Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.

eighteen. end.

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining brightly against my eyelids. I groaned and slipped out of bed, taking notice that Alex was in the bed. I bit my lip, my teeth grinding against the soft skin.

A folded note lay on his pillow. My name was scribble across it lazily. I sighed and fell onto the bed, taking the note. I played with it, twirling it in my fingers. I was afraid of what was hiding in the small piece of paper. A break up letter? Alex telling me to fuck off because he was onto better things?

I tore it open, letting my eyes adjust to the small writing.

Ellaire, my mom called pissed off that I didn't come home last night. My gig is tonight at seven. You'll have to drive yourself. But be there? I love you. Alex.

I smiled and folded up the note into the palm of my hand. I got up and changed into the extra change of clothes I brought with me which consisted of a v-neck, a pair of jeans with rips in the thigh and a pair of mocassins to cover my feet from the cold that was outside.

I walked out to the kitchen area that was by the front door with my bag slung over my shoulder. I shoved the note into my back pocket and placed my hand on the door knob, trying to remember what happened the night before.

Alex and I had sex at least three times, which would probably explain why my hips and legs were so sore. But that's all I remembered, besides taking at least seven shots of tequlia that Alex had saved conviently for us. I had a gut feeling that something wasn't right.

I sighed and stepped out, leaving down to the hotel lobby. I checked out of the hotel and walked out to the parking lot. I started my car and leaned back in my seat, waiting for the car to warm up.

I fiddled with the radio station, trying to find something good to listen to while I was waiting. My cellphone rung in my pocket. I pulled it out, seeing my mom's face. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Ellaire, where have you been?" She squealed.
"The hotel. I'm leaving right now." I sighed.
"Get home soon. I've been worried sick about you."
"Okay. Love you." I scowled, hanging up.

I pulled out of the parking space and sped home, drumming my index fingers on the steering wheel at stop lights. I didn't know how to feel about Alex leaving for tour tomorrow. I felt that he was going to cheat. Or worse, break up with me the second he left. It was stressing me out to the point where I felt I was going to rip out my hair.

I pulled into the driveway of my house and locked up my car before entering the house. I threw my bag by the stairs and greeted my mom in the kitchen.

"How was it?" My mom asked while she cut up an apple.
"Good. It was really fun." I nodded, grinning.
"That's good. I'm glad you had fun."
"Alex has a gig tonight, before he leaves for tour tomorrow." I told her.
"Ellaire.." She trailed off.
"Please mom?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.
"Be back at a decent hour." She said, waving her hand at me.
"Thank you." I smiled, kissing her cheek.

I ran up to my room, hopping in the shower. I washed off all the bad feelings that I had about last night, and tonight. I just hoped that nothing could go wrong. I mean, Alex loved me, didn't he?


At seven thirty I left the house. I was dressed in a blue button up shirt and a pair of tight fitting jeans. I had on a pair of black flats that provided no insulation for my feet what so ever. I got into my car and dialed Alex's number.

"Hey babe." He answered.
"Hi. I just left, now where's the venue?" I asked.
"Take a left at forty seventh, then follow that street until you see Thames, and take another left turn and the venue is right there. It will only take about fifteen minutes."

"Sounds like a plan." I nodded, memorizing the details.
"See you soon. I love you." Alex said before hanging up.

I closed my phone and backed out of the driveway, following Alex's directions. I got there in no time, seeing as I had been around these parts of town before and traffic was light. I parked in the parking lot. It was half full, and alot of kids from my school were lined up at the entrance.

I called Alex.

"You here?" He asked.
"Yep." I sighed.
"Come around to the back, I'll let you in. Just knock on the door."

This was a shady venue. Homeless people hung around in the alley where I was suppose to go to the get to the back door. One of my biggest fears. I took light steps and arrived at the back. I knocked on the door loudly, wanting to get inside.

Alex swung the door open, grinning at me.

"Elly baby!" He grinned, picking me up and twirling me around. He closed the door with his foot and kissed me on the lips, hard. I kissed him again before he set me down.

"You can hang out back here until we go on." Alex said, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Okay." I nodded.

Alex led me to the dressing room where Rian, Zack and Jack were all sitting, playing with their instruments. I took a seat on Alex's lap in the chair.

"You guys are on in five, get your asses ready." Matt said, poking his head in.
"Good luck." I smiled at Alex, kissing him.
"You get front row. I'll lead you out." He laughed.

I followed him onto the stage where a few girls called out to Alex. He helped me down off the stage and told a few girls to back off so I could stage in the spot in front of him. I leaned against the baricade, chewing on my thumb nail. Something didn't feel right.

The boys walked out on the stage. Jack glanced down at me, frowning a little bit. I smiled up at him, raising my eyebrow.

"Hey guys, we are All Time Low. This is our first song. It's called The Party Scene. Enjoy." Alex smirked, starting off with the first line.

Hey, kid, you've got, a lot of potential
but I think its time to move up, so go on and blow us away with your sound;
Now you're everything that we've come to love,
you taught us to move, so we'll show it off,
just drop us the beat...

I bobbed my head along with the music, biting my lip.

Here's to the fast times; the times we felt alive;
to all the nights that we forgot to get back home.
Stay seventeen,
the party scene has got the best of me and you,
we've got to let this go...

My heart beat was accelerating at an alarming pace. My hands began to get clammy. Was this song about me?

Drink up last call before the sunrise sets the scene,
of empty bottles, heavy hearts,
the memories of broken dreams...
We were so tired yet so alive,
wrapped up in lies like sheets of another one night stand,
you know you left the girl with nothing but the,

Sunrise through the window pane, where tired eyes will close....
Stay seventeen, the party scene has got the best of me and you,
we've got to let this go...

Alex broke from the lyrics, smirking down at me.

I know she hopes I choke on this last drink,
drop dead before my influence gets to her head...
She said, "I'll love you forever, or find something better.
It's all just the same as when we sleep together.
We wake up with headaches, and trouble remembering
what went wrong..."

Stay seventeen,
the party scene has got the best of me and you,
we've got to let this go...

"That song was for the girl who made my heart beat a little faster. But sometimes, you just have to know when someone is just a one night stand, and maybe a quick fuck now and then. I'm sorry Ell, but I'm onto bigger and better things. Maybe a more stable relationship than ours ever was." Alex said into the microphone.

I choked on my tears, running out of the venue and to my car.

Alex was my biggest mistake.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this took so long to get out.

i'm not sure if i should write a sequal. should i?

thank's to all the readers and subscribers to this story. i love you guys!

oh and sorry for the sucky ending, i haven't written in so long. i'm sorry.