Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


I woke up the next morning. My head was pounding from the constant shine of the blinding sunlight. I sat up, being restrained by an arm draped around my waist. My spit caught in my throat and I jumped up quickly, gathering my clothes.

I didn't bother to turn around to the sleeping figure, who was snoring lightly. I slipped my shorts on and pulled my shirt over my head before frantically searching the room for my phone.

"Your phone is right here." He said, startling me.

I jumped up from the floor, hitting my head on the edge of the bed. I didin't look at him, I snatched the phone out of his hands, shoving it into the back pocket of my shorts.

"Thanks." I mumbled.
"E-E-llaire?" He stuttered, his voice low.

I snapped my vision upwards. It was Alex. He was giving me a look of pure shock. My mouth dropped open.

"Oh my god." I murmured.

Alex fell into the bed, his face covering his hands. I inched my way towards the door, hoping to leave unnoticed. But with Alex, I knew that wasn't going to happen. He shot up from the bed, grabbing his clothes.

"I thought you were Kelsey, fuck." Alex groaned, slipping his shirt over his head.
"Yeah.." I said softly, opening the door.

I stepped outside, the smell of stagnant weed was still thick of the air, along with vomit and sex. I walked across passed out bodys carefully and practically ran down the stairs. I searched for Amanda and found her fast asleep against a wall.

"Amanda." I said, shaking her awake.
"Yeah mom?" She questioned, her eyes fluttering open.
"Time to go." I urged, picking up her hand.
"I can't walk!" She screeched, falling back into the wall.
"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"The evil peguins cut them off last night." Amanda said, slurring.
"What on earth are you on?" I laughed, picking her up.

I walked her out to the car and put her into the passenger seat, buckling her in. I got into the drivers seat and started the car.

I wanted to get out of here. I felt disgusting and used, and the fact that Alex slightly compared me to Kelsey, made me want to burn myself alive. I pulled into the driveway of Amanda's house and helped her up the steps and up to her room.

"Thanks Smellarie, you're a great cousin." Amanda said, sleep in her voice.
"Yeah, such a great cousin." I mumbled, walking out.

I locked her door before leaving and got back into my car before driving home. I had no recollection of last night. It was a blur. I remember flirting, dancing, yelling, but I had no memory of Alex coming up to me.

I let out a frustrated sigh and slammed my fist against the steering wheel. I was stupid. I pulled into the driveway of my house and got out, quietly closing the door, hoping my mother wouldn't notice I had just got home.

I opened the door slowly, preventing any creeks. I closed it behind myself and slid down against it, letting out a deep breath.

"Home so early?" I heard a voice say groggily.

My heart dropped into my stomach. I opened my mouth but words wouldn't come out.

"I ended up staying the night with Alex, after apologizing to him." I lied, thinking of something quickly. "Sorry I didn't call, we got wrapped up in a movie." I said sadly.

"Room. Now." She said sternly, pointing to the staircase.


I probably reeked of alcohol. It wasn't exactly something you could hide easily. I walked up the stairs slowly, trying to remember everything from last night. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, wondering who would be calling me so early in the morning.

"He-" The caller cut me off.
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this is because i got fifteen comments on the last chapter.
yeah it's short and practically a filler. i'm sorrrry. D: