Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


I walked into school next day. Alex and I argued for an hour over the phone, and then he came over and we argued for another hour. I wasn't feeling too well. I almost felt like a part of me was missing without him.

I stopped at my locker and grabbed books out, shoving them into my bag.

"You know, I'm going to give you props for egging and forking my house so well." Alex said softly, appearing beside me. I laughed half-heartdly and turned towards him.

"I try." I shrugged, avoiding eyecontact.
"Lets be best friends. No more fuck buddies. I want a clean slate." Alex smiled.
"Deal." I nodded.

Alex engulfed me into a hug, making me drop my bag and his books. I laughed into his chest as he set me down.

"You're sitting with me at lunch. No more locking yourself into the bathroom stall and eating lunch in there. That's just, unhealthy. You know how many germs are in a bathroom?" Alex scolded.

I raised my eyebrow. "Thanks, mom, but I think if I want to eat in a bathroom. I will." I smirked.

"There's the Ellarie I know." Alex smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Hardly." I said coldly. "I'm off to class. See you at lunch I guess." I shrugged, walking off.

I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to be able to stay just friends with Alex. We were both going to get lost in the heat of the moment. Something was going to happen, and it was going to tear our friend ship apart for good.

I walked into geometry and took my seat, sighing. Once the bell rang, the teacher began to drone on about equations. I dozed off for half the class, my heart accelerating at some points at just the thought of Alex.

The bell rang and I hurried off towards my locker. Kelsey Shepard stopped me in the middle of the hall way, her group surrounding me.

"Hey, I don't want your air bourne diseases, please move." I said sarcasitcally.
"Back off Alex. He's mine now." Kelsey glared.
"Or what? You'll give me herpes?" I argued.
"I'll give you something much worse than that." Kelsey threatened.
"Oh yeah?" I challenged. "There's nothing worse than an STD ridden whore, so I'm pretty sure there's nothing that you can do to me." I smirked.

Kelsey let out a huff of air and folded her arms across her chest.

"Stay away from Alex. Got it?" Kelsey said darkly, shoving me.

Kelsey and her group stalked off. I was not going to stay away from Alex, and if it took everything in my will, I was going to get Alex closer to me.
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holy cow, ten stars. thank you guys so much!

and i'm very happy with the amount of comments. (: