Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


Prom was coming up in a mere few weeks. Alex's winter tour was coming up, which meant they would be leaving for the two weeks that we had break. I wasn't sure if I trusted him or not, but I guess I was going to have to.

"Ellarie, you don't have to worry." Alex assured me.

We were having another argument for the third time this week. I was worried about him going on tour. He kept assuring me that Rian and Zack would beat the shit out of him if he got within ten feet of another female.

"Why can't I just go?" I asked quietly.
"Because, there's not enough room in the van." He sighed.
"I can sleep on the roof!" I pleaded.
"I'm not tying you to the roof of the van. I promise I will call every night." Alex promised.
"I don't believe you." I glared.

Alex let out a frustrated growl and fell onto the floor dramatically, throwing his hands over his eyes.

"You're as stubborn as a god damn mule, Ell." Alex groaned.
"I'M WORRIED!" I exclaimed, stomping my foot.
"Do you really not trust me?" Alex gasped.
"I do. But I don't trust your judgements if you're going to be drinking." I sighed.
"I swear. If I do sleep with a girl." Alex paused.

I raised my eyebrow.

"I will let you rip off my own arm and beat myself with it." Alex continued.
"Oh, that's promising." I said sarcastically.
"Are you ever pleased?" Alex snarled.

I sighed and fell back onto my bed. I folded my arms across my chest, and bit my lip. I never thought tour would put such a road blocker in our relationship. Maybe I was just over reacting.

"I'm sorry." I said, sitting up.
"You have the right to be worried." Alex looked up at me.
"I won't worry." I nodded.
"Good. I will call you every night. But for now, lets not worry about that, and lets worry about prom." Alex smiled, holding my hand.

"You haven't asked me yet." I grinned, sitting down next to him.
"It has to be perfect when I ask you." Alex smirked.
"Surprises?" I groaned.
"Yes. A huge surprise." Alex nodded.
"We only have a few weeks left till prom!" I argued.
"Yeah, that's why it's going to be this weekend." He smiled.

Alex's POV

I shuffled around my room. Jack was sitting on the bed, throwing a ball into the air and catching it. I pulled my suitcases out from under the bed, and threw my already sorted clothes into it.

"Dude, what's the surprise with Ellarie?" Jack asked.
"Not sure yet. I don't know how to break it off." I shook my head.
"This is so fucked up." Jack shook his head.
"Jack, I'm in a band for christs sakes! I don't want a girlfriend hanging over my head while I'm on tour!" I argued.

I zipped up the suitcase and began to pack the other one, throwing a package of condoms under a load of clothes.

"Do you know how much she cares about you?" Jack asked.
"This is highschool. In the next few months, I'll be touring." I clarified.
"And, I will leave her behind. Plus, she'll probably move to like, fucking, California, become a stripper." I shook my head.

"You just called your girlfriend a stripper." Jack gasped.
"Surprise!" I mocked.
"Why on earth did you ask her out anyways?" Jack asked.
"The Party Scene got the best of us." I said lowly.
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a few chapters left. thank you subscribers/ commenters. i love you.