Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


At six o' clock I was hustling around the house, throwing things into the places where they needed to be. I shoved the clothes in my room under my bed, just in time for the door bell to ring.

I stumbled to my feet and pulled my shirt down over my jeans before I walked down stairs, opening the front door. Alex stood with his hands in his pockets, a sly smirk on his face.

"Hey Elly." Alex greeted, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Hey." I mumbled, stepping aside to let him in.

Alex walked into the livingroom and sat down on the couch, kicking his feet onto the coffee table. I twirled my hair around my finger and looked around nervously.

"Want anything to drink?" I asked, fumbling with my hands.
"One beer please." Alex grinned.
"We don't have any! Plus, if my mom comes home and sees you drinking, I'm in deep shit." I laughed. "How about a pop?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

Alex shrugged his shoulders and focused on the television. I walked into the kitchen and pull two soda's out of the fridge. I grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry, figuring Alex was going to want something to eat the second the movie started. Unless he had other plans.

I threw the soda at Alex and sat down beside him. I grabbed the chips and took a handful.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked, tapping my fingers on the can.
"Well I was think-" I cut him off.
"We're watching movies tonight." I glared at him.

I got up and walked over to the cabinet, shuffling through the dvd cases. I finally decided on The Hills Have Eyes, and popped it into the DVD player. I walked back towards the couch, noting that Alex looked more pissed off than usual.

"So what happened to your date?" I asked curiously.
"I dumped it for you." Alex smiled slightly.

My heart melted in my chest. I felt my knees weaken. If I had been standing up, I probably would have fell into the coffee table.

"Sorry I cockblocked you." I joked.
"No problem. I like being sexually frustrated." Alex shrugged, pouting.
"You're ridculous." I shook my head.

The front door opened and my mother stepped in, smiling at the two of us. She set down her purse and placed her coat on the rack.

"How are you two?" My mother asked, walking into the livingroom.
"Good." Alex spoke, eyeing her.
"Are you staying for dinner?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

Alex looked at me for approval. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, sure." Alex nodded, smiling.
"Spagetti sound good?" She laughed.
"Better than ever." Alex said dryly.

My mother left us alone, going to the kitchen. Alex and I watched the movie quietly. I was too afraid to speak. I didn't know what to say, and not to mention, this was the first time we had hung out in a couple of weeks. Usually, Alex would have something witty to say. But this time he stayed quiet, making me wonder what was going through his mind.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, placing his hand on my knee.
"Nothing." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Fine, whatever, be a bitch." Alex scoffed.
"Fine, whatever, be a manwhore." I snarled mockingly.
"OH, HERE WE GO AGAIN!" Alex yelled, throwing his hands into the air.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the arm of the couch. Alex scooted over, giving me space.

"Kids, dinner's ready!" My mother called us.

Alex jumped up off the couch and walked past me quickly. I followed suit, going into the dining room. I sat across from Alex, glaring at him as I stabbed my plate.

"Honey, don't break the plate." My mother laughed.
"Yeah, wouldn't want to break a finger muscle." Alex joked.

My mother laughed lightly, wraveling the spagetti around her fork. Alex and I stared at eachother, burning holes through eachothers foreheads.

"Well, thank you for dinner, Ms. Levi." Alex said, finishing up his spagetti.
"Thanks mom." I sighed, setting down my fork.

Alex wiped the corners of his mouth off and threw the napkin into the trashcan once he got up. He took our plates into the kitchen and loaded them into the dishwasher.

"He's such a gentlemen!" My mom whispered, smiling at me.
"Don't get any ideas." I shook my head.
"Honey, you guys are so sweet together I'm starting to get a cavity." My mother joked.
"Yeah, well, he's starting to give me a sore in my ass."
♠ ♠ ♠
ugh, fillers. thank you guys for the feedback.
thirty three subscribers and nine comments?
i'm sadd.

thank you guys who DO comment, i promise to send you all baskets with alex gascarf in them.