Sing To Me

The Interview

I watched the interview from a little monitor on the side of the stage. “Well Jason it’s so nice to see you again.”
“Yeah it’s nice to see you too.”
“So let’s get started. What’s it like having a brand new album out? Are you excited to see what people think?”
“Yeah. I mean it’s always nice to have feedback. Our new album is a little bit different from the past. It’s got a bit more upbeat alternative rock sound. It was a bit harder to do since we had to come up with something different from the last album, because we can’t do the exact same thing every time. There has to be some variety. Although we still have some of the old sound on the new album.”
“Oh very nice. Well I can’t wait to listen to it. And to all of you who are watching the album is called Open Doors. You can go get it at the nearest Best Buy or electronic store. Okay so I’ve gotten lots of comments asking me to ask you about something that happened in the last few days.” Here is comes. “I picked up a magazine and I found the most curious article.” She reached over and picked up the magazine and flipped to the article. She opened it up, and I saw all the familiar pictures of Jason and I. “So is it true? Does the infamous Jason Bradley actually have a girlfriend?”
I saw him sigh and slightly chuckle. He adjusted in his seat a little. Wow he’s pro. “Yes I do finally have a girlfriend.”
“Wow. This is a shock! I mean you’re known for your skills with the ladies, and never actually having a serious relationship! What happened?”
“Well I met Carla.”
“Oh her name is Carla? Well we finally have a name to the face!”
“Yeah. She was a little freaked out when she saw all the publicity about her and she was really nervous to come today because people would finally know who she was.” Lies. But he is a pretty good actor. I have to admit.
“Wait she’s here?!”
“Yeah backstage.”
“Well what the hell is she doing back there?! Someone ring her out!”
I was sitting there when a man came over to me. “Come with me miss.” I stood up and followed him. Well here it goes, my first time in front of the camera. I’m a little nervous now. This is a live show. So people are watching right this second.
I walked out and smiled. “Wow! She’s even prettier in person! Come sit down over here by your boyfriend!”
I walked over and sat down. I was slightly red by the comment, but I kept my composure well. “Hi Carla. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so many rumors.” I laughed at that, but secretly I was worried. What rumors? “So I guess we’ll start with the most obvious question. What’s it like to be the girlfriend of Jason Bradley?” I actually felt a little bit more comfortable with Jason there. He had his arm wrapped around my waist.
“Well I would be lying if I said it wasn’t interesting. There’s always something new and crazy going on.”
“Well how is he as a boyfriend? Good or bad?”
“Obviously very good, or I wouldn’t even be here.”
“That’s good. Is he a romantic?”
“Yeah he can be very romantic.”
“Ooo details!”
“Well when he first asked me out on a date he sent me a dozen of my favorite flower, the daffodil.”
“How sweet! It may be a common thing to do, but a girl loves to get flowers. It’s cool how he gave you your favorite flower though.”
“How did he know?”
“Well we had been talking frequently before that and that had come up.”
“Well I have to sat he really must have taken a liking to you if he remembered.”
“I guess so.” I looked at him and smiled. He smiled reassuringly back, but to the audience it looked like to people in love.
“So Jason what did you think when you first saw her?”
He sat there thinking for a couple seconds. “I thought ‘Wow I gotta meet that girl.’ But I did not expect to like her so much. I was just thinking she would be someone to flirt with and go on a couple dates with, but once we got to talking it was like I had to know more.”
“Aw! That’s so sweet! How did you two meet?” Ah, a rehearsed question. I was getting a little shaky at my improv skills.
Jason started, “Well we met at a coffee shop. I was just taking a quick pit stop, but as I was leaving I bumped into her spilling my coffee all over her and the ground. I felt so bad I paid for her coffee and she still was a little pissed at me because later I found out it was her favorite shirt.” I smiled and Emma chuckled. “Well we got to talking and she didn’t know who I was even after I said my name was Jason. I guess it’s not that recognizable without the Bradley at the end. After a while I finally mustered up enough courage to ask for her number. I don’t know what it was about her that actually made me nervous, but she did. She kindly gave it to me and that’s when I had to explain to her it might be a bit of a challenge to reach me. I told her who I was, and she simply said, ‘Yeah I know.’ Like it was nothing! I was a little shocked.”
“So Carla when did you figure out it was him?”
“Well I figured it out after he said his name and I saw one of the headlines on a magazine rack. I wouldn’t have known without the magazine though. I didn’t tell him I knew because I figured he was happy I didn’t know. I mean if he wanted to tell me he could, but obviously he just wanted to have a normal conversation without it going straight to how amazing he is at singing.” I think that’s good enough. Right?
“Wow. You knew who it was and didn’t say anything. Well Jason I can see why you like her so much!”
He chuckled, “Yeah. That was nice. Being around her kind of made it so I could be closer to a normal life.”
“I completely understand that. Wow. So Carla, what did you think of Jason when he spilled that cup of coffee on you?”
“I though ‘What a clumsy jerk!’” She and Jason both laughed.
“I would think that too!” I’m starting to like Emma. She seems nice. I always thought she would be someone I’d like to meet. “Carla, what is it like to see so much publicity about you? I mean just the other day me and some people were trying to see how many sites already had this story and we stopped looking after one hundred and fifty six. Some were good and some not so good. A lot of the female fans are a little upset with the news of Jason having a girlfriend.”
“Well I imagine they would. I mean if my celebrity crush got a girlfriend I would be upset too!”
“Oh! You have a celebrity crush? Jason you might have some competition! Who is it?”
“Orlando Bloom! Who else?” Emma laughed. Okay that was a complete lie. I had to think of someone fast and that was the first guy to come to mind. I really don’t like him that much. He’s okay.
“Well I think you just made some girls even more upset with you. Now they must think you’re going to go after him next!”
I laughed. “I don’t think that’s going to happen. Plus I already have the perfect boyfriend.”
“Aw how sweet! Well you two are going to be front page news for a while!”
“I imagine.” Jason said.
“Well that’s normal for you Jason, but it might be a little weird for Carla. What do you think Carla?”
“Well I’m not going to lie, seeing my face in the magazine was a little strange at first since everyone was wondering who the heck I was. And now it’s probably going to be even weirder now that they know. I’m interested to see what rumors show up though.”
“Yeah that’s always fun.” Jason said.
“Well it was really nice talking to you guys. I hope to see you guys back soon, but we’re out of time.” We all shook hands and said by. The cameras then turned off and everything changed
“Hey I’ll be right back I really have to pee.” Jason said and ran off somewhere.
I decided to be polite and I turned to Emma, “I just want to let you know I really like your show. I used to watch it all the time-” She cut me off.
“Save it, princess. Listen I don’t know what’s going on between you and Jason but I intend on finding out. If there is any hint of a lie I will bury you in so many rumors you won’t be able to breathe. I know Jason, and I also know that he wouldn’t just start dating some random girl he met. And your answer to a couple questions I asked were a little delayed like you had to think really hard about what to say. So as you probably know I’m interested in Jason, and now you propose a threat to me and I intend to figure out what’s really going on. Because I’m Emma Crowther. I always get the juiciest gossip first. Even if I have to make it up.” With that she stuck up her nose and walked away. I just sat there with my mouth wide open. Where the hell did that come from?!
“Hey Carla are you ready to go.” I looked over at him with wide eyes and slowly nodded. He looked at me curiously but just took my hand and walked with me out to his car.
We got in and he started driving. “Are you okay Carla?”
“Um… I did not realize what a bitch Emma can be. I did not expect her to go off on me like that.”
“Oh did she bitch at you?”
“Yeah big time. She’s planning on figuring out what really is going on between us.”
“Crap. And she’s good at what she does. We’re just going to have to make an even more convincing performance and make sure not to say anything regarding this in public.”
“Yeah. Wait, how are we going to be even more convincing?”
“I don’t know. Maybe we’re going to have to stage a time where we get caught making out in the car or something.”
“Oh.” I paused at that.
“What? Are you nervous to make out with me?”
“No.” I said too quickly. He chuckled.
“Yeah you are. That’s alright. You aren’t the only one.”
“Okay can you please keep your massive ego under control?”
“Nope. No can do.”
“Well I don’t even want to know what she’s saying, or planning to say about me.”
“Probably something really bad that no one can prove.”
“Like what?”
“Maybe that you smell funny or something.”
“But I don’t!”
“That won’t stop her. Welcome to the big media sweetheart.”
“When we get back I really want to see some of these websites about me.”
“All you have to do is look up Jason Bradley’s girlfriend and you’ll find everything.”
“Well tomorrow is a fun day. You’ll get to see what we do when we relax.”
“What are we doing?”
“Go karts! I get to beat James’ ass again!”
“Awesome! I love go karts!”
“Well then let the best man win.”
“Or woman.”
“Woman.” We playfully glared at each other as we pulled into the hotel parking lot.
We got out and walked up to our room, not without being bombarded by some over enthusiastic fans waiting at the entrance of course. Our body guard had to shove us through and we made it up alive.
Once we got into the room I went and sat on the couch. “Well it’s only twelve. What are we doing all day?”
“Well in about two hours we have another couple outing. Maybe that’s when we can test out the whole making out thing.” He said wiggling his eye brows.
“Possibly. Where are we going this time?”
“We are going out to lunch! Then to see a basketball game.”
“Really?! Cool!”
“Yes well better go change into something more comfortable.”
“Will do!” With that I ran off to change.