Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


Alex left shortly after the movie was over. He didn't say anything as he left, but him slamming the door had said enough. I pulled out my cellphone and dialed my cousins number, wanting to get out of the house and get my mind off of Alex.

"Hello?" Amanda answered groggily.
"What's up?" I sighed, leaning back onto the couch.
"Sleeping." She mumbled.
"Nice. Get your ass out of bed. I'm going to get you." I laughed.
"Fine, fine. Give me a few. By a few, I mean time to shower, do my hair, put on some make up and get dressed. I do not mean show up at my house in five minutes ready to leave." Amanda joked.

"Fine. See you in a few." I laughed.
"Later dude." She said, hanging up.

I threw myself sideways onto the couch dramtically and kicked my feet onto the other end.

"Where are you going honey?" My mom asked, walking into the livingroom.
"Hanging out with Amanda." I sighed, rubbing my eyes.
"What was wrong with Alex?" She asked, walking over to the couch.

My mom picked up my feet and sat down, placing them down on her lap. She rubbed my leg comfortingly.

"Just being his normal self." I smiled sarcastically.
"He's a boy. He's going through some changes." My mother said softly.
"He's a girl. He needs to take a couple midol and go to bed." I scoffed.
"Alright well, be careful. Do you need any money?" She asked, standing up.

I shook my head no and watched her walk away. I played on my phone for twenty minutes before I got up and walked up to my room. I freshened my make up and put my hair into a pony tail, pinning my bangs back.

I grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter top and walked outside, starting the ignition. Traffic wasn't heavy, and considering that Amanda lived fairly close to Baltimore, it didn't take all that long to get there.

I pulled into the driveway of her house and stepped out, walking up to the door. I banged on it loudly, hoping to scare her half to death. After a few minutes I walked in, yelling out her name.

"A-DUB!" I yelled loudly, walking up the stairs.
"ELLARIE-SMELLARIE." Amanda mocked loudly.

I laughed and walked up the stairs, going up to her bedroom. I stood in the doorway, watching her put things into her purse.

"What are we doing tonight?" Amanda asked, following me down the stairs.

I paused, pondering what we were actually going to do. A sly grin spread across my face.

"Would you like to get back at someone with me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
SHORT. i promise i will update later tonight, hopefully.
i might be going out tonight. :X