The Bet

Why wont it stop?

Frankie eventually managed to snap back to reality and jogged to the side of the stage where the rest of the band was waiting. He felt a hot surge ripple through his body as Gerard grinned at him and winked before running back on stage.

Jumping back on stage for the encore, Frankie was insane. Running and jumping all over the stage with a permanent hard on was a hilarious sight to see.
He not only had to mentally fight with himself so that he didn't play too fast through the final song so that he and Gerard could be alone with each other, but he also had to force himself not to go and ravage Gerard's body on stage again.

Frank was really getting into the chorus when a loud echoing bang made him falter. He raised his head just in time to see Gerard drop his microphone, clutch at his chest and fall to the ground.
Ripping his guitar from his shoulder and chucking it to the side with a loud crash, Frank ran over to Gerard's jerking body. Sinking to his knee's, he stared in horror at the blood gushing out of Gerard's left side.

"Fuck, god. Oh god, Gerard." Frankie half sobbed as he pressed his hands to the wound, watching helplessly as the hot, sticky substance that was Gerard's life force, seeped through the gaps in his fingers and coated his hands.
Tears began to make their way down Frankie's face as the sound of Gerard's broken screams of pain reached his ears.

Frank was vaguely aware of the muffled sounds of screams and running echoing around him, but all that he was really aware of was Gerard's pain filled eyes staring intensly at Frank's fear filled ones and the hot liquid that represented Gerard's life slowly staining his hands a deep red....
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AN:Hey, sorry I know it's short but I wanted to lay down the groundwork for a more in depth storyline before this story morphed into all out porn....not that I have a problem with that but I have more fun writing with a storyline as well:P
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