Sing To Me

Things are heating up!

We all walked out and into the cars waiting for us. There were even more photographers than before. I stood close to Jason and held his hand. We got to his car, but Jenny and Tyler weren’t with us. Jason opened the door for me and I got in and watched as he battled fans and photographers to get on the other side of the car. He got in quickly and started driving off.
“Where are Tyler and Jenny?”
“They went with Jeffery, because now we have to do a couple thing again.” Jason said, he was obviously irritated.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine.” He snapped.
“Yeah I can see.” I said sarcastically.
He sighed, “It’s just sometimes I get irritated with Jeffery. All he ever thinks about is how to get more publicity and stuff, never about our own well-being.”
“Well I mean it is his job. He’s your manager.”
“Yeah, but I mean he never relaxes and just lets us enjoy hanging out together as a band or even you and me, because we always have to go places where cameras are and do things this way and we can’t pick on each other because people might think we’re in a fight. And I like picking on you!”
I chuckled. “Yeah, well we hang out all the time at the hotel.”
“But that’s just it. Never anyplace else. He won’t let us go out unless we go someplace that will get us publicity.”
“Alright well I don’t know what to say now because that does kind of suck.”
“Yeah see. Well now we have to hurry and get to the game early so people can see us making out in the parking lot.”
“It’s only three o clock right now! The game doesn’t start for four hours, why do we need to hurry?”
“Well….good point.”
“So…… about we go somewhere?”
He looked at me funny. “What do you mean?”
“How about we go somewhere where there won’t be cameras and just hang out? Like you just said.”
“Oh! I thought…never mind. Yeah that sounds fun.” He turned the car around and went a different way.
“Um…Mr. Bradley, I don’t think you should do this. You could get into a lot of trouble.” His body guard said from the back seat. You I never notice them. They always sit back quietly. The things they must hear!
“It’s alright. You’re here if anything goes wrong.”
“Please don’t get me fired Mr. Bradley.”
“Don’t worry Ken. I’ll just say I kidnapped you.”
Ken just sat back quietly. “So where exactly are we going?” I asked.
“I could really go for some ice cream. How about you?”
“Yeah that sounds good.” I smiled at him and he smiled back.
We pulled into a frozen yogurt shop. It was small and there were barely any people.
He held the door open for me as we went inside. It was so cute. It was decorated all sorts of fun colors and there was a counter with spinney chairs. I loved it.
We went up to the front counter and the girl who was at the cash register got wide eyes when she saw who it was. He wasn’t even paying attention, just looking at all the ice cream like a child. It was cute in a way.
“Alright I’ll have a chocolate ice cream on a waffle cone with M&M’s on top.” He smiled at her. Without tearing her stare from Jason she asked me what I would like.
“I’ll just have a small vanilla cone with gummy bears.”
Jason turned to me, “Gummy bears? That’s awful childish.”
“And M&M’s aren’t?”
“No they’re not.”
“They’re no less childish than gummy bears.”
“Nu uh!”
“Yeah huh!”
Then the cashier cut in, “That will be six fifty eight and an autograph please.” Jason smiled and handed her the money after signing a napkin. Of course giving her his million dollar smile. She giggled and went to get us our ice cream. Once she got it and handed it to us she asked, “Hey Jason can I get a picture with you? Would your girlfriend mind?” She was sincere when she said that too.
“Sure. And you don’t mind right Carla?”
“Of course not. Here do you want me to take it for you?”
“Okay.” She said handing me the camera.
“Alright on three. One two three, smile.” I took the picture and handed her back her camera.
“I know you guys probably want to eat your ice cream but can I get one with both of you just to prove to my friends you were here.”
“Yeah.” She stood in between us and took the picture. It must be cool to get a picture with a super star and his girlfriend on both sides of you. That’s a good conversation starter.
We said good bye and walked out. I had left my phone in the car so when I got in I accidently sat on it. “Whoops.” I picked it up and noticed I had some messages. Okay I had a lot. Well it looks like my friends have seen the latest show on Emma Crowther’s blog. I started listening to the voicemails. The first one was from my friend Jessica back in California. I haven’t seen her since I went off to college.
“Hey Carla, you have some serious explaining to do. I just watched Emma Crowther’s show and I picked up a couple magazines and you’re in all of them. If you don’t call me back asap I’m coming to New York.” Okay I’ll call her in a minute. Jason got in and started eating his ice cream. I did too.
I went to the next message. It was from Tessa, “Carla Jennings what the hell is wrong with you. Why didn’t you tell me you were dating the hottest man in America? Does that creepy man that came in the restaurant the other day have anything to do with the fact that I have seen you in three magazines and on the most popular online show? Call me back.”
The next one was from my mom. I was scared to listen to this one. “Hunny we have to talk. Call me back.”
I sighed and put down the phone. I don’t really want to listen to any more. And there were a lot more.
“Is something wrong?”
“Well everyone has seen the interview.”
“Oh all your friends calling.”
“And my mom.”
“Oh no.”
“Yeah. She’s not going to be happy. Last time we talked I hung up on her.”
“Really? Harsh.”
“You’re not helping.”
“I’m sorry, but there’s not much I can do. I can make it worse if you’d like.” I chuckled a little. He would only make it worse if you think about it.
“Well let’s just go enjoy the basketball game. I’ll call them all later.”
“Yeah, but you don’t want to stay up too late talking, you have to be on you’re A game tomorrow.”
“Go karts! Remember?”
“Oh yeah. Don’t worry about me. I always bring it.”
“Be prepared little girl. I tend to have road rage.”
“And you think I don’t?”
“Come to think of it you do fit the personality of someone that would flip me off on the road.”
I laughed, “I’ve done that countless times.”
“Yeah, no surprise there.”
“Shut up.”
“Just saying.”
We continued talking for a little while, mostly about our childhood. Jason wanted to be a lawyer when he was little but then one day he picked up the guitar and started singing along to the little song he played. His mom heard him and immediately signed him up for these little competitions. He soon became a child start. After a while he found Tyler, Michael, and James. They were a small band named Kill The Kens. The reason behind that is still unknown, but it’s cute for a couple thirteen year olds. Well Jason heard them play at this little party and liked the music but the singing was a little off. So he went and talked to them, they immediately accepted him. He was pretty much the key to their success. Jason soon became one of the guys and they all became best friends. They didn’t do anything big for two years. Just writing songs and recording until they finally finished their first Album called Rewind when they were fifteen, Tyler was actually sixteen. It hit the top of the charts within the first month and went platinum. As they say the rest is history from there they had two other albums and they are going to start working on another after their U.S and European tour that’s supposed to start in about a month. The staff has been going crazy, but the band gets to relax for a little while.
“So you can play the guitar?”
“Yeah. I don’t normally in concerts because that’s Michael’s thing but if I write a song that’s especially personal I like to play the guitar to it.”
“Well I’ve never seen your concerts.”
“Yeah, I figured. They’re fun. I’m wiped out afterwards though because all I do the whole time is run from one side to the other and all over the stage.”
“What if you have a head ache one day?”
“They shove pills down my throat.”
I looked at him shocked, “No! Not like drugs. They’re usually Advil or Tylenol. Promise.”
“Do you ever lip sing?”
“Well I have to sometimes.”
“If it’s for a big TV program they don’t want me or the guys screwing up so they have us lip sing.”
“Is it weird?”
“You get used to it after a while. It just sucks because fans hate it.”
“Yeah I would. I expect to hear you sing. I’ve listened to the CD enough.”
“So you want to see us in concert?”
“I don’t know it might be cool.”
“You know you’d enjoy it.”
“Maybe. You’re just going to have to impress me.”
“Oh really. Well it’s not that hard.”
“You’d be surprised.”
He chuckled. Then his phone started ringing. It was the Jaws theme song. “It’s Jeffery.” I giggled. Makes sense.
“Hey. Yeah we got a little lost.” Pause. “Well traffic was thick and we lost you.” Pause. “We’re on our way. Give us like ten minutes.” He hung up and started the car.
“Well our little adventure is over.”
“And it was so exciting.”
“Hey we learned al lot about each other.”
He’s right. I told him all about my child hood and my dream to become an actress or a singer, but we were never extremely rich so my parents couldn’t really afford anything fancy or special lessons. I was okay with it though. I learned to make my way on hard work. I got the best grades and never gave up.
When we got to the arena we parked and Ken got out and menacingly guarded the car. “Ready?” he asked.
“For what?”
“Our big performance stupid.”
“Oh right!” I said laughing. I turned to him. And we both leaned in but just before our lips touched he whispered, “Is this weird to you?”
“No why?”
“Well I mean it’s just…”
“Are you nervous?” I whispered seductively. Might as well play with what you got.
“No! Why would I be nervous?”
“Just wondering. Now come on. Kiss me.” We leaned in again and this time our lips did touch. He slowly parted his lips and I followed. What’s weird was I completely lost myself in that kiss. It felt so real. Now I see why girls are so obsessed with wanting to kiss him. They’re definitely missing a lot. He laid his hand on my waist and brought me a little closer. I saw the flash of a camera then another. They had to be getting good pictures at this rate because we were both completely into it. It was almost not even an act anymore. ALMOST. He broke the kiss for a second and kissed my neck. I liked that, but I brought his lips back to mine because that was a little too intimate for acting. We finally broke apart. “Well how was that?” he said chuckling. We were both kind of out of breath.
“I have to admit, you are one hell of a kisser Mr. Bradley.” He smiled and pecked me on the lips.
“I know. And you aren’t so bad yourself Miss Jennings.”
“Let’s go watch this stupid game.”
“It’s not going to be as interesting now is it?” I just stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and we both got out of the car.
The second we got out of the car we were bombarded with fans. Ken had a tough time shoving us through the crowd. Jason held onto my hand tightly and brought me close to him in a protective manner. It was actually real not just for the look of it, because these fans were scary! Screaming his name shoving stuff at him, punching each other when one pushed to hard. I was worried for a second that one grabbed my jacket and possibly ripped it, but it came out unharmed.
We got into the area reserved for us and the second Jeffery saw us he stood up and looked very irate. Fabulous. “Where were you two?”
“I told you Jeffery, we got lost.”
“You should not have gotten lost you have a GPS.”
“It’s alright. Relax for once in your life. We’re here, we’re fine, and we put on one hell of a show in the parking lot.” Jason pulled me along to the seats. I sat in between him and Michael while Jenny and Tyler sat in front of us and James was on the other side of Michael. We were in our own little area so no obnoxious fans could bother us.
Jason kind of slouched in his chair and swung his arm around my shoulders. I pretended to be the happy little girlfriend and positioned myself comfortably closer to him.
I noticed something at that point though that kind of made me uneasy. Michael looked over at us and I made eye contact with him and it was undeniable what I saw. Jealous hurt.