Sing To Me


The basketball game went by so slowly. All I wanted to do was get out of there and talk to Jenny. Maybe she knew something that I didn’t. I sat there as all the guys yelled and screamed for the team they were rooting for. I would normally be up yelling with them, but I was too tired and confused. I don’t want to assume that Michael likes me, but the way he acted earlier today and when I saw him look at me he was definitely upset about something. Great I just sound like an egotistic bitch; I should just relax and enjoy the game. There’s probably nothing going on. I started watching the game but I couldn’t focus. My mind kept drifting also to what Jenny said this morning when she was doing my hair. When I said that I’ll be leaving in six months she said ‘We’ll see.’ What am I supposed to think about that? What does she think is going to happen?
I sighed. Then I looked up to see the game had ended. I got up and walked with everyone else out to the car.
Jason and I got in the mustang with the rest of the band. We went against what Jeffery said and decided to all go together. It was a lot of fun. James kept on messing with Jason while he was driving and Jenny was squished up in the front with me and Jason and she was just complaining the whole time while Tyler and Michael were freaking out because they were so close together.
We finally made it back to the hotel and there were already bodyguards waiting and they escorted us inside while fans tried to touch the band or even see them. Autographs were signed and lots of flashing of cameras. We finally got up to our floor and we decided to all hang out in James’ room. He had the biggest now that Jason and I weren’t staying in ours. Although I don’t know why Jenny and Tyler have a smaller room.
We all started breaking open bags of junk food and sodas. I sat with James and Michael on the couch and played rock band with them. Believe it or not I was kicking their asses. I didn’t see where Jason went, but I was sure he would be back soon.
*Jenny’s POV*
I went to change my clothes in my room but when I got there, there was already a body guard in front of the door. “Hey Thomas. Who’s in there?” I asked.
“Jason and Tyler. Jason needed to talk to Tyler about Carla I assume.”
“Oh! Did you hear any juicy gossip?”
“Well from what I heard from Ken and Dean, Jason and Carla are getting really close. Jason obviously has some feelings for her, but she’s not getting it.” I love being friends with all the body guards. They always know everything about everybody.
“So I knew that they had to do the big kiss today in the parking lot. Do you know anything about that?”
“Oh! Well Ken couldn’t tell me much because he was on the outside of the car, but he noticed that Jason didn’t really look like he was acting anymore. He doesn’t know about Carla because she was on the other side of his view point but she was probably enjoying it too.”
“Oh my gosh! So do you think that they’re going to get together for real?”
“I don’t know, but from the looks of it they just might if Carla can figure it out.”
“Thanks Thomas. Can I go in?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to put your ear to the door and see what they’re saying?”
“You’re going to let me this time?”
“Well this time I want to know too.”
“Alright!” I put my ear to the door and listened really closely. I could actually hear pretty well. That’s convenient.
It was Jason talking. “…and she just looked so amazing. I don’t know what came over me. I couldn’t help it. And now I’ve messed everything up, because I over did it.”
“You don’t know that Jason. Maybe she just thought it was part of the act. Just play it off as that.”
“She can’t know I have feelings for her,” Oh my gosh! He really does like her! “because I don’t know what I’d do if she didn’t feel the same. Everything would be awkward, and you know what? I’ve never been rejected, but for the first time I’m actually worried that I’m going to be. Do you see what she does to me?! She’s driving me nuts, but yet I like her way more than any other girl I’ve met. Why is that?”
“Maybe it’s because she doesn’t buy into any of your crap. Most of the girls you’ve dated have just fallen all over you and done anything you asked, but Carla won’t take it. She drives you nuts, that’s why you like her. She’s different.”
“I guess that makes sense, but what am I going to do? She’s determined to leave and pursue her dream and I don’t want to be the one to stop her. She’s really determined and will find any way to succeed. I don’t think she’s going to stop even if I admitted my undying love to her. Just to clarify I don’t love her.”
“Jason you still have a long time before that happens. So if I was you I would just relax and just enjoy what happens. We’ll cross that bridge when it comes.”
“Yeah you’re right. We still have a while and things change. Thanks for talking to me man.” I decided it was safe to enter.
“Alright Thomas I’ll fill you in later.” I whispered before going in. He nodded and I opened the door.
Both the boys looked up. I smiled. “So what’s up? Why aren’t you guys at the party?”
“I needed to get something for Jason, but we got it. So we’re going back now.”
“Okay. Well save me a soda.”
“Alright babe.” Tyler kissed me and walked out. I went and changed into comfier clothes and headed back to James’ room. You know I’m still kind of angry at Tyler for losing rock paper scissors against him. That’s how he got the biggest room and Tyler and I were stuck with the smaller one.
*Carla’s POV*
“Yeah! I win again suckers!”
“Damn it! She’s can’t even play an instrument and she’s kicking our asses.” James said. “I give up.” I heard the door open and there was Jason and Tyler. “Hey Jason you want to have a go? Carla’s kicking our asses.”
“Sure I think I can take her.” He smiled and grabbed the guitar from James.
“What makes you think you can? You couldn’t take me in wrestling so what makes this different?”
“I’ve practiced.”
“Well so have I.” We started the game and it was intense. Jason kept trying to mess me up and I kept trying to get him back. After we finished the song we waited anxiously for the results.
“I win!” Michael yelled. “I actually beat the both of you! Suck on that!” He said. Jason and I just stood there and pouted.
“I call for a rematch!” I yelled.
“Nah I’ve had my fill for the night. I’d like to end on a high note if you don’t mind.”
“Loser.” I whispered.
“Hey I heard that!” I just stuck my tongue out at him.
Jason and I played for a little bit longer. We finished the last song and I had won most of them, but he won some too. We looked at the time, it was three in the morning! I was so tired. I plopped on the couch and just about fell asleep right there.
“Come on Carla. It’s time to go to bed. We have to be rested for tomorrow.” Jason said.
“I’m not moving.” I mumbled.
“Come on princess. You can’t sleep in here.”
“Carry me then. I don’t want to get up.”
He sighed. “Fine. At least you don’t weigh much.” I felt him come over and scoop me up bridal style. “Goodnight everyone. I’m sure if Carla was awake she would say bye too.” I didn’t want to move at all, so I just pretended to be asleep.
Everyone said bye and we managed to get out of the room with the help of a bodyguard opening the door for Jason.
Jason laid me down on the bed in our room and I scrunched up in a ball and started to fall asleep again. I felt the bed move next to me and I slightly opened my eyes. Jason was falling asleep next to me. Oh well as long as he doesn’t try anything I won’t have to kick him where it really hurts. With that I fell asleep too.