Status: Active; Slow updates.


Mundane Mondays

Her dark eyes traced the shapes of the bodies in the room, not one of them resembled who she was looking for. She heaved a heavy sigh as she worked her way through the room, weaving and stepping over the drunken, passed out figures as she kept her eyes open for who she was seeking.

Her mouth dropped open as she heard something wet beneath her foot as her foot made contact with the tile.

"I swear to god if that's..." she growled as she looked down.

It was.

She had stepped into a puddle of vomit. By the time she had caught the scent of it she was already gagging. She wiped her shoe off on the closest persons shirt. It was probably his puke anyway.

"I'm getting tired of this shit," she mumbled to herself, making her way through the living room again in attempts to get to the stairs.
She had to nudge (If you can call kicking a "nudge") a few people out of her way before reaching her destination: the bathroom.

Her delicate hand wrapped around the cold gilded knob, opening it slowly.She hoped that his familiar figure would be wrapped around the goddess he often prayed to.

"Thank fucking Christmas," she grinned, slipping into the room closing the door softly behind her.

He was curled up in the bathtub, using his shirt as a pillow.

"He looks so peaceful," she smirked, making her way closer to him. Kneeling next to him, she whispered into his overly pierced ear. "Hey Seth" no responce. "Seeethhhyyy poo," she said a little louder. "Seth! Wake the fuck up or I'm selling your cat to the chinese buffet down the street!" She yelled into his ear.

And this girl had some lungs on her.

Seth opened his light eyes, seeming to not comprehend the situation, let alone where he was. He closed his eyes again before propping himself up, vomiting on the tile floor.

"Fuck" he moaned, dropping back down into the bathtub.

"Morning sunshine..." she sang in a cheery voice, trying her best to ignore his stomach contents.

"Go the fuck away Maddy, and if you try selling my cat to the Fungs again, I swear to god I'm pissing in your mouth while you're asleep." he sneered as it all registered into his throbbing head.

Maddy bursted into loud laughter, making her friend groan and empty his stomach onto the floor one more time.

She frowned as she watched him.

"Just another Monday," she whispered to herself.

She was getting sick of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't be afraid to tell me this is complete rubbish?