Sing To Me

Lunch Date

I quickly changed into skinny jeans and black heeled boots with black off the shoulder top. I also decided to take my hair down and put on a fedora. I approved my outfit and walked out to be greeted by Jason sitting there listening to MY iPod. “Hey! Don’t take my stuff you little clepto.”
“I resent that, and I was only borrowing it. Relax. By the way; hot outfit.”
I blushed a little, but it didn’t distract me from the fact he was messing with my most prized possession. He walked over to his stuff and got something out. I saw it was a set of little speakers. He plugged in my iPod and scrolled though my songs. I was really curious about what he was looking for.
“Alright! Since we are stuck here for an hour let’s have some fun!” He started the song. The minute it started I laughed. It was the song ‘I’m Blue’
“Oh my gosh! I haven’t listened to this song in forever!” I started singing along and dancing. He laughed and joined me. We started singing and dancing around the whole room. I grabbed the brush that was sticking out of my bag and used it as a microphone. I was having so much fun!
The song ended and we just laughed together. Then the next one came on! It was Krazy by Pitbull! That song will make you crazy!
We were all over the place! We turned it up louder and louder and eventually we were really close dancing and singing together. When I say close I mean CLOSE. It was the most fun I had in months! I’ve been so busy with college an and work that I forgot how much fun dancing around like a freak was and just letting yourself go. The song ended and we crashed onto the bed. We were laughing so hard we couldn’t catch our breath. The next song was a slow love song called Dreaming Of You, written by none other than Jason Bradley himself. He recognized the song instantly and started singing along with it. I just turned over to face him, and listened. He had a great voice, there was no denying that. He noticed me watching him and he stopped singing. “What?” I asked.
“Nothing.” He smiled at me and I smiled back. Maybe Jason isn’t so bad.
He turned over to face me and we were both lying on our stomachs on the bed facing each other.
“You know I feel kind of bad.” He said all of the sudden.
“Well I mean I don’t want to make it seem like you have to do all this stuff to help me and all I feel like you’re being forced.”
“I’m not being forced, I’m being bribed. Don’t forget that I get a lot out of this.”
“Yeah, well this could ruin your life.”
“I’ve thought of that, but I want this. I chose to do this. I could’ve said no.”
“That’s true. Then you would be stuck never meeting me. What a shame that would be!”
“Yeah how would I ever go on?” I said with a sarcastic grin. Then he did something unexpected. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek!
“You wouldn’t.” Then just got up and walked out of the hotel room. Random? I got up and went over to get my iPod. I guess our fun is over, and I was really having fun.
I went over to the couch and turned on the TV. I guess I’ll just busy myself with that. Then I remembered that I was going to look for myself on the internet! I quickly got out my laptop and typed my name in on google. Not much came up so I decided to try a better approach. ‘Jason Bradley’s New Girlfriend.’ I pressed search and all sorts of blog pages came up, even a YouTube that had the interview on it already. I decided to go there and look at the comments. I clicked on it. I watched a bit of the interview and I had to admit jenny did a good job. I looked pretty. The interview went well too. I was satisfied with it. I went to look at the comments. The first comment was: I like her. She seems nice. I don’t know why all of you have to be so mean. If Jason is happy than just leave it all alone!
That was not as comforting as it should be. That means there are a lot of not so good comments. Great…
I looked at the next one: Just like Jason to go get a completely gorgeous girl that wouldn’t exist in normal life. I mean for once can he have an average girl? I don’t know I think she looks like a bit of a whore.
How rude! I am certainly not a whore! Seeing as I’m rooming with the hottest guy in a America and the farthest we’ve gone is fake kissing than I’m practically a nun. Okay that’s an exaggeration, but you get my point!
I scrolled down to see how many people commented. FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO?! My god! I didn’t realize it was THAT big a deal.
I clicked on the button to see all the comments and I quickly started reading them. Some were nice, like one that said: Listen don’t go judging people. I don’t think she looks like a whore she looks nice and Jason seems to really like her and if he’s happy I’m happy. Don’t go tearing her down just because she got the guy and you didn’t. Congrats Jason!
I thought that was very nice of her. I kept reading and was a little upset by how many people considered he a selfish whore that stole their Jason.
About a half an hour later Jeffery came in. “Carla! Let’s go! It’s time for your lunch date!” I stood up and smiled. I got my black leather jacket and walked out with him. I was getting hungry so this would be nice. I walked out and saw all the band members and Jenny looking very nice. Wait; is this a group date thing?! That would be so amazing! “Alright everyone let’s go!” They turned and nodded. Jenny walked over to me and looped her arm in mine.
“Things got changed. It’s going to be a band outing with us trailing along. It’s to show everyone that you get along well with all of us.”
“Oh that makes sense.”
“Also, did anything happen with you and Jason?”
“No why?”
“Well he came into Tyler’s room kind of distressed then they went off whispering and went to get the other guys. So I was left alone.”
“I was left alone too.”
“I got no explanation! I don’t even have a complete explanation of why we changed plans so fast! I mean I don’t mind, but come on! I know I’m not a band member but I should know.”
“Yeah. That’s true.”
“Are you sure nothing happened?”
“No. We were just having fun singing along to songs and dancing around then he just left.”
“Weird. Oh well I guess we’ll find out eventually.”
“Yeah. Let’s just enjoy lunch.”
“Yeah! We’re going to my favorite restaurant! The BrickHouse!”
“Is it nice?”
“Yeah and the food is amazing!”
“That’s good, because I’m starving!”
“Alright everyone let’s move this concession to the cars!” Jeffery called to all of us. By all of us I mean the band, and the body guards. Jason moved over to stand next to me and he held my hand.
“Ready to go?”
“Yeah.” I looked up and smiled at him. He smiled back. We walked down and I saw a huge concession of people standing outside. All of the sudden they started pushing and shoving up against the doors. They were all screaming. Some police officers and body guards started pushing them back, making a pathway for us.
“Here” Jason handed me a pair of sunglasses. I put them on.
“What are these for?”
“There are a lot of flashing cameras out there and also it makes you look hot.” I chuckled.
“Alright then.” I put them on and we made our way out of the hotel. The fans were LOUD! They were screaming their heads off. All the band members walked over and started signing autographs. I followed right next to Jason and Jenny followed next to Tyler. Every girl was screaming Michael, Tyler, Jason, or James’ name. It was the full definition of crazy.
After signing numerous autographs we finally made it to the car. Jason and I got in his car with Jenny and Tyler and everyone else piled in a different car in front of us. We followed the car to the BrickHouse. When we got out, once again we were attacked by cameras and fans. The band signed some more autographs and we finally got in.
“Is it always this crazy?”
“Yeah, sometimes it’s worse.”
“Wow. Well I’ll get used to it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I want to be an actress.”
“True. Come on. I want to get my favorite table.” As we were heading to where ever he was leading me, Jeffery stopped us.
“Hold on Jason. I know you want to sit at your table, but I want Tyler and Jenny to sit with you and Carla over there in front of the window. I want them to see the two couples of the band having a nice double date.”
Jason sighed. “Alright.”
We walked over to the table he pointed at and sat down with Jenny and Tyler. “So you’re stuck with us.” Tyler chuckled. “Jeffery is one determined son of a bitch.”
“No kidding. He really wants me to improve my image.” Jason said, “And it wasn’t even my fault it got trashed.”
“Yeah. I hate when people decide to write shit about you and what they think happened when it wasn’t even true.”
“Seriously. Everyone says I’m such a womanizer and I always have another woman with me every night, but I barely have any time to myself until recently.”
“Yeah. I’m just happy Jenny is so understanding.” Tyler said smiling at her. She smiled back and they quickly kissed. I’m not going to lie. I was kind of jealous. I wish I had a relationship like that, but I, like Jason, never had time for relationships.
“Yeah you’re a lucky man.” We stopped because the waitress came to take our order. I ordered Lasagna and a salad. It was delicious. We all talked and laughed and we could see people taking pictures and videotaping us. It was a little uncomfortable to me, but since they all seemed unphased I didn’t let it bother me. We quickly finished our lunch and started to leave.
“Wait. I’ll be right back. I have to use the restroom.” I said quickly running off to the bathroom.
On my way back to the car I bumped into Michael. “Oh I’m sorry Carla.”
“No problem.” I smiled, and I think I saw him blush a little.
“Thanks.” He looked down and walked off. I was a little confused by that. Well no matter, now it’s time for the basketball game.