Sing To Me

Special - The award show

The award ceremony was amazing. When we got there walking down the red carpet was one of my dreams! Well I mean walking down it for my own award and invitation would be nice, but I’ll for this for now.
We continued walking down and Jason was saying hi to everyone and smiling for the cameras.
We came across interviewer after interviewer.
One was Jessica Brenner, I was a huge fan of her and her talk show. She’s gorgeous and hilarious.
“And who do we have here!” She said yelling over the crowd of people. “Oh! It’s Missing Identity! Look at you guys!” She said admiring their ensemble. “You all look dashing! And the girls look gorgeous! I assume this is Carla? The newest addition I’ve heard so much about?”
“Hi.” I said shaking hands with her.
“So what’s with the outfits.” She said motioning to the boys.
Jason answered. “Um…well we just wanted make sure none of got lost. No it was just to show we are part of the band, but Michael over here wanted us to all match, but he got out voted so we decided on different colors.”
“He’s being modest it was all his idea.” Michael said.
Jessica went on, “So you guys are going to be performing tonight right?”
“I saw some of the rehearsal and I have to saw it looks explosive!”
They all got worried looks on their faces. “Um…no there’s nothing explosive!” Jason said hurriedly.
“Oh I’m sorry!” She said laughing. It was supposed to be a surprise. He wouldn’t even tell me.
“So Carla is this your first time at an award show?” She asked.
“Yeah and I have to say it is nothing like I expected. The excitement level is really high and everyone seems to be buzzing with excitement.”
“So how long have you two been dating?”
Jason answered, “Well not long about a month or so now, but it’s going great.”
“Yeah.” I assured.
“Well Carla you look stunning and so does little Jenny over here! It’s so nice to see you again!” They hugged. Then she started talking to Jenny and Tyler a little.
Jason whispered to me, “Having fun?”
“Yes! This is amazing!”
“All the cameras aren’t bothering you? I mean there are probably about fifty on us right now.”
“No not at all. I love it all.” I smiled widely, but it was a real smile. Jason pecked me on the cheek and once Tyler and Jenny were done interviewing we continued down the carpet and posing for cameras.
“Hey Carla don’t look now but I see This Way.”
“What where?!” I said spinning around.
“Hey calm down. You have to play it cool! You’ll get a chance to talk to them I promise.”
“Cross your heart?”
“Cross my heart.”
We finally got inside to the show and we went backstage because Missing Identity’s performance was first on the list to start off the show.
They quickly got all their gear and got situated.
Once everything settled down the host did announcements and an overview of the night then introduced, “MISSING IDENTITY!”
Everyone cheered and they started playing their hit song ‘It’s Complicated’. It was a fast paced song that got everyone screaming and jumping around. I was even smiling and enjoying it. Jason definitely knew how to work a crowd. The song ended with a bang and everyone was cheering. I heard some ‘boo’s’ at the back of the crowd but they were definitely drowned out.
They were enjoying every minute of it. Another band went on and we went to take our seats. I kissed Jason on the cheek and congratulated him, “That was amazing! You guys did great!”
“Yeah and that wasn’t even one of our concerts. Our concerts are way better.”
“Really! I can’t even imagine!”
“Thanks.” We watched the rest of the bands and nominations. Then it was time to announce best live act. We were nominated for that but PowerHouse won that. I still cheered and clapped because I really liked them.
Then it was time for the announcement for best band. “And the winner of best band is…” The tension rose. We were shown on screen and then they said it, “Missing Identity!” We all jumped up and cheered. Jason and I kissed, and I went and sat next to Jenny as the boys went up to accept the award.
Jason took it and made a short speech thanking everyone, and they came back to sit with us.
We watched all the awards after that. This Way won best music video which made me happy. I was still really excited that Jason promised to give me a chance to meet them. I need an autograph for some of my friends.
The award shows were over and we made our way to the after party. It was really exciting. There were stars everywhere I looked! I was in aw!
“Hey look it’s This Way. Want me to go introduce you?” Jason asked.
“Can dogs bark?! Yes!”
“Alright calm down and please don’t say anything like that in front of them.”
“Okay.” I said taking deep breaths.
“Hey Micky!” Jason said. Micky is the lead singer and he’s so unbelievably hot! I can’t get over it!
“Oh hey Jason! What’s up man?”
“Not much, but I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Carla. She’s a big fan of yours.”
I was smiling like an idiot. “Hi Micky! It’s so awesome to meet you! I’m a huge fan!”
“So I hear.” He said laughing. “So what’s a gorgeous girl like you dating this loser?” He asked jokingly. I just about fainted! He called me gorgeous.
I wanted to say something but the words caught in my throat. Jason saved me though, “Ha! Watch yourself Micky.”
“Sorry man. I’m just having fun.”
“Can I have your autograph!” I blurted out all of the sudden. Micky smiled. He smiled at me!
“Of course, for a pretty girl like you, anything.” Again with the almost passing out. I got a piece of paper out of my purse and I found a pen. “Can you make it out to Jessica?”
“Sure. Is she one of your friends?”
“Yeah and she’s also a big fan. She’s the one that got me into you guys.”
“Really? Awesome.” He handed the paper to me. “You don’t want an autograph?”
“I do so much, but I don’t have a paper and I’m hoping this won’t be the only time I get to meet you. By the way where are Oliver, Nick, and Frankie?”
“They’re off flirting somewhere. When I find them I’ll try and find you to introduce you guys.” My breath caught.
“Really?! That would be amazing! Um…I have another request.”
“Anything.” He said smiling.
“Can I take a picture with you?”
“I just want to prove to my friends I met you.”
“That’s a must.” I took out my cell and took a picture with him.
We said our goodbyes and I went with Jason over to our area.
When we sat down I turned and faced him. He looked angry. My smile quickly faded. “What’s the matter?”
“You just about blew the whole thing right there.”
“How? I’m a fan of This Way and I wanted a picture.”
“But I don’t want to even know what the press is going to think of this.”
“It’s just a picture what’s the big deal?”
“Just a picture? If you saw that whole thing from a far what would you think? I’ll answer for you: Flirting.”
“No! I would think, ‘wow what a big geek for freaking out like that.’”
“You kind of embarrassed me with the not answering him about why you were with me. You’re lucky I saved your ass.”
“I couldn’t speak! He called me gorgeous! How often does your celebrity crush call you gorgeous?!”
“I wouldn’t know.” He said. All of the sudden Jeffery came over in a rush.
“What are you guys doing?! I don’t know or care what’s going on, but you better be a happy couple until you get back to the hotel tonight.”
Oops. We nodded.
The rest of the night we pretended to be the happy couple. We kissed, we laughed, we held hands.
I got to meet a lot of celebrities and I enjoyed every second of it. I also got to meet the rest of This Way. I was so giddy and I posed for a picture with all of them. I got to have a short conversation with them about their upcoming album! If you’ve ever had a band that you’ve been a huge fan of and got to meet them, triple your excitement and you’ll get how I acted.
It was one o clock when we finally left.
Jason and I got to our hotel room and didn’t speak he was still upset with me.
I changed into pajamas and crashed. Tomorrow we are moving hotels to where they are going to play the tour kick off that’s going to happen in three days. We have two days to get ready. The band is going to be doing some major practicing.