Sing To Me

Practice makes perfect!

“Not bad Jeffrey.” This other guy said that was sitting on a chair. He wasn’t one of the band members.
“So this is the girl?” Jason said getting up and walking over to me. He was actually pretty attractive. He had brown longish hair and bluish gray eyes. He had a great complection, I have to say I am jealous. He’s about 5’11’’ I’d say. “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Carla.”
“Nice to meet you too.” I replied.
“Jason, she isn’t a fan of the band.” Jeffrey said.
“She doesn’t even like the band.”
“Then why the hell did you choose her?”
“We needed someone that wouldn’t over do it and annoy you. Someone that has her own agenda and won’t just be a gushing little girl all over you 24/7.”
“I guess that kind of makes sense.”
“Yes, so she’ll be staying with you so please don’t make her uncomfortable with your usual shenanigans.”
“Yes well I’m going to go get some lunch. Have a nice day Carla; I’ll be back later with more details on what’s going to happen tomorrow.” Then he was gone. Just like that I was left with the most famous band in America. I kind of stood there awkwardly for a second.
“So you don’t like us?” Jason asked.
“Well I’ve never really listened to any of your stuff and what I’ve heard about the band doesn’t make me want to.”
“So you believe everything that’s on the internet but you’re here to prove it all false. Ironic.”
“Well I’ve seen your following and they’re a bunch of little girls trying to act all old and mature and think they have a chance to get you just because they scream the loudest. I find it all pathetic.”
“Oh so you’re one of those extremely opinionated girls.”
“Well I do have a lot of opinions, but I usually keep them to myself.”
“But you aren’t now.”
“What’s the point?”
“Good point.”
“Well where can I put my stuff?”
“Over there.” He said pointing to two beds. Good I’ll have my own, although I don’t know how well I will sleep with him still in the room. I put my stuff on the bed closest to the window and got my iPod out. I went over and looked out the window. It was an amazing view of the city. Above all the commotion. It made me smile. There were some clouds out and it seemed so peaceful. I put in my iPod and turned on a calming song. It seemed like the best choice with this scenery.
After a few minutes I felt someone within close proximity of me I didn’t turn to look though, I was too mesmerized. Then all of the sudden the trance was broken when my iPod was snatched out of my hand pulling the earphones out.
“Let’s see what Carla is listening to.” Jason started going through my songs. “Aw! Nothing by Missing Identity! How offensive.”
“Jason give it back!” I reached for it but he moved it out of my reach.
“Ah, ah, ah! I just want to see what type of music you like that’s all. I don’t know anything about you, but you know a lot about me.”
I humphed and stood back as he continued to look through. “You like This Way?! That’s like the lamest band ever! I met them and they were a bunch of losers.”
“Well I met this band called Missing Identity and the lead singer was a complete douche!”
“Ouch that hurt!” He said putting his hand over his heart. He handed my iPod back to me and I just snatched it out of his hand.
“Yeesh! Someone is a little grouchy! Relax Carla.”
“Sorry. I’ve just been sitting all day and when someone insults my music preferences I get a little angry.”
“I’ll keep that in mind from now on. Hey do you want me to call for some room service?”
He picked up the phone and started ordering all sorts of things. I just went and sat on my bed. I felt so awkward.
“Hey Carla.” I think it was Tyler that said that.
“I want you to meet my girlfriend. I think you guys will be good friends.” I looked over and saw him with a pretty girl that was about 2 inches shorter than me. Wait I’m in heels, just kidding, she’s my height.
“Hi I’m Jenny.” She said extending her hand. “And I really am Tyler’s girlfriend.” She smiled. I chuckled.
“Good to know. I’m Carla, I’m not really Jason’s girlfriend.”
“Yeah I was told about it all. I’ve really wanted to meet you. It’s annoying having just these boys around to talk to and no girls.”
“Oh that must suck.”
“It does! I mean I love talking to Tyler, but there are just some things that you have to have a girl’s opinion about.”
“Makes sense.”
“Also I’m here to help you.”
“Well I’m going to teach you famous guy’s girlfriend protocol.”
“I see.”
“There’s a lot more than you think to it, but we’ll talk about that later.”
“Sounds good.” We smiled.
“Hey! What do you guys want to drink!?” Jason yelled from the other room.
“Coke!” They all yelled at the same time.
“I guess I’ll have a coke too.”
“So what do you like listening to Carla?” Jenny asked, while coming and sitting next to me.
“Um…I like mostly rock, but a more softish rock, and maybe some technoish stuff.”
“Hey that’s what Missing Identity makes! You’ve listened to them right?”
“Um…no. Not really.”
“Shame. You would probably really like them.”
“Well I’m going to have to listen to them eventually.”
“Good point.” She smiled. “How about now?!”
“The boys can put on an acoustic show for you!”
“Babe, come on the guys don’t want to do that.”
“Tyler! What better way to welcome her than giving her a show!”
“I think it’s a great idea.” Jason said, coming in and sitting next to me. “Let’s give my girlfriend a show.” He said putting his arm around me. I just rolled my eyes.
“Yeah we should.” James said.
“Fine.” Michael finally agreed. They all went and got their instruments, with Jenny following behind them, except Jason of course. He just sat there with his arm comfortably around me.
“Um… excuse me, but you can take your arm off now.”
“I don’t know if I want to. It fits so comfortably right here.” He said pulling me a little tighter.
“I don’t think so.” I said getting up.
“Aw, well you better change that attitude tomorrow when I have to kiss you in front the press.”
“Hey maybe we should practice right now?”
“How about not?”
“Do you want to be all awkward and weird tomorrow when you kiss me? Might as well get it out of the way.”
I was actually considering it. I mean I need my performance to be convincing, because if we can’t pull it off then I am screwed. “Maybe just one quick kiss. Just in case.”
“I knew you couldn’t resist me.” He smirked.
“First of all, I can easily resist you, and second of all this is just so we can make it look convincing tomorrow.”
“Whatever. I’ll let you think what you want.” I rolled my eyes. He stood up and walked over to me. Being the awesome actress that I am I kept an annoyed face not showing that my heart was speeding up. He put his hand under my chin and lifted my face and pressed his lips immediately onto mine, not even pausing for a second. He pulled away. “Well?” He asked with a smile.
“It was okay and now we know that tomorrow will go smoothly.”
“Whoa! Are we interrupting something?” James said when everyone came back in the room. I quickly turned red and stepped back from Jason.
“Nope nothing.” I said quickly brushing it off.
“Yeah we were just practicing for tomorrow.”
“Yeah, we have to show the press we’re a real couple, so we’re going to kiss.”
“Oh! Sexy! This should be good!” Jenny said.
“Nothing is sexy about it! It’s just a simple kiss to make people think we’re together.” I said.
“Fine fine. Now come on the guys have a show to put on for you.”
She smiled and pulled me towards the couch and sat me down. There were no drums so James had to just tap his drumsticks together. They started playing. It sounded pretty good. Then Jason started singing.