Sing To Me


“Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! You two actually pulled it off! The press is going crazy! Just look!” Jeffery said coming into our hotel room. It’s been two days since our outing and we were just relaxing. Also to catch you up, no I haven’t used the lovely blackmail I have, but I did acquire a set of earplugs so I can sleep better. Jason asked why I needed them and I said it was the beautiful sounds of the city keeping me awake. He bought it.
I grabbed the magazine from him. It was my favorite one. People. I saw the front page and it was the band on the front and underneath it said:
‘Does the front man of Missing Identity have a new girlfriend? Page 15.’
I skimmed through to page fifteen and the biggest picture was of Jason and me walking down the street, my heavenly hot chocolate in my hand, and then there were smaller pictures of us laughing and three of us kissing from different angles. I skimmed through the article, here’s the main point:
Front man of Missing Identity, Jason Bradley, was spotted two days ago with a mystery girl. No one knows who she is. Is she some girl off the street? A fan? A family friend? No one knows. All we know is that we caught them sharing a little more than a laugh on a park bench.
Wow, they weren’t lying when the described how quickly people would eat this story up.
“We just got a call! We have a small interview scheduled for tomorrow for an online blog.”
“Whose?” Jason asked lazily.
“Emma Crowther.”
I perked up at that. She’s the most popular, and famous, online blogger there is. She’s gotten interviews with all the top celebrities. Wow! “Wait the Emma Crowther?!”
“Is there any other?”
“Oh my God that’s so cool!”
“Hey you didn’t get that excited when you met me.” Jason whined.
“Well you aren’t Emma Crowther! I love reading her articles! She’s so funny, she can be really mean though, but I love it!”
“I’ve met her a couple times before. She took a real liking to me.”
“Oh quit with the giant ego Mr. Rock star!”
“He’s not really lying Carla.” Jeffery cut in, “The only reason we got this interview is because she has a bit of a crush on him and wants to get to the bottom of this whole girlfriend thing.”
“Oh wow. So is she going to hate me?”
“Oh no! She’s going to say mean things on her blog!”
“Most likely.” Jason said nonchalantly. Ass...
I ‘humphed’ and walked away. I decided since I’m going to be here for a while with all this super fattening, fancy food I might as well check out the state of the art gym they have.
I went and changed into a sport bra and sport shorts. I love wearing sports bras. They’re so comfortable, and this one is my favorite. It’s green too which is a plus! I grabbed a bag with a water bottle, my iPod, some money, and my cell. When I walked into the main room in the hotel room it was just Jason. Jeffrey must have left. He saw me come in and then quickly took a double take.
“So where are you going?”
“The gym. I would rather not get fat by lying around lazily.”
“Well have fun.” He said munching on a bag of chips.
“Maybe you should come with me.”
“I don’t think so. I don’t want to be hounded by any fans right now. A person can only take so much.”
“There aren’t any fans in the hotel are there?”
“You’d be surprised the measures some fans go to see me. Some check in to the same hotel just so they can try and ‘accidently’ run into me. Some have pushed through the bodyguards and attacked me. Some have even tattooed my name on various places of their body and showed me.”
“Wow. That’s somewhat pathetic and creepy.”
“Yeah and that’s only the half of it.”
“Do the other guys get this hassled?”
“Yeah but being the front man I get the worst of it. We agreed to have it that way though. The guys really don’t mind being in the background.”
“Oh, so does Tyler get the least of the attention because of Jenny?”
“Yeah. Fans respect that he has a girlfriend and he’s happy.”
“And that’s why I’m here? Because you want fans to back off?”
“Well I hope I can help.”
“In six months you and I both will be free.”
“Yeah. And hopefully I’ll get my dream of being an actress.” I said dreamily.
“Ha! That will be weird to go to the movies one day and see you on the big screen! I’ll be able to say ‘hey that’s my ex-girlfriend!’”
I chuckled, “Well for my sake I really hope you get that chance. Now I’m going to go work out. Enjoy lounging about.”
“Will do!” He yelled after me as I walked out the door.
I went down to the hotel’s gym and I have to say it’s pretty nice. They had some state of the art machines.
I put my earphones in and started with the treadmill. I had downloaded the missing identitly CD and what better time to learn the songs than now.
I was listening to a song called Getting There when I saw a group of girls pass the window that was in front of the gym. They were looking though People magazine when one of them saw me and stopped. I pretended I didn’t notice them staring, when they decided to come in.
“Um, excuse me?” The one with blond curls said. I took out my earphones and smiled.
“Can I help you?”
“Are you the mystery girl? I mean we know that Jason is staying in this hotel and we were hoping to run into him or something but then we recognized you.”
“Um…mystery girl?” I asked, even though I completely knew what they were talking about.
They showed me the magazine, “In here. See.” I looked and saw the same pictures I saw earlier or Jason and me.
“Oh. Well I suppose that does look like me.” I smiled again.
They all looked at each other with disbelieving looks. “What’s your name?”
“Listen, I don’t think you guys should be here.” I got off the treadmill and went to the elliptical. I love those things!
I started it and the girls followed me over. “Well when you go back up to your room and see Jason can you tell him Kaylie, Maya, Ellie, and Tiffany say hi.”
“Okay. I will.” I smiled.
They all giggled and bounced away. I chuckled to myself. How cute.
I finished my workout after an hour and went up to my room. I went to get my key but it wasn’t in my purse. Crap, I must have left it in the room. I knocked. “Hey Jason I forgot my key. Open up.” The door was opened by a body guard. I think this one’s name was Dean.
“Miss Jennings, please come with me.” I nodded and followed him into a different hotel room.
Jason and Jeffery were sitting there talking. No one else was there. I felt a little self conscious because I was covered in sweat.
“Hello Carla, can you sit down?”
“Okay. What’s the problem.”
“Where’s your key?”
“Um…I think it’s in the hotel room, but I thought I put it in my purse.”
“Well can you explain how a group of girls ended up with it?”
I gasped. Those little cleptos stole my key! What the hell!? “Oh no! I’m so sorry! I was in the gym and a group of girls came in and started asking me questions because they recognized me from the magazine. I must have been distracted when they took the key from my bag! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to!”
“Carla. It’s okay. Calm down. Just watch your stuff better next time and now that we know people are recognizing you, you might have to be escorted by a body guard.” Jeffery said calming me down. I nodded.
“What happened though?”
“Those girls found Jason’s room and paid him a visit. Unfortunately they planned it when his body guard left for a coffee, so they attacked him.”
I gasped again. “Are you okay Jason!? I’m so sorry!”
“It’s alright Carla. I’m fine. He over exaggerated. They didn’t necessarily attack me, it was just the typical fan girl things. You know autograph, picture, and they also wanted a kiss, but that wasn’t going to happen.” He smiled, and I felt myself relax. “I’m only allowed to kiss my girlfriend after all.” He winked and I just smiled and rolled my eyes.
“Well since they now know which room Jason is staying you two will stay in this room. We’ve brought all your stuff over here and we have a guard over there to see if any more unwanted visitors will come by. This is my room but I’ll just go and stay in your room to make things easier than going and renting another room. There’s just one problem….”
As he was saying this I was looking around and I noticed something that did not bode well with me, and before he could finish his sentence I calmly asked, “Why is there only one bed?”
“Well I was the only one staying in this room so now you two have a choice. Same bed or one gets the couch.”
Well that’s just fabulous! Damn! Why oh why! And what’s worse is that this is my entire freaking fault!
“I call the bed!” Jason yelled and ran over to it.
“Hey! Aren’t you supposed to be a gentlemen?!”
“Well this is different! I’m a rock star!”
“Hey that’s not fair! You can’t play that card! And you do know I can probably kick your ass.”
He scoffed. “I doubt it!”
“Hey I have two older brothers, so growing up I had to learn to fend for myself.”
“Well let’s go then. Right here! Winner gets to sleep in the bed.”
“Are you serious? You want to have a wrestling match right now?”
“Okay then. Bring it!”
He jumped off the bed and got positioned to fight me.
After about half an hour of going back and forth between whose winning and whose on the ground I ended up on top! We were both breathing heavily. “Damn girl. What did your brothers do to you to make you fight like that?”
“You have no idea.” I laughed. I love my brothers, but they are definitely a pain in my ass. Ryan and Jake. I miss them. I haven’t seen them since the fourth of July when they chased me with a fire cracker. Even now when I’m nineteen and Ryan is twenty one and Jake is twenty three, they still do that crap.
“You aren’t a bad fighter yourself for a pretty boy.”
He just laughed, “Well thank you, but when we have a rematch I’m going to win.”
“Okay. I’ll let you believe that for now.” I walked over to the bed and put my stuff out so I could find some clothes to take a shower.
“Oh and I should tell you, you smell bad.”
“Hey!” I picked up and pillow and threw it at him. “Rude much!”
He caught the pillow and started laughing, “Sorry, just telling you how it is.”
“Well I’m taking a shower right now so I won’t continue to offend you with my smell.”
I heard him continue to chuckle as he went and started going through his own stuff.
I got my pajamas and when I was looking through my bag I found my retainer. Yes, I used to have braces and I’m one of those diligent people who continue to where their retainer. I had forgotten about it and it probably would be smart to wear it tonight. Unfortunately it gives me a lisp so Jason should have fun with that.
I went to take a shower and brought my speakers and iPod with me. If you haven’t noticed I’m obsessed with music. I plugged it in and put it on my favorites playlist.
It started out with my favorite song. Through The Woods by This Way. The band that Jason says he doesn’t like but we all know, secretly does.
While I was shampooing I started singing along. The song ended and I was slightly sad. But happy when In The Midst by PowerHouse started. I continued to sing along. I decided it would be a good idea to shave my legs since I was considering wearing a dress tomorrow.
After a couple more songs I finally finished my song. At one point Infinity by Missing Identity came on and I even sang to that. So sue me, I like the song.
When I came out I saw Jason in a t-shirt and boxers (His normal night-wear) sitting on the couch smirking. I looked at him warily.
“You sing in the shower?”
I stopped at that. I hadn’t thought of him listening. I just sing as a reflex.
“You were listening!?”
“Yeah. And you don’t have a half bad voice, but I now have blackmail! Carla sings in the shower.”
That’s when I remembered my own blackmail. “Oh Jason I don’t think you should talk.”
“I have blackmail myself.”
“Do tell.” I said like he didn’t believe me. I went and dug my camera out of my bag and got to the video of him singing in his sleep.
“Take a look.” He watched the video and I saw his eyes shoot open wide.
“You will show no one!”
“And what if I do?”
“You will most definitely regret it!”
“Oh come on Jason. Do you actually think I’m that mean? BUT! If you do anything that will embarrass and or humiliate me I will use it. Got it?”
“Yes ma’m!” He said saluting.
“Well it looks like we understand each other now so let’s go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.”
“Wait a second. Why again do you have earplugs?”
“Um…Well they’re actually for your sleep singing. I lied.” I smiled and stuck my tongue out.
“You little jerk. Whatever just go and enjoy your comfy bed while the rock star sleeps on the hard uncomfortable couch.”
“Will do!” I went over and cuddled into the sheets while he went and laid on the couch.
After fifteen minutes of him exaggerating sounds of discomfort and rolling around loudly, even with my earplugs I couldn’t take it. I took the sheets off and stomped over to him and covered his mouth.
“Not another sound!” I hissed. He took one look at me and nodded. After that I slept like a baby.