Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


Alex rolled off of me, he wrapped a blanket around his lower waist. My chest was heaving up and down, I rolled over, putting my head to his chest. He wrapped an around around my waist protectivily.

"So much for a clean slate." Alex scoffed.

I didn't say anything, I just nodded. Alex kissed the top of my head.

"I didn't mean that in a bad way. I just meant-" I cut him off.
"I know, Alexis." I laughed, kissing his chest.
"Lets get dressed and head back out before Matt throws a cow." Alex rolled his eyes.

I got up and slipped on my clothes, watching Alex do the same. I tied my hair back into a pony tail. Alex laced his fingers with mine, I tensed up.

"Maybe we shouldn't hold hands." I said softly.
"Who gives a fuck?" Alex asked, opening the door.

The hallway was still jampacked full of people. I avoided eyecontact with any of them, although they were all cheering us on. I walked down the stairs, dragging Alex along with me.

"Where have you-" Zack stopped his sentence short, and looked at the both of us. He nodded and turned away, sipping on his drink.

"We just had a five some. One girl, four guys." Alex said in a convincing tone, causing Zack to spit out his drink. He turned around swfitly.

"What?!" He exclaimed, looking at me like I was growing an extra head.
"He's lying." I shook my head, hitting Alex in the chest.
"Lets go." Alex said, tugging on Zack's arm. "Where's Jack and Ri-Dawg?" He asked.
"Outside." Zack said.

Zack dropped his cup in the flowers outside. I laughed and slipped into the backseat. Alex sat on my lap.

"Santa, I would like a big pony and a barbie for christmas." Alex joked.

I shoved him off and into the other seat. He kissed my cheek and looked at me, his chocolate brown eyes melting into my mine.

"You guys are disgustingly cute, and utterly confusing." Zack said from the middle seat.

"Yeah, are you guys together or what?" RIan asked.

"They call it best friends. Us normal people call it friends with benefits." Jack laughed.

My cheeks flushed red and I pulled away. Alex rubbed circles into the back of my hand. I didn't let it get to me, I knew Alex was going to fall out of it by tomorrow morning and have another girl on his arm.

Matt dropped me off at my stop and I said goodbye to the boys.

"I love you Ell." Alex grinned, kissing my cheek.
"Yeah, night." I waved, closing the door.


The next morning I walked into school. I stopped at my locker, seeing Alex walk down the halls. He walked right past my locker, not even shooting me a second glance. I should have seen it coming.

I didn't bother eating breakfast. I went straight to first hour and sat through the class period, day dreaming. The chemistry teacher droned on about electrons and protons. She yelled at me once or twice to pay attention, but I just couldn't get my mind off Alex.

Sleeping with him wasn't going to bring me any closer. It was just going to make me seem like I was desperate for attention, or it was a mental way of telling them that my legs are spread when ever he needs them to be.

The bell rang and I left class, jetting towards my locker. I rested my head on one of the shelves, not ready to continue on with the day. I didn't know what went wrong with Alex and I. We're best friends one day, and the next we're back to being friends with benefits.

"Elly. What's wrong dear?" I heard a sneering voice.

I turned around seeing Kelsey. My heart beat accelerated. I didn't want to deal with her, I didn't even have the willpower to.

"I think a little bit of your blood got into my mouth last night. Probably just dealing with the side effects of an STD." I shrugged my shoulders, replying back in a sweet voice.

Kelsey's eyes dropped into a glare.

"Just another quick fuck, huh?" She asked dryly. "That's all you'll ever be to him. He's going places, and you? You're probably going to be working the corners by the time you're twenty one."

"Yeah, and the places you're going to be going are the clinics if you can't keep your god damn legs closed to the public of men." I spat.

"Hey, at least I'm not low enough to fuck my best friend." Kelsey said lowly.
"Funny." I nodded, fakly smiling. "Later, loosey." I waved, walking away.

I walked into the bathroom, sitting against the wall. Tears brimmed my eyes. I wasn't going to be anything to Alex.

Nothing, to him.
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holy cow, 106 subscribers?
and.. like 69 comments?

i don't know what makes you guys like this story so much, but i love it. (:
this is pretty much a filler.
but, it's going places. (: