You Aren't the Man I Love Anymore

Chapter 4

**Delilah's POV**

I woke up in strange arms. They were muscular but not covered in tattoos like Sebastian's are. I moved a little and he tightened his grip on me. His soft breathing down my neck caused chills down my spine. He was obviously asleep. It came back to me. Those were V's arms. Great now I feel bad. I told Sebastian I wouldn't cheat and now I am laying next to a guy who is really hott and so my type without any thoughts of moving away from him. This is going to be so hard getting up. I am just going to close my eyes and go back to sleep. No sooner was I back to sleep than the door came crashing open.

"Wake up sleepy-heads!" JJ screamed.

"You are way too peppy in the morning!" V grunted.

"Maybe someone, or should I say some people, where up too late doing stuff I am imagining myself doing with Cindy at the moment!" JJ said.

"You want Cindy? Ask her out! She will freak out so much and then say something along the lines of yes!" I say.

"She didn't deny it!" JJ screamed.

"I think she just cares more about Cindy's happiness than defending an untrue comment!" V said all defending but gave JJ a sad smile.

"Well anyways we are going to play truth or dare until its time for us to get ready for the photo shoot! Have fun getting dressed!" JJ sai and left.

"Bye-bye JJ!" I said while taking off my pj shirt.

I noticed V staring at me but it didn't really matter. I had just slept next to the man. I just took off my bra and slid on another. I put on a purely black shirt with the words: I'm misses NLT on the front in red. I took off my pj pants and slid on a red mini skirt. I mainly had mini skirts and short shorts it was the middle of summer so there wasn't much else to wear.

"Thunp!" I heard as V hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" I asked helping him up but trying to stifen my giggles.

He was in pink boxers and had a blue superman shirt over his head. He pulled it over his head and blushed slightly. He stared at my shirt for a while and then laughed. I love his laugh. It was affecting and cheerful but was kind of manly at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh.

"After you get your pants up, can I do your make up?" I asked.

"I do not wear make up!" V said.

"Pwease?" I asked with a fake pout.

"Fine!" he said with a pout.

So he put on khaki shorts while I did my make up which didn't take long because I only do my eyes. He came over to me and closed his eyes while I worked. When I aloud himn to look he gasped. He looked almost the same except his eyes were way more peircing and electrifying. We walked out hand in hand. I was about to sit down but he ran in front of me and sat down. He patted his lap and I sat down laughing. I looked around the room and everyone was staring at us with their mouths open.

"So... who's turn was it?" V asked breaking the awkward silence that for some reason had come over the room.

"M... m... my... you do realize you, an engaged woman, are sitting on another man's lap and that that is the same man who you walked in holding hands with and spent the night in the same bed with?" Veronica asked.

"It's not like anything is going to happen!" I say.

V reluctantly nods his head in agreement but has a really sad look on his face.

"Truth or dare V?" Kevin asks with a smirk.

"Dare!" V answers with a smirk.

What is up with all the smirking?