Status: Finished.

Amazing, Because It Is.

Tell Me Darling, Where Do We Begin?

One short sleep past will wake eternally And death shall be no more; Death thou shalt die. - John Donne.

“Go tell Sidney to get out of the house, or I’m going to have to start rattling chains and slamming doors,” Alex threatened, cradling me sweetly in his arms as we watched Rugrats.

“She’ll probably go for it, as long as I watch Jeremy,” I agreed, watching fondly as Tommy Pickles toddled around with his feet turned in.

“I’m going to make you the best meal you’ve ever had. It’ll be our first date,” he batted his eyelashes exaggeratedly, grinning as he pushed me aside and scrambled down the stairs.

Of course Sidney agreed to the arrangement. She hadn’t seen her friends since Jeremy was born, apparently. She deserved the break, honestly. She was a surprisingly good mother for being a teenager and all. Jeremy always knew how to pick them.

“He’s finally asleep,” I beamed, joining Alex in the kitchen as he “cooked.” I slipped my arms around his waist, laying my cheek against his shoulder blades.

Alex chuckled, stirring whatever was in the pot. “I feel like we’re parents or something, bending over backwards just to get a little alone time.”

I considered it. How picturesque having a family with Alex would’ve been, had he stayed alive. One boy and one girl, both with unique names, but not crazy celebrity kid names. We’d raise them to be open-minded and accepting of everyone, and take them to as many concerts as possible. Teaching them to appreciate good music would’ve been key.

“Babe,” Alex harkened, drawing me back from my reverie. “Can you, um, let go? I have to go drain this…”

I laughed, releasing him. “I’ll set the table.”

“Thanks for dinner. It actually didn’t suck that much,” I joked, standing to gather up all the dirty dishes.

“Oh, you’re making me blush,” he replied, sliding his arms around my waist and pulling me away from the table. I didn’t fight him. Wasn’t like I actually wanted to clean up.

He kissed me and it was automatic rapture. I was unsure how far we would go (or could go, even). All I knew was that losing contact with his skin was not a desirable option.

"Are you trying to corrupt me?" Alex whispered against my lips as my hands traveled underneath his shirt. He had substance, he wasn't made out of mist; he had muscles.

"Is it working?" I answered his question with another, arching an eyebrow suggestively.

He nodded, yanking his shirt over his head in a frenzy.

The boy probably had been somewhat lanky in life, but still...damn.

We directed ourselves up the stairs, losing blessed contact for as little time as possible. I had never been such a lust-driven teenager in my life. It felt reckless, it felt out-of control, and it felt good.

As he pulled my dress over my head, and I lost sight of him only for a moment, I wondered if it was possible for a ghost to have sex. He seemed very sure as he guided me back towards the bed, but unless he had been sexing Jack, how could he know? Voicing my worries seemed very taboo, and I wanted this. More than anything. I wanted to be with him in every way. Our bodies melding in such a way was the ultimate step, and what I wouldn't give to make it happen...

We seemed to be stuck on fast-forward, and then, suddenly, we weren't Brooklyn and Alex. We were this one new person, feeling things we'd never even imagined. I held his gaze and he held mine. The love I felt for him made the slight discomfort easily manageable. As he moved, there was a feeling of promise that it would soon better than anything I'd heard of. I had already gotten what I wanted, though. I had gotten this unthinkable union that felt more right than anything I'd ever done; any decision I'd ever made. I knew I was lucky.

The tingles I always felt when his skin touched mine felt even better this way, that was for sure.
Two people couldn't have been more impeccably in sync. We were of the same body, the same mind. When he moaned, I sighed. When his hips drove downward, I lifted mine up. His hands touched every inch of my skin, and I left no inch of his unexplored. His gentleness, his reverence as he touched me was unfathomable, as were the feelings coursing through me. As long as he was with me, I had wings.

Even if I was sure both of us wanted it to, nothing lasts forever. Simultaneously we both reached that point that brought sounds from both of us I'd never heard and caused me to dig sets of nails into Alex's shoulder blades on heavenly reflex.

For me, the regret would never come. I was able to bask in the afterglow, without a thought in the world besides how electric Alex's skin felt upon mine.

"I know it's cheesy to say this post-sex, but I love you, Brooklyn."

"Well, Mr. Alex Gaskarth, I don't love you," I replied, reveling in his surprised and terrified expression. "I am in love with you. Deeply and passionately."

"Well, Ms. Brooklyn Knight, I'm not deeply and passionately in love with you," he countered, at which I just laughed and continued tracing the hard planes of his chest with my hand. "I am deeply and passionately and completely and crazily in love with you, and I think that if you don't marry me, I'll die."

"Technically, I can't marry a ghost," I corrected, though my cheeks were aflame and I was more ecstatic than I'd ever been. I think he'd just asked me to marry him. Had it been legal to marry the dead, yes would've been my answer, no doubt about it. "And secondly, you're already dead."

"But I feel very alive, when I'm between your thighs," he rhymed lewdly, his eyebrows dancing suggestively. I glowed. I loved him with my entire heart. Was it possible to love someone so much it hurt? It must’ve been.

"Your rude poem is not very much appreciated," I scoffed chidingly. "Proper gentlemen don't talk like that."

"Good thing I'm a sex god and not a proper gentleman then, eh?" He grinned, kissing me one more time.

If one could have heaven on earth like this, then what was there to look forward to when you died?
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The Feel Good Drag - Anberlin.

As promised, the sexy stuff. Comment :)