Delilah I don't like. Or maybe I do like it... SHe would sound pretty damn hot doing that during sex! Without meaning to I let out a moan. Ray closed the phone and glared at me. I guess he knows what I am thinking. I walked over to a new set of rings and saw the perfect one for her. It had a huge ass purple diamond in the mniddle and 4 normal sized diamonds around it. I felt my mouth drop because of it.

"Damn!" I said.

"Damn strait!" Ray said.

"That..." I tried.

"I know she gets that way ssometimes... It gets so annoying! I only knocked out one boyfriend and dragged him to Canada! Granted I took 6 to Mexico but they all got back eventually" Ray said.

"I was talking about the ring..." I said.

"You were? You are scared shitless of me right now, aren't you?" he asked.

I nodded my head because I really was. Some giggling sales lady came over to us. She was wearing an NLT shirrt and I know this is not going to turn out well. she stopped in front of me and let her fingers go up in own my chest. I looked to Ray who was silently laughing.

"Hi, I'm Ella! Do you need help with anything?" she said with a wink.

Meet psyco fan #1! I pulled back from her and went closer to Ray. SHe only came closer.

"My umm... girlfriend... i am gonna... propose... ring..." I said.

"She can easily be forgotten!" she said pushing me back towards the exit.

"No, she really can't! I love her!" I said gently.

"that's because you haven't met me yet!" she said.

"I'm sure you are really nice and would be a great girlfriend and maybe in an alternate time we could get to know each other but not now!" I said.

She kept her hands on me and sighed before forcing me into a kiss. I pushed her away and ran for it. I know Ray is probably still in there. There is no way I am going back. I might as well wait for Ray at his car. He came out about 15 minutes later with a back in his hand. He tossed it at me and I caught it. We got in the car and sped off. The whole time I glared at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

He knows damn well what's wrong.

"You didn't help me!" I said.

I more whined it then said it but still.

"you and Delilah do make the perfect couple!" he said.

"Do I get to start calling you Pop now?" I asked.

"Look in the bag!" he said.

I opened it. The first thing I saw was a note.

Dear V,
I love you so much, babe! I hope your whore gets her head chopped off so we can be together! I swear I will like taotally divorce my husband for you! I'm only using him for his money anyway!
Your dearest Ella
ps: I will so totally get a boob job if that's what you like!

I finished reading the note and I felt so sick.

"Did you read this?" I asked.

"Yep!" he said.

"I hate you!" i said.

"Look at the other thing and you might chang e your mind!" Ray said.

I got out the other thing and It was the ring in a purpel case.

"Holy shit!" I said.

"Yeah..." he siad.

"No, seriously! I wi;ll pay you back!" I said.

"No nessicary! If Delilah gets what she wants I am happy!" he siad.

When we finally got back to the bus Delilah rushed out and engulfed me in a hug. Then she looked at all the scars on my face. She turned to her dad.

"I fucking told you not to hurt him!" she screamed.

SHe bitch slapped him. He took a step back. I could aalready see the redness going to his cheek. She took a step foward and slammed her fist into his jaw. Then his left eye. Last his nose. His lip was busted and I am pretty sure his nose was borken.

"And you!" she came over to me. "Why did it take so long to call?"

She didn't give a chance to answer and just bitch slapped me. Then she kissed me and pulled me into the bus. Ray was sitting on the ground.

"Bob, I attacked Daddy again! Can you bring him in and clean hhim up so I can have another round?" she asked.

Bob got up and left the bus. Frank walked over and gave her a high-5.

"You broke his nose!" I said.

"He could have broken yours!" she said.

"We're cool now!" I said.

"Daddy? Cool? With you? He does know we've had sex right?" she asked.

We didn't exactly go to a different room so everyone heard what she said. A few seconds afterwards a fist connected with my face. Haven't I been tortored enough today.