Sing To Me


“Alright! Wake up you two! Come on!” I groaned. Hearing Jeffery’s voice so early in the morning is not very pleasant.
“Carla you stay in here and get ready and Jason you come with us. Jenny explain everything to Carla. Let’s go people!”
I dragged myself out of bed and was greeted face to face with a dressed up Jenny. “What time is it?”
“ten o clock.”
“Oh quit whining. Man you and Jason are a good match, you’re both late sleepers.”
“I don’t think just that similarity would make us a good match.” I said yawning.
“Well from what I’ve seen your really headstrong like him.”
“I resent that.” I rubbed my eyes, tiredly.
“Whatever. Now come on princess I have to make you look dazzling and teach you girlfriend protocol.”
I smiled. We poke fun at each other a lot, but we became fast friends. “Oh yeah. You never told me.”
“Well now I have to.”
She dragged me into the bathroom and started on my hair. She took her time straightening it and as she was she went over everything with me. “Okay first of all, you have to remember something, these interviews are for the band, and I know you want to get your name known, and you will, but you can’t go and overdo answering a question or anything. Simple answers are best, because like I said these interviews are for the band not us, we’re just the girlfriends.”
“Alright. Well I’m not even supposed to go on camera today am I?”
“No. You will be behind the camera, but there is a small chance that Emma will see you and ask you to come on camera too, so we have to make you look gorgeous.”
“Okay that makes sense.”
“Also, I’m sure Jeffery has told you that you have to say only nice things or things that a girlfriend would say.”
“Yeah. I’m sure I can do that.”
“Well you also have to make sure not to reveal too much. We would like to keep their personal lives personal.”
“Okay. So I can’t say that he sings in his sleep.”
“Jason sings in his sleep!?”
“Yeah.” We started laughing, and I told her what happened the other night.
“Wow. I wish I could’ve heard that.”
“Yeah it was hilarious. So what are you doing to my hair?”
“Curling it.”
“But you just straightened it.”
“Yes well I changed my mind. I am allowed to do that right?”
“I suppose.”
“So how are you and Jason getting along? You know cause I see you when you’re in front of people but what happens behind closed doors?” She said in a suggestive tone. I saw her wiggle her eyebrows at me through the mirror.
“Um…nothing. We pretty much are the same way when we’re in front of people.”
“Really? You don’t have a crush on him or anything?”
“Ew! No. I think of him as that dorky friend I can pick on.”
“So you don’t find him attractive?”
“I didn’t say that.” Actually I find him very attractive. I just won’t say it.
“Oh so you do think he’s hot.”
“Okay I didn’t say that either.”
“Tomato, tamato.”
“I don’t have a stupid little crush on him. That would be silly since I’m leaving in six months.”
“We’ll see.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Now do you want your hair up or down?” She said, dropping the conversation all together. I didn’t really want to pick it back up, because I’m not one to talk about stuff like that.
After about forty five more minutes of her poking and prodding me I was finally done. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a bit more make up than usual on, but she did it in a way that suited me perfectly, so it wasn’t overbearing.
“I had to put a little bit more on because things look different on camera.”
“Oh I see.”
“Well all that’s left are the clothes!”
She bounced away quickly coming back with a full outfit. It consisted of a cute blue strapless dress that went down to my mid thigh. She then brought out a cute white sweater to go over it. “How’s this?” She asked.
“I love it! Is the outfit yours?”
“Nope. I went, with Jason’s credit card, yesterday and bought it for you.”
“Oh nice.” I quickly changed into it and was pleased.
“And to top it off! These!” She handed me a pair of gray boots that were heels, but only came up to my ankle. They were perfect!
“Wow! I have to admit you have amazing taste!”
“Thank you! Now come on they’re probably waiting for us down at the restaurant. We are going to eat breakfast then go. We’re supposed to be at Emma’s set by eleven.”
“Okay, sounds good.”
We raced down stairs to the hotel restaurant. Sure enough they were all there talking.
I went and sat in the open seat by Jason. “Alright Carla. We have some things to go over. First of all did you go over the folder I gave you?”
“Yes sir.” Which I did manage to find time to go over it. Jeffery gave me stuff that I might need to know about him.
“Good. Now to go over the cover story. Here it is.” He handed me a paper. I read though it quickly.
You were at a coffee shop that you went to often, and while you were there Jason bumped into you, spilling all his and your coffee on you and to make it up to you he bought you another one. You guys stayed and talked a little while. You didn’t recognize who he was at first but then when he said his full name you realized who it was.
Then it just left off. Wow that was pathetic. “I do realize Carla that it leaves some stuff up in the air, but I was hoping Jason and you could put the pieces together and mostly what it needs is emotion anyways so just say how you think you would have felt, wait scratch that, how you think you should have felt.”
“Sounds like a plan. I think I can do it.”
“Good. We ordered you a bagel, so you can eat it on the way.” I nodded. When my bagel came we grabbed it and left, along with a hot chocolate I might add. It was ten forty when we got to Emma’s place. We walked in and Jason was immediately bombarded by people putting wires on him. After they left he came over to me and smiled.
“So here’s the deal. I’m going to hint about you and when she asks I’m going to tell her straight up that you are my girlfriend and that you are here with me. She’s probably going to want you to come out so I’ll go get you and then we just answer anything she asks.”
“Okay. And I was told not to reveal to many personal things about you.”
“That would be nice, so that whole thing about me singing in my sleep. Keep that on the down low.” I chuckled.
“You got it.”
“Alright, Mr. Bradly if you will please come with me.” A man came and said. I followed him until he went out on the set then I just hung back. I saw Emma. She hugged him and they sat down, and so started the interview. Wait something just hit me. My friends back home love watching Emma Crowther. I did too, but I hadn’t had much time since college, but they did all the time. They are going to see this interview. No doubt. I’m going to get a lot of calls in the next few days. Crap…