The Bet


“You know, I’m the one who’s meant to be doing you the favours.” Gerard gasped out once he had broken from their kiss once more.
“Yeah, not, much you can do flat on your back though, I, on the other hand.” Frankie grinned before attaching his lips to Gerard’s neck.
“I can think of a few things we can do…” Gerard trailed off as he slipped his left hand under the waistband of Frankie’s tracksuit pants, smirking when he didn’t find any evidence of underwear.

Moving his hand to the front of Frankie’s pants, he raised one eyebrow at the apparently, very horny guitarist above him.
“Someone’s excited. Help me sit up and we’ll see if we can do something about that.” Gerard whispered hotly in Frank’s ear as he gave Frank one, hard, long pull down his length.

After getting Gerard resting comfortably against the headboard, and disposing of the rest of Frankie’s clothes, Gerard grabbed Frank by the hips and moved him until he was straddling Gerard’s lap.

Clashing their mouths together hotly, Gerard gripped the back of Frank’s neck, forcing his tongue further into the hot recess of his mouth as he reached blindly for the hand lotion on the table beside his bed.
Almost knocking it over, Gerard managed to pry the cap off and pour some over his fingers.
Moving from Frank’s mouth to his neck, he licked and bit his way to Frank’s collarbone and back up to his ear, all the while, slowly trailing his hand down the broad expanse of Frank’s back. In one simultaneous movement, Gerard bit into the soft flesh of Frank’s neck while inserting his finger into the incredibly tight, hot heat of Frank’s more…unexplored…area.

“Fuck…shit. Gerard…” Frankie moaned, dropping his head to Gerard’s shoulder, clutching tightly to Gerard’s hips as he adjusted to the feeling of his finger.

“Tell me when you want more.” Gerard whispered, running his tongue along the outline of Frankie’s ear. He worked his finger around in slow, small movements, trying to prepare Frank, but at the same time not wanting to cause him any pain. Especially when Frank was, so far, being very cautious to avoid Gerard’s wound as he clawed his way up and down Gerard’s chest, leaving deep bite marks on his neck.

“God…more…” Frank gasped, pushing down against the intrusion. Slipping another finger inside, Gerard began to more thoroughly stretch Frank. Throwing his head back in ecstasy, Frank stared with lust filled eyes into the determined ones of the one and only Gerard Way. Leaning forward and resting his forehead against the paler one in front of him, Frank whispered, “Gerard? I know this isn’t exactly the best time, but… Please tell me this isn’t a one time thing.”
Gerard closed his eyes as he felt the warm, sweet breath, originating from Frankie’s mouth, ghost over his cheeks.
“No way in fucking hell am I letting you go, ever.” Gerard replied, removing both fingers, planning on returning with three.
“Good.” Frank whispered before grabbing Gerard’s very hard cock in his hands, lifting his hips and ever so carefully lowering himself, feeling a very hard and hot intrusion filling him.

“Oh…SHIT!” Gerard gasped out, almost coming straight away from the pure heat and tightness of Frank. Frankie winced slightly as he felt the true size of Gerard fully enter him, very aware of the lack of lubrication, but tried to relax as much as possible, wanting to enjoy every single second he was with this sexy singer.
Carefully rising himself up, and then back down, Frank started to groan as the pain began to morph into sweet pleasure. He looked at Gerard, head thrown back and eyes clenched shut as he gripped Frankie’s hips painfully, trying desperately not to be overcome by Frankie’s heat.
“Look at me.” Frank demanded, kissing Gerard deeply before knotting his hand through Gerard’s long black hair, increasing the pace to which he was moving.

Gerard’s eyes flashed open and Frankie gasped when he saw the intense passion filling them. Removing one hand from Frankie’s waist, he took Frank in his hand and began to slowly pump him, matching his stokes with the speed of Frank’s thrusts.

“Shit!” Gerard gasped as he tried to thrust up to meet Frankie, but ended up pulling on his stitches.
“Don’t. I’ll look after you.” Frank gasped out, feeling himself beginning to crawl towards the edge.
“I can’t…I can’t help it,” Gerard replied. He pulled Frank into another steamy kiss as he determinedly ignored the pain and began to thrust harder and faster into Frank, mimicking the movements on Frankie’s cock.

“Jesus, oh god…I’m… I can’t…” Frank sobbed out, shoving his face into Gerard’s neck, biting down and gripping his hair even tighter as he felt himself fall over the edge and come so hard he was seeing stars,
The sound and feel of Frank coming set Gerard of moments later, crying out and smacking the back of his head on the headboard.

When he came down slightly from his high, he felt Frankie place a delicate kiss to his head where he had just smashed it.

“That was…uh…” Frank muttered, panting harshly, voice mumbled by Gerard’s shoulder.
“Hot.” Gerard supplied, a giant smirk arriving on his lips as he finally registered the fact that he had just had sex with one, incredibly gorgeous, guy.
“So much more than that.” Frank replied, kissing Gerard’s neck before letting himself completely fall into the embrace of Gerard’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
AN: I really wasn’t happy with the standard of my last chapter. So, as a present to the lovely people who are reading and commenting this story, I decided to post way earlier than I usually do, and make this chapter more…raunchy…than usual lol.
Have fun;).

AN:Comment’s? Please? Virtual monkey’s for all!! You can choose from Sea Monkey’s, Monkey Monkey’s or THE Monkey’s. Your choice!!
EXTRA!! You get a giant bucket of fairy floss if you glide over and read Alison. ‘s story called Ringing In The Sane, It is awesome. Centered around The Hot Lies. Even if you haven’t heard of the band, please check it out, I’ve fallen in love with the story and am peeved that it hasn’t got much recognition!!
Thanks to all you awesome people!!