Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


We ended up at a party on the other side of Baltimore. It was more of the rich part, where snobby parents sent their kids off to military school, to shapen them up, and then after they're done they send them to a boarding school so public schools don't change them.

I stepped out of the van once Matt killed the ignition.

"Hey, stop!" Matt shouted. I halted to a stop. "I have a few rules. Do not get piss drunk, do not pass out, do not sleep with any one, and do not barf unless you do it outside." Matt said sternly.

"Okay, captain." Alex rolled his eyes.

We filed out and went up to the house. Alot of people were there, and when I say alot. I mean the house was filled with sweaty dancing bodies.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Alex asked, taking my hand.
"Sure." I shrugged my shoulders.

I saw Kelsey grinding with a boy in the crowd. I grip tightend on Alex's fingers when we stopped in the kitchen. I smiled up at him weakly.

"What do ya want, babe?" Alex asked, picking up a red cup.
"Rum and coke." I said quietly.
"Vodka it is!" Alex grinned, filling up the cup.

I rolled my eyes and took the cup from his hands. I poured Coke in it and began to sip on it.

"You're a wus." Alex joked.
"Maybe." I winked.
"So, I want to talk about the other night.." Alex trailed off.

I gulped down my spit. It was something I was trying to block out from my memory, and I was hoping he wouldn't remember it.

"What about it?" I asked, adverting my eyes to the livingroom.
"Why did you let me do it?" Alex asked.
"I was drunk."

Alex nodded slowly, rolling his eyes. He finished off his drink and filled it up again.

"You said you had a boyfriend." Alex laughed. "Who?"
"No one. I was trying to get you to go away." I said dryly.

I was getting annoyed. I almost felt like crying. I didn't like being interrogated like this. I felt too pressured, and I almost wanted to throw up all over his sneakers.

Alex wrapped me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead. Tears brimmed my eyes and I didn't even know why. It just upset me.

"Don't get upset." Alex said softly, tilting my head upward. He kissed my cheek and laced his fingers with mine, giving my hand a gentle squeez. "I'm going out there, have fun." Alex said, smiling.

He left, leaving me to ponder my thoughts.

Alex's POV

I walked away from Ellarie, sipping on my drink. I found Jack in the mass of people and began to jokingly grind with him.

"Oh baby!" Jack said sarcastically. "Kelsey was looking for you." He informed me, stopping the dance.

"Think I'll get laid?" I smirked.
"Well, it's Kelsey.." Jack paused, "So probably." He laughed.
"True." I nodded.
"What about Ellarie?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow.
"What about her?" I said bitterly.
"You guys seem distant." Jack shrugged.
"We have history, and that history, is affecting our relationship at being friends." I told him, the worry that had haunted me a for a couple of days coming back.

I don't think I could handle it if Ellaire had left me. She was practically my life.

"Oh my god!" Jack exclaimed, looking over the heads of our peers. Screams erupted from the kitchen area and every body was gathered around, cheering it on. We both grabbed onto eachother and fought our way through the crowd.

I saw Kelsey ontop of Ellarie, pulling her hair out. Ellarie was clawing her face and got ontop of her, throwing punches.

"He's mine!" Kelsey yelled.
"NO." Ellarie shook her head, pulling at her hair.
"Fuck you bitch. He likes me because I have personality. He only likes you because you put out like a fucking dog!" Kelsey shouted.

Jack pulled Ellarie and Kelsey off eachother. I grabbed Ellarie and pulled her out of the room. Ellaire pressed her lips to mine hungrily, pulling me towards the staircase. I rested my hands on her hips and pressed my lips to her collar bone, nipping at the exposed skin.

"Make me feel like I know you again." Ellarie whispered huskily.
♠ ♠ ♠
sucky sucky sucky.
pardon my writing, guys. :/