The Bet

Line Please?

“You better hide up in the alley, ‘cause they’re never gonna find you a FUCK!” Gerard gasped loudly into the microphone as he felt Frankie’s hand slide roughly down his entire length.
Quickly trying to compose himself, Gerard listened intently to the music to find his place.

“I’ve been a bad motherfuck….SHIT!” Gerard gasped again as Frankie repeated his movements, this time biting down hard on his neck as well.
Now leaning heavily on the microphone stand, Gerard grabbed Frank’s wrist and attempted to pull his hand out. Grinning against his neck, Frankie squeezed harder on Gerard until he gave up and released his wrist.

Slipping his other hand up Gerard’s t-shirt, Frankie massaged Gerard’s stomach while pumping him hard, occasionally scrapping his underside with his fingernails, making Gerard moan deep in his throat and throw his head back against Frankie’s shoulder.

Gerard panted harshly into the microphone as Frankie’s movements slowed.
“I think someone should tell Frank he’s been a bad man.” Gerard weakly laughed to the audience, feeling Frankie bite down on his neck once more. That was going to be one hell of a hickey.
“Jesus…shit.” Gerard whispered as Frankie rubbed his thumb over his tip and dragged his hand back up his shaft. But it didn’t stop.
Gerard looked over his shoulder when he felt the heat of Frank’s hand leave him.
Glaring at Frankie’s retreating, grinning form, Gerard turned back to the microphone to continue his singing….now if only he could remember what song it was….

“Uh…crap, where are we up to? Sing it for me guys.” Gerard laughed again and pointed the microphone to the crowd for the rest of the song.
As soon as the song finished, Gerard dropped the mic and practically ran off stage.
As he ran past Frankie, he didn’t notice the slightly panicked look that washed over the guitarists face.

Bursting into the backstage toilets, Gerard leaned against the wall with his head down, panting harshly with his hand over his crotch, pressing against his very hard arousal, willing it away before he had to return to the stage.
Snapping his eyes open as the bathroom door burst open, he saw a very guilty looking Frank enter.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean, I mean, did I go to far, if I did…”
“Frankie!” Gerard yelled above his ramblings, “It’s okay, really.” He gave Frank a smile to reassure him.
“Oh, okay, it’s just, well when you ran off the stage.”
“I wasn’t pissed; it’s just kind of hard to walk around a stage with a massive hard-on.”
Frankie’s eyes traveled to inspect said hard on. A thoughtful look passed his face before it was replaced with a slightly shy, but very sinister one.
Very slowly, Frankie began to advance on Gerard until he was a hairs breathe away from his face.
Placing his hand over the one covering Gerard’s crotch, Frankie whispered,
“Do you want help with that?”
♠ ♠ ♠
AN:Comments make my happy. Happiness makes me write faster:P