Sing To Me

The new life begins

I got off work that night kind of excited. This could really help my career. I might just have my dream come true after all. I didn’t tell any of the girls what we had talked about, they asked but I just said nothing important. They don’t really need to know about this. I decided I better tell my parents that I’ll be touring the country with a band. They are not going to be happy about this, but they might feel better once I tell them about the perks. I got back to my apartment quickly, I only live right around the corner so I walk, but it was very cool out tonight. I quickly took a warm shower and got in my comfy clothes. I took a deep breath and dialed my parents’ phone number. I had been rehearsing what I was going to say in the shower.
It rang twice before my mom picked up, “Hello?”
“Hey mom.”
“Hi sweetie. How are you?”
“I’m great. Um…I have some good news.”
“Really. What is it?”
“I’ve got kind of a better paying job with great benefits.”
“Really what is it?”
“Well before I tell you that, let me tell you the benefits. I get paid eight thousand dollars a month, and after six months I get to go to any college I want no matter the price, and it will also boost my acting career.”
“What is this job?”
“Um…do you know Jason Bradley?”
“Well his manager came to me and asked me to be his girlfriend for six months.” I said all that really fast.
“Wait let me get this straight, the most famous man in America’s manager came to you and asked you to be his girlfriend for six months?”
“And you expect me to believe you why?”
“Because it’s the truth, and I called to tell you I have to quit college for now.”
“Mom I signed a contract and everything. It’s totally legit.”
“Mom I’m nineteen years old, I was just calling to let you know. I’m still going to do it.”
“Carla, what are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking this is a great opportunity.”
“It may seem like it, but what if everything falls out, what will happen to you then?”
“I’m willing to take that chance. I have to go to bed now bye.” I hung up before she could protest. I feel bad, and now I’m a little scared because what if everything does fall out. What will happen to me then? Well I have a copy of the contract I signed so they went the full length to make this legit, and why would they do that if it was just a scam? Plus I didn’t pay anything, they’re paying me. It’ll all be fine I know it.
I went to bed with my mind wandering and I had a dream about meeting Jason Bradley for the first time. I can’t remember details of the dream I just remember that I was shocked by how he looked or something. It was a strange dream.
I woke up feeling refreshed, until I realized I have to go drop out of college. I quickly got dressed and just threw my hair up in a little pony tail.
After I was done at the college I decided to go get a coffee. I need something to calm my nerves. All that’s left to do is pack.
I got back to my apartment and started empting my dresser and closet into a suitcase. Make that three suitcases.
CRAP! I still have to go quit my job. That’s sure to be an awkward conversation.
I went in the restaurant and hesitantly walked to the manager’s office.
It went better than I thought. He asked me why and I said personal reasons. He said okay and we were done. Simple as that.
Now I just wait until I go meet Jason Bradley, my boyfriend for the next six months.
Finally time to go. I got up early that morning and made myself look as presentable and pretty as possible. My short reddish brown hair was a little wavy so I straightened it out. I put on a thin line of eyeliner on the top and bottom of my eyes. I decided to where this blue shirt that makes my eye just pop. I put on some skinny jeans and some medium sized heels and I was done. Now I just have to wait.
I was getting a little nervous that they weren’t going to show up, it was already three o clock, when I looked out the window of my apartment and saw a black Mercedes. It was pretty. A couple seconds later I got a knock at my door.
I answered it, “Hello Miss Jennings.” Jeffery said smiling.
“Hello Mr. Keller.”
I invited him in along with a bigger guy behind him. “How are you this morning?”
“Fine. And you?”
“Very well thank you. This is John he’s going to take your stuff down to the car.”
“Oh thank you.” I pointed over to my bags that were sitting by the table. He went and got them without a word. I was surprised to see him carry all three.
“I must say you look different from your waitress uniform.”
“Is that bad?”
“No better. You look much prettier in normal clothes.”
“Thank you.”
“Now let’s go meet your boyfriend for the next six months.”
The hotel was about an hour away so on the way Jeffery told me everything (or almost everything) I needed to know at the moment.
“His full name is Jason Markus Bradley. He was born on March 5th 1990. The band first became famous 4 years ago with their first hit album called Rewind. Over the past four years they have dominated almost all the English speaking countries. Non English-speaking countries do have fans but not enough to do a show, plus the band can’t speak anything but English and bad words in every other language.” Sounds like a group of guys.
“Do you know any of their songs?”
“Nope. Never thought I’d need to.”
“Well here’s some CD’s you can put on your computer to listen to. You have to know some, you are his girlfriend after all.”
“What if I don’t like them?”
“At least learn the words to one song, and know the names of most so if an interviewer asks you questions about the albums you’ll know how to answer.”
“Sounds reasonable.”
“You’re first appearance as a ‘couple’ will be tomorrow. You guys will have bodyguards with and you’ll take a walk near an area I know will be littered with press, and they’ll want to get a good picture of Jason Bradley’s new girl. In about two days you will have your face on at least fifty websites asking who the hell you are.”
“Sounds fun. What about interviews?”
“The first interview with you there will be scheduled after tomorrow. People are going to want to ask about you. You won’t go out there with the band or him, you’ll just stay backstage unless they ask to talk to you, then you can come out and answer any questions they have. Do NOT answer them truthfully. Answer them how you think a girlfriend should or how we tell you too. This is your first test as an actress and you better make it convincing.”
“Yes sir.” I said in a bored tone.
“You’ll need to know the rest of the band too. The drum player is James Howard. The guitarist is Michael Conroy. And the bassist is Tyler Marks. Got it?”
“I really hope you can pull this off.”
“Me too buddy.”
You know now that I think about it this all seems so shallow. I mean first of all they’re paying me to be this guy’s girlfriend just to say some nice things about him and prove rumors false. Second of all I’m going to have to lie on national television A LOT! It’s ridiculous. You have to wonder how many other Hollywood relationships are just hoaxes to get better ratings. Oh well, I just want to get this over with so I can reach my own dream. Damn I’m shallow too…
The hotel was, of course, as fancy as they come. We walked in the front doors and above my head was an amazing chandelier and below we were beautiful beige marble tiles. We walked up to the desk where a skinny prissy man was.
“Hello Charles can you give me an extra key for the room Jason Bradley is staying in?”
“An which room is that Jeffrey?”
He typed some things in his fancy little computer and handed Jeffrey the key. “Thank you.”
“Enjoy your stay.”
We walked over to the elevator and before they shut I saw some men grabbing my bags and putting them on a cart. Jeffrey saw where I was looking and said they’ll be up at my room later.
“So why did you get an extra key?”
“For you of course.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh you didn’t know you’d be staying in Jason’s room?”
“Well once it gets out that you’re his girlfriend it will be weird to see you coming out of a separate room, plus it’s for your own safety.”
“My safety?”
“Yes, well there might be some girls angry that he has a girlfriend and it’ll just be easier to keep the both of you safer if you’re closer.”
“I’m not happy about this.”
“I know, but it’s only for six months.” I groaned and the elevator dinged.
We walked down to room 493 and Jeffrey knocked. I heard some rustling and locks being unlocked. The door finally opened revealing a tall buff man in all black, his bodyguard.
“Hey Thomas.”
“Hello Jeffrey.”
“Where is he?”
“They’re all just messing around and playing video games.” All of the sudden I felt a little bit nervous. Even though I don’t like him I’m still meeting a celebrity and it’s kind of cool. My stomach had butterflies, but I didn’t let it show. I’m an actress after all.
“Damn it Tyler! Get away! That’s cheating!”
“Ha! I win suckers!”
“See what you did now we both lost!”
I walked into a big room to see four boys sprawled across a couch in front of a huge TV playing some racing game. I immediately recognized Jason. I’ve seen his face so many times it’s annoying. I’ve seen the others before but I wouldn’t be able to tell you who is who.
“Boys I brought a visitor, please behave.” Jeffrey said. They all stopped and turned. I felt my face turn red as I was checked out by them. “I would like to introduce you to Jason’s new girlfriend. Carla.”