The Bet

Will he? Won't he?

The crowd roared as the band known as My Chemical Romance entered the stage. To anyone in the crowd, it looked like everything was normal, that the band was hyped up and ready to go.
However, if you took a moment to look under the surface and observe the smug, gleeful eyes of Ray Toro and the slightly nervous, but determined features of Frank Iero, you would realise something was amiss.

On this blazing, hot day, a challenge was put forth. Was it possible for Frankie, Lord of Pansy, to make the God-like Gerard forget his lines?

As the day progressed, and the songs played, it seemed all hope was lost for our dear Frankie. Ray Toro cackled internally. Someone should have told Mr. Toro not to count his chicken's before they hatched.

As the final song began, before the break and the inevitable encore, Frankie made his move.
Approaching Gerard from behind.
As Gerard sang the lyrics, "Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray, tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave...." Frankie swung his guitar behind his back and rubbed his hands down Gerard's chest, latching onto the side of his throat with his mouth.

Gerard continued to sing, use to the heated moments that he so often shared with the guitarist. Taking one hand off the microphone stand, Gerard laced his fingers in Frankie's hair, making the crowd go wild.

Evil thoughts were gathering at the front of our seemingly innocent Frank's mind. He was going to enjoy this.
Biting down hard on Gerard's neck to distract him, Frankie pushed his hands along Gerard's hips until his heated fingers connected with the cool metal of Gerard's belt.
Loosening the belt and popping open the button, Frankie slid one hand inside....
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AN:*So what do we think? Comments greatly appreciated!!*