You Aren't the Man I Love Anymore

Chapter 5

I was so into wandering what the thinking was about I didn't even hear what JJ said. He could have said a number of things but I didn't know what he exactly said. Veronica snapped me out of it by snapping her fingers in front of my eyes.

"It's a dare so you aren't cheating!" Cindy offered.

"What's a dare?" I asked.

"I'm supposed to make out with you in front of all them with tongue, neck, and feeling!" V said looking down but still smirking.

He was turning red but had a look of pure love for JJ on his face. I nodded and llaughed.

"Sorry! I was just thinking too hard about something and didn't even hear you!" I explained.

"Go ahead! We have to leave in about an hour but I think we can fit this dare in before we leave!" Kevin said smirking.

What is with all this smirking?

"Wait how long?" Travis said looking somewhat jealous.

"Let's give it a good 15 minutes!" JJ said.

Travis let out a sigh of disgust. Veronica glared at Travis. Cindy eyed JJ and then started smirking. Cindy whispered something to Stacey making Stacey's eyes open up wide and then a smirk was planted on her face.

"Is there some inside joke that everyone but me knows?" I asked.

"Just relax and let yourself be pleasured!" V said attacking my neck.

The guys let out wolf whistles and my friends smirked. I think Travis and I are the only ones who look like they aren't enjoying this. I tried my my hardest not to look like I loved what he was doing but his sucking was getting faster. A smile played on my lips. He bit down and I totally forgot about Sebastian and what he would do if he saw this. His bite was hard and he drew blood which he licked up. It felt so good and his breathe was hot. I was getting so turned on by this so I had to find a way not to moan out loud. Thankfully he moved his lips up to mine. His hands found the inside of my shirt and were rubbbing my sides faster and faster as his tongue explored my mouth. I moaned into his mouth and he laughed inside mine. I glanced toward JJ and he was staring back at me with a smirk. I glanced at my friends and Cindt aand Stacey were laughing and Veronica was glaring at Travis. He was focused so intently on his watch. V moved down to my neck again causing me to moan.

"Time!" Travis said.

"It's only been 7 minutes!" Stacey protested.

"Dude what is your problem?" Demanded witha look of death on his face.

"You!" Travis screamed.

"OMG! You are Frigging engaged but you still get to have both of them don't you!" Veronica screamed.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We... umm... gotta get ready!" Kevin said.

Everyone grunted but went into their seperate rooms. I was applying band-aids to my neck when V walked into the bathroom.

"What was all that about?" I asked him.

"Nothing!" he said pissed off.

"I know something's wrong so it would be so much easier if you just told me!" I said.

"I really don't know what to tell you! Your friends want you to break up with your fiance and date me! Travis wants me to die because he is jealous of me! Veronica hates your guts because Travis and I are both into you and she is into Travis! JJ Wants us to get together! Kevin wants this tour to go smoothly without any violence! I want to kill that fiance of yours just so I could go on one date with you!" V screamed and everyone heard him.

I couldn't help but just kiss his lips for a second. It was sweet that he had just said he would kill Sebastian for just one date.

"Whoa!" V said.

I finished with the band-aids and then walked out of the bathroom and went out of the bus that was parked in front of a tall building. A girl who looked somewhat like me but in different clothes ran out of the door. She was followed by a man in a security suit who grabbed ahold of my arm and ushered me in.

"Finally! I caught you! Now go get dressed! You are supposed to pose with the band in 30 minutes!" He said thowing me in a dressing room.