Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


"Alex, stop!" I giggled, shoving him away from my face.
"You're no fun, no fun at all." Alex shook his head, glaring playfully.
"Go to class." I smiled, lacing our fingers.
"I'll walk you to class, I don't mind." He said, kissing my cheek.

I blushed and gripped his hand tighter once I saw Kelsey walking towards us. She was alone, and a mischevious grin was spread across her face. She stopped us, and rested her hand on Alex's chest.

"Hi Alex." She smiled.
"Kelsey." Alex said dryly.
"I was wondering..." She trailed off.
"I have to get to class." He muttered, shoving past her.

Kelsey stopped us with her hand again, pushing him back. I stood by his side, my eyes shooting daggers at her face.

"If we could have a repeat of last weeks party?" She smirked.

Alex scratched the back of his neck, looking down at me. I bit my lip.

"Actually, no. We can't. I'm hanging with Ellarie this weekend. Probably every weekend. SO if you'll please stop calling me, and texting me, every hour of the day. That'd be great." Alex spat, shoving past her.

"What a wino." Alex shook his head.
"You're telling me." I muttered.
"Well, here's your class." Alex sighed, turning me towards him.

I leaned up, pressing my lips against his.

"See you at lunch." I smiled, ruffling his hair.
"Love you." Alex winked, before walking off.

Butterflies arose in my stomach. I walked into class and took my seat.

I wasn't really sure if Alex had slept with any other girls before we were even dating. I didn't even want to think about it. Alex hadn't proven in anyway, that he was being faithful to me. Except for the Kelsey thing, that had just occured.

I had my doubts. I'm sure he had his.

First, second, third and fourth period breezed by. It was friday. There was alot of excitement about parties, gigs, and Thanksgiving, which was coming up soon. I couldn't wait to graduate.

I walked into the lunch room and took a seat next to Alex.

"Hey Ell." Jack grinned.
"Hi Jacky." I greeted.
"I don't get a 'hi'?" Alex whined, leaning up next to me.
"Hi baby." I gushed mockingly, kissing him.

Rian and Jack groaned, Kara giggled and kissed Rian.

"Love. Cooties!" Jack exclaimed, jumping up from the table.
"What a character." I shook my head, laughing.
"I know why he's my bestie!" Alex laughed.

Rian coughed and looked at Alex. "Bitch alert. Bitch alert."

I turned around, seeing Kelsey posse walking over to us. They rested their hands on their hips and gave Alex a disapproving look.

"You upset Kelsey!" One of them, with the long brown hair, whined.
"Give me an award." Alex scoffed. "When doesn't she get upset?"
"She thought you guys had something." The other one, with the red hair, said.
"I thought I've made this bluntly clear. I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND." Alex yelled. "EVERYONE KNOWS THIS!" He exclaimed.

"She's better than that piece of trash right there." The one with the red hair spat. Walking off. The other girl followed.

I leaned back in my chair, feeling defeated.

"We can take the rest of the day off. Lets go cuddle and watch movies!" Alex said excitedly, grabbing my hand.

"Bye Rian!" I called over my shoulder. "Bye Kara!"

We ran out to Alex's car and slipped inside quickly, speeding out of the parking lot. We drove to Alex's house, seeing as his parents weren't home and he had more of a movie selection.

I fell onto his bed and curled up under the blankets. He slipped off his shoes by his bedroom door and sat down in front of the television, rummaging through the movies.

"Pineapple Express?" Alex asked, turning towards me.
"Yeah!" I exclaimed, sitting up.

Alex popped in the DVD and crawled under the blankets with me. I rested my head on his chest and focused on the television while Alex twirled my hair around his fingers.

"Alex, do you really love me?" I questioned, picking at his shirt.
"Yeah, Ell. I do." He said softly. "I mean. I think about you all the time, and when I see myself marrying someone in the future. I feel like you're going to be that someone."

"Really?" I questioned, tears brimming my eyes.
"Yeah. Really. I love you Ellarie." He said, kissing the top of my head.
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may i has 100 comments?

BAH. this felt like it dragged on. i'm sorry.