Sequel: Waste Of Time.
Status: Sequel will be up tonight. Be excited. Thank you guys.

South Of Nowhere.


I spun around in front of my mirror, making sure I looked okay. I was wearing a teal tee shirt with a pair of dark flare jeans, a pair of flats to adorn my feet. I flipped my hair around a couple of times, adding volume before I grabbed my clutch off the nightstand.

"You ready?" Alex asked, stepping into my room.
"Yeah." I sighed, straightening out my shirt.
"You look good." Alex smiled, grabbing my hand.

We walked down the stairs, seeing the other three boys sitting on my couch. One of them I had never met before.

"Ellarie, this is Zack. Zack this is Ellarie, my partner in crime." Alex smiled.
"Nice to meet you." Zack nodded, shaking my hand.
"You too." I blushed, letting my hand all to my side.
"We're taking the van, Matt's waiting outside." Rian said, standing up.

We all filed outside. Alex and I sat in the back of the van, Jack and Rian in the middle and Matt and Zack in the front. Alex placed his hand on my knee, I tensed up.

"You excited?" I asked.
"More than ever. We're playing a new song tonight." Alex grinned.
"What's it called?" I asked, curiously.
"You'll find out." Alex winked.

It took thirty minutes to get to the venue. Little converstation filled the air. Jack talked randomly, Rian nodded his head every so often and Matt and Zack were talking in their own world.

We pulled into the parking lot. At least a hundred cars were parked here, my eyes widened a bit.

"Wow." I muttered, stepping out of the van.
"Here's your pass." Alex said, handing me a laminated pass.
"Thanks." I laughed, clipping it onto the pocket of my jeans.

We walked inside and showed the beefy guard our passes before he let us through. We sat in the back lounge. Alex was working on his hair.

"God, I'm so fucking nervous." Jack said, tapping his foot.
"Me too." Rian and Zack nodded in agreement.

"You guys go on it ten, get ready and get your asses out there." Matt said, stepping into the room. He took off his hat and replaced it on his head.

"Alright, hold your horses." Alex groaned, flipping his hair one more time.
"If I had any I wouldn't. I'd release them so they could trample you, and your hair." Matt joked.

Jack laughed and stood up.

"Lets go." Alex muttered.

They filed out of the room and I followed. I stood behind the curtain, Alex warmed up his vocal cords while waiting. The crowd was huge. They all stood excitedly, grinning to eachother.

"Give it up for All Time Low!" The announcer said over a microphone.

The crowd erupted in loud cheers as they all filed out.

"Hey guys." Alex said awkwardly, "How are ya?" He shouted.

The crowd cheered again.

"This song, is about Jack's herpes. It's called Break Out, Break out. Our new song." Alex grinned before they started off with the guitar.

The song ended and they played a few of their old songs before filing off the stage. Alex wrapped me in a sweaty hug.

"How'd you like it?" Alex grinned.
"It was great." I smiled, nodding my head.

I patted Alex on the back and followed them back into the lounge.

"Ready to party?" Alex questioned, winking.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah, this sucks.
BUT, the next chapter something exciting happens.
I swear.
and then, yep.

i'm starting a new story. soon, so keep your eyes peeled. (: