Sing To Me


*3 months later*
Everyone is happy with how the tour turned out. It was fantastic. Today is the Music Awards and they’ve been nominated for best live show! I am fully dressed up. Ready to go do tons of interviews AGAIN. People are now getting used to us being together and now we really don’t have to pretend. We really are together.
One problem has just arisen though. I don’t know if Jason has noticed but I have, I only have three weeks left. I’ve talk to Jeffery a lot in this time though and he’s assured me I’ll have somewhere to go and he said he actually has a part for me in a movie, but he just has to pull a couple more strings. I was really happy about that, but worried about Jason.
I sighed after putting my earring in. I felt two hands go on my shoulders. Jason.
“Are you okay? You’ve been stressed lately.” He said. I could see him through the mirror.
“Yeah I’m fine.” I said smiling.
“Is it because it’s almost time?”
My smiled faltered and I looked down. “Yeah.”
“Carla what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know. I mean I’ve wanted to be an actress since I was a little girl.”
“I know.”
“Why does this have to be so hard?”
“Because sometimes life throws things at you unexpectedly.”
“No kidding.”
He caressed my face lightly. “Listen, don’t worry about that tonight. Just have fun.” He smilied reassuringly. “Come on.”
He took my hand and we went to the awards.
They were much like the first one I went to. This Way wasn’t there though so I was slightly disappointed.
Of course Missing Identity won and did an amazing performance. Now they are supposed to start working on their new album. I won’t be here for too much of that though.
I was slightly upset the whole night too. I tried not to show it, but it always crawled back and made my chest tighten in anxiety. Bit by bit it built up to where I was beyond upset, I was devastated.
We got back to the hotel we were staying in right now and I took my death trap shoes off and all my jewelry. “Carla. Don’t worry, things have a way of working themselves out.”
“This only way this will just be fixed is if we aren’t together.”
“No! We both knew this was temporary! In a couple of weeks we’ll make our break up public.”
He sighed and rubbed his temples. “Carla, there’s no such thing as temporary with something like this.”
I could feel tears started to escape. “There has to be. I’m sorry Jason.” I grabbed my stuff and walked out. He tried to stop me, but just gave up when he saw I wasn’t being swayed. I went and talked to Jeffery and he arranged so I could stay in a different room….and leave in a week. It’s better to just do these things quicker. Like ripping off a band aid. Taking too long will just make the pain last longer.
I didn’t see much of Jason that last week. We had one last interview scheduled but they said I was sick so I didn’t have to go. I just laid in bed to wallow.
It was finally the day I had to leave. I had everything packed and Jeffery introduced me to a lady that was going to be my personal agent and help me with everything. She owed him a favor. He got me a part in a great movie. I don’t know how but he did. The movie was called Forgetting Him. Great right? Yeah that’s going to help me ‘forget him.’ I thought sarcastically.
I said my goodbyes to everyone even the body guards. I’ve made friends with a couple. The only person I didn’t say good bye to was Jason.
When I was saying bye to Jenny she asked me about that, I just told her we already said our goodbyes. She accepted that answer.
Finally it was time to go. I got in the car with my agent Sierra. She seemed nice, but pushy. I guess that works.
As we drove away I could see Jason. He came to say goodbye but missed me. That did make me cry.
*One Year Later*
I was sitting in Emma Crowther’s large plush couch for the second time, this time on my own with my own accomplishments. The movie was a HUGE hit. People never heard of me, but thought I was brilliant. Now everyone’s heard of me. We were even nominated for tons of awards! I found out one was a music award because guess who wrote some of the songs and I didn’t even know it. Yep, Missing Identity. I guess that’s why Jeffery got me the part.
“So Carla! How does it feel to be currently the most popular actress in Hollywood?”
My smile was fake, but people don’t know that. Emma and I still aren’t on good terms. “I don’t even know. I mean it all happened so fast! Everyone was so sweet.”
“Do you owe any of your success to Missing Identity?” I can see where she’s going with this. She wants to see if I was just using them. Technically I was….
“Well of course. I could never have done it with them supporting me.”
“Is that why Jason and you broke up?”
“Well it was a mutual break up. I got the part and he knew that I’ve wanted to be an actress since I was very young so we decided to do what’s best for the both of us.”
“I’m glad it worked out so well.” How little she knows. I’m still hurting from that break up. “Well have you checked out their newest album? It came out about a month ago.”
“I have not had the chance, but I plan on it.” I said smiling.
“Well it’s called Intuition when you decide to get it.”
“Thank you.”
She asked me a couple more questions about myself, dating, and unimportant information; then it was finally over.
I got back to my house. Yes house. My sister stays with me here. My parents visit a lot. It has plenty of room.
Sierra was there drinking coffee in my dining room. It can only mean that she wants me to do something I won’t want to do.
“Hello.” I said getting myself a bagel.
“Hi Carla can you come sit?”
“Listen I know you won’t like this, but at the awards you have to sit near Missing Identity.” I nearly choked on my bagel. I haven’t seen or talked to any of them for a year, except Jenny.
“Carla you have to sit near them because they are there for the same movie. Also I’d like you to actually sit with them.”
“Excuse me?!”
“People want to see you together again. You said it was a mutual break up. Make it look like it.”
“But sierra!”
“No butts!”
I pouted. Great just want I was trying to avoid. I went and took a drive. I passed an electronics store and in the window was a display of their CD. I immediately stopped and bought it. The guy at the counter recognized me but I left in such a hurry he didn’t get a chance to say anything.
I put the CD in and listened.