Sing To Me

The Proposition

Another slow day at the restaurant. One or two people coming in and out. That’s convenient for me because I have some homework, to do, college is a bitch sometimes, but some of the other waitresses are getting upset.
“Where is everybody! It’s Thursday afternoon! Shouldn’t more people be here?” Tessa complained.
“Tess can you please be quiet for two seconds. I have homework I gotta finish.” I said.
“No Carla! I will not be quiet! This is a popular restaurant and I’m bored out of my mind!”
We then heard the front door open and shut. Tessa got all excited and she and her brown curls bounced away.
I heard her talking to whoever came in from here. “Hello how many?” I couldn’t hear the person but what interested me was her response. “Really? Why?” Pause. “Oh okay. I’ll go get her.”
She came through the door of the kitchen and looked directly at me. “A strange man wants to talk to you Carla.” That’s never something you want to hear.
“Okay.” I walked out and saw a short serious looking man in a suit sitting at one of the tables. I decided to be somewhat professional and get my little pad and pen out to take his order. “Hello my name is Carla and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I get you anything to start off?”
“Hello Miss Jennings, will you please have a seat?” He said. Crap he knows me.
“Um… I can’t. I’m on the clock.”
“You don’t seem to busy.” He said motioning to the empty restaurant.
“Yes well if my boss comes out and sees me talking to you I’ll get in trouble.”
“When’s your break?”
“15 minutes.”
“I’ll wait.”
“Well do you want something in the meantime?”
“Yes thank you. I’ll just have a coke and some pasta.”
“Alright. I’ll bring that right out.”
“Thank you.”
Okay this is a little strange and I’m really curious about what he wants to talk to me about. I hope I’m not in trouble with anyone.
I went and placed the order, finally giving the cooks something to do.
His meal was done in record time and I brought it out to him. I was finally on break so I sat down.
“Well, Miss Jennings there’s no reason to beat around the bush.” I got scared for a second.
“You can call me Carla.”
“Alright. My name is Jeffery Keller. Do you know who Jason Bradley is?” Strange. Why would he ask me that? Everyone knows who Jason Bradley is. I am not personally a fan but he is one of the most desired guys in America. He’s the lead singer of this band called Missing Identity. Lame name for a band right? But for some reason girls just go crazy over them. I’ve never heard their songs so I guess I can’t judge, but I’ve seen their fan base and it’s a little creepy seeing as these guys are twenty years old being followed by thirteen year old girls. Also I’ve heard that he was hella mean to a girl that just wanted his autograph, and that he does some drugs and stuff. So I don’t really want to waste my time listening to people like him, even if his music is good it’s not worth my money.
“Yeah. Everyone knows who he is. Why?”
“Are you a fan?”
“Not really. I’ve heard so much crap about him I don’t really want to be.”
“I see. Well I know that you are looking to become an actress. Am I correct?”
“Yes.” I said cautiously. How does he know so much about me?
“And you are going to a community college because you don’t have enough money to go to a good theatrical school.”
“Yes. And how do you know this?”
“I’ve done my research.”
“Can you please tell me why? This is all really confusing and a little creepy, I’m not gunna lie.”
“Well I’m Jason Bradley’s manager, and we need your help.” My eyes got wide at that. What the hell is going on?! “You see there are a lot of bad false rumors floating around as you know, and also he is constantly being stalked by girls. This is where you come in. We need someone who has a pretty face and that is an aspiring actress who has something to gain out of all of this. ”
“Out of what?”
“We want you to be Jason Bradley’s temporary girlfriend.”
“Excuse me?”
“We need you to act as his girlfriend. Do some interviews, say nice things, prove the rumors false, because they are ruining the ratings. And he can’t handle all the stalking girls, so we’re hoping the stalk attacks will cease if he has a girlfriend.”
“Wow. Well it was nice talking to you, but I have to get back to work, so I’ll just um…bye.” I was not staying to hear anymore of this. I don’t want to be some stupid pretty boy’s little girlfriend. Nope, not going to happen. Not even if they pay me. I got up and started to walk away.
“Wait! Carla! We’ll pay you!” I stopped at that. Okay I didn’t actually think they’d pay me, but I won’t go with just that, it depends on how much. I turned around slowly and eyed him. I wasn't sure about this but maybe i'll just hear him out.
“I’m listening.” I went and sat back down.
“I’m willing to give you three thousand dollars a month to be his girlfriend. And think of the benefits! You will get your name known! You can reach your dream of being an actress! Also once this is over we’ll pay for you to get into any college you want.” Okay maybe they can pay me. Those are some great benefits. Should I?
“What about my college now? Doesn’t he have to go on tour or something?”
“Yes well that’s why we’re going to pay for you to go to any college you want. You would have to drop out.”
“Oh um… I don’t know.”
“Any college you want. Not this crappy community college.”
“How long?”
“Six months.”
“I want eight thousand a month.”
“Deal.” Whoa! I didn't think he would take it! This guy must be desperate.
“When do I have to leave?”
“You have three days.”
We shook and he had me sign some things. I looked through them VERY thoroughly. I did not miss a line and I asked what some things meant. I was making sure that I wouldn’t get screwed over. Everything seemed legit. Be his girlfriend for six months, say nice things, and then get paid. I just hope he isn’t a complete jerk. Well if he is there are not many people that can handle me when I get pissed off. This might be kind of fun.
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Everything is fake! Fiction! Not true! It's not fan fiction i promise!