You Aren't the Man I Love Anymore

Chapter 9

**JJ's POV**

I was the only one up so far. Cindy looked so hott sleeping. I really didn't want to wake her up. I heard some shuffling then Delilah came out of her and V's room.

"You're a screamer!" I said.

"Only when it's good!" she replied.

She sat down and got some rice crispies. She started yawning and I passed my coffee over to her.

"Thanks! I'm really beat!" she said taking a gulp.

"I would imagine!" Veronica said coldly from the doorway.

"I don't want another f..." I started.

"Cheating on your fiance must take a lot out of you! You look so beat! Sleeping with another man you have given your heart to when it already belonged to another! You always get what you want! That's the way life has always been for you! Your mother died when you were 15 just when you discovered your passion for my chemical romance! What do you know? Your adoptive Daddy just happened to be Ray Toro! What's next? You end up loved by Frank Iero, Gerard Way, and Mikey Way! THen 'Daddy' takes you to meet me, his beloved neice, who is madly in love with her boyfriend, Tom Higginson (Plain White Tees), and he loved me back. Until we were introduced to you that is! You captured his attention like some little witch! Then 'Daddy moved you to New York when you were 16 and he writes 'Hey There Delilah' about you! He was supposed to marry me! Then I come to live with you and I am introduced to Sebastian! I thought I might have fasllen in love with him but then you start going out and a year later he asked you to marry him! Of course it wasn't like he was always faithful to you or amything! But you aren't that faithful either! This one time! Just thios once! I figured you were engaged so I could get my pick of boys! No! You couldn't let that happen! I set my sites out for Travis and he asks you out before even knowing my name! Then I find out that you were craving some V time! What do you know? He falls head over heals for you! Then I join the compotition for his heart but I think you already won!" Veronica said.

"'Hey There Delilah' was written for you?" Kevin asks.

Veronica's little speach had woken everyone up and they all stood near the doorway. Juliet had clenched fists. V looked like he was gonna kill her. TRavis, Stacey, and Cindy looked at Veronica with pure dosgust. I dropped my spoon sometime during the speach and just stared at them. I will admit that Delilah is one of the hottest girls I have ever seen but she was definatly a heart breaker even if she didn't do anytthing to break them. If she wasn't interested she wasn't interested. From what I gathered Veronica was Ray Toro's neice and she had been jealous of Delilah from the start. I feel for her, Delilah not Veronica, badly. At least she has V to fall back on now.

"What do you mean by not always faithful?" Delilah hissed.

SHe obviously didnot like that we all knew so much about her. I don't think she ever really liked herself.

"Who do you think was sending me all those texts? I know you saw them seeing as you stole my phone and the messages were still up when I found it outside our room like 5 minutes ago!" Veronica said.

"So you have been sleeping with my fiance since our one month annerversary? I must admit, even though I knew how much of a bitch you were I had always put it past you even when I found your clothes at our house, you guys oth went away for business the same weekend, and how you always smelled like each other!" Delilah said.

"Maybe you shouldn't have!" Veronica said.

They were so calm and neither was blowing up at each other. It was scary.

"I'm very disappointed in you!" Delilah said.

"I'm going to leave at the next stop!" Veronica said.

"IT was getting over crouded in here anways!" Delilah said.

They both walked into their rooms. I let out a sigh. Cindy came over and hugged me. SHe was scared. So scared. I wish things would turn out different for them. I saw V out of the corner of my eye. he looked like he was going to explode with so many emotions. Pity took over and he ran into his and Delilah's room.