Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


"Fuck!" I shouted, slamming my calculus book shut.
"You called?" Alex teased, coming into the kitchen.
"Do not." I warned.
"Lighten up, Ell." Alex said, kissing me softly.

Alex took a seat in the chair next to mine and cracked open a soda, sipping it.

"I will not 'lighten up'." I said, using quotation marks. "These are finals that I have to study for. It determines whether or not I get to college!" I frantically exclaimed.

"I will gladly get you a padded room." Alex joked.
"You should be studying for yours too." I glared.
"I have a band. I, am not going to college until the band craps out." Alex said confidently.
"You have to pass highschool to get into college." I snickered.
"I'm very aware of this." Alex nodded.

I shoved my books away and put them in a neat pile. I had been content with the last few days. Alex asked me out, he told everyone in the school, I beat Kelsey. That's all that mattered.

Alex sat on my lap and pressed his forehead to mine, looking down at me with a sly smirk on his face. I pressed my lips against his gently, smiling into the kiss.

"Three inches apart!" My mom yelled, making Alex jump upwards.
"Sorry Ms. Levi." He apologized, ruffling his hair awkwardly.
"It's fine, Alex." She laughed, sitting on the couch.
"We're going up to my room to chill." I told her, getting up.
"Door open!" She called to us.

I rolled my eyes and climbed the stairs, allowing Alex into my room. He sat in the computer chair, swiviling around across the room.

"You're going to scratch up my floor." I pouted.
"I'm sorry." He apologized, getting up.

Alex took the place next to me and laced our fingers together. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm really sorry for everything in the past." Alex said softly.
"Me too." I nodded.
"I just feel so guilty, I mean, I felt like I played you." Alex muttered.
"It's fine, all that matters is that we're together." I kissed the knuckled of his hand.

Alex smiled up at me and kissed my nose.

"I love you, Ellarie Levi." Alex smiled, pulling me ontop of him.
"I love you too, Alex Gaskarth." I grinned, kissing him forcefully.
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updates galore!
i have a stuffy nose. brother might have the flu. i'm not touching him with a ten foot stick till summer rolls around.

yeah, this is a filler...don't hate me.